
Divine Reincarnation – My eternal life as an employee of a HR company

Fukuhara Kazuya, an ordinary guy who was on his way to the university entry exam, got accidentally hit by a truck and became an employee of "Divine Reincarnation" HR Company, specialized in transferring souls to parallel worlds. The ordinary Fukuhara is now being surrounded by eccentric and strange individuals, how will he maintain his mental health?

Ypsilanti · Urban
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33 Chs

Chapter XX — training a puppy is easier than you think

Sometimes I doubt my memory capacity. Like this time. I wanted to treat Nakamura to a meal, only to realize there are no good restaurants near our home. Moreover, there are almost no restaurants at all. The only place we can go and survive the evening without food poisoning is a fast-food restaurant. As we approached it, before entering the shop, I turned my head to Nakamura.

"Nakamura, so-" — I was about to apologize to him for my incompetence as his senior, but his happy face knocked me off balance. I guess he is fine with it?

We found an empty desk at the window and sat there. Nakamura looked at the menu, but didn't say anything. He was simply looking at the interior of the shop, with sparkling eyes.

Calm down, will you? It's a crappy fast-food restaurant, nothing more…

Some time passed, and I asked him before going to order.

"What should I get for you?"

He raised his head, looking confused for some reason.

"It's upon you, senior. It's your money that you are going to spend" — he finally said with a warm smile.

Okay… I appreciate that you care for my wallet, but you just do things harder for me…

Do you like cheeseburgers? Do you want bacon in it? Maybe you dislike pickles? I know nothing about you! Argh…

What should I do? Should I order a couple of different burgers and let him choose? The simple $1 burgers are always the safe option, but what if he thinks something like "uh, so according to my senior, I myself and my forgiveness is worth $1? Tsk-tsk". 

Hell nah. I don't want to risk. 

"Good afternoon sir, what can we get you?"

"Erh… oh."

Thankfully, I could see the menu above… then, let's get started.

"Uhm, can I have two simple burgers, two cheeseburgers, two chili-cheese burgers, two chicken burgers, two crispy chicken burgers, two-" — I took a small break to take a breath — "two bacon burgers, two pulled beef burgers, two wraps, two set of chicken nuggets, two french fries and two sodas?"

Safe is safe.

The cashier looked at me confused.

"Uhm, sir, are you sure you don't want to rethink your order?"

Come to think of it, she is right.

"Right… make it four sodas."

I'm sure it will be painful to eat without having something to drink.

The cashier continued to look at me with a face full of contempt.

Don't look at me like that. My dignity and my junior's loyalty are endangered!

After 15 minutes, my order was ready. I came back to our table and put the food down.

"What's all of this?!"

You, know, Nakamura, I am more confused than you are. Your face is weird. Are you mad? Confused? Happy to see so much food? Decide already.

"Erhm, I was starving, that's all" — I said while scratching the back of my head.

"Is that so?" — he said without taking his eyes off the table.

Nakamura gulped once.

The happy puppy stretched his arm and took a simple burger out.

"You can take whatever you want, you know?"

"Ah, it's fine, it's fine! I'll have whatever remains after you."


Does he care so much about me? I am flattered. And yet, I treated him so bad many times already. I should be ashamed. I am ashamed.

"Please, take one and eat."

I bought it for you, in the end.

Inumaru unpacked his burger and after giving it a brief look, he took his first bite. The moment he took it, his face flushed, eyes got sparkles, and he made odd noises, happy ones, I assume.

Who is supposed to be starving? Me, or you?

For a moment, I was focused on unpacking my burger. In that very instance, Nakamura already finished his meal and was staring and drooling at the same time.

"Please, take another one…"

"How can I?!"

Your attitude does not match your words! Eat! It's a command!

"Yes sir!" — he took another burger.

Huh? Huh?! Did the last part slip out of my mouth?

Nevertheless, he started devouring the poor burger.

"Can I have one more? I promise it's the last one!"


A couple of "last ones" later, he finally exhaled.

"Kyah! This was a great meal!"

Happy to hear it, you devoured the whole menu, letting me with french fries. 

One thing was clear, though. Every time he wanted another burger, he asked for my permission. 

"I still don't understand why you decided to work for us."

"Erh, I already told you senior, it was because of you!" 

That doesn't explain anything! Argh, screw it. The purpose of this event was to atone for sins, and I think I did that quite good.

"Let's go home."

As I finished my sentence, Nakamura was already staying and waiting for further commands.


"What?" — he tilted his head.

Should I try it? No, that's inappropriate… who cares?


Nakamura sat back.

"Eh?! Will we eat more?"

By "we" you mean "I"?

"Stand up."

Nakamura stood up.

It works… hm…

"Nakamura, I want you to stop waiting for me every morning and go to work alone."

"Ow… fine, if it's what you meant…"

Crap, his reaction… He looks so pitiful. I would like to hug him right ahead and encourage him. Wait, ah, right, I am the reason he is in that state…

"I joked, I joked!"

"Really?! Great!"

Nakamura's usual happy face returned. 

After all, I learned something new about Inu. I mean, yeah, it's weird that he listens to whatever I say, but it could be quite useful from time to time. It's just important to not overuse it and become evil in the end.


I intended to sleep until 12:00 the next day, to fully recover from this painful few days, but my smartphone's vibration ruined my plans.




Mhm, who the hell is that.

I stretched my arm, took the phone and gave it a look. Three messages.

Akashi Masaru, 08:24

> Goody monin senior!

Akashi Masaru, 08:24

> Wanna go out today?

Akashi Masaru, 08:24

> We meeting at 12:00 at our usual place! Gonna go ask Ogawachi now!

Why do you ask me if you already decided for me?! Argh… I need to block his number.

I put the phone down and buried my face into the pillow. After a moment, I was once again disturbed by my phone's vibration.

beep-beep-beep, beep-beep-beep


"What the hell you need, you moron?!"

"Senior, listen, listen! Ogawa refused to hang out with us!"

"So what?"

Not a single person would agree, be happy you are still alive.

"I tried to convince him with coffee, but he refused again!"


Wait, that's not funny anymore.

"Did he say anything else?"



"Imma gonna go to his home now! Ciao!"

Uh… well, good luck? Whatever, I'm going to sleep again.

I don't know whether he visited Ogawa or not, but he didn't call or message me anymore. Such a peaceful weekend! 

After I woke up, I realized something. My fridge was empty. Truly a catastrophe. Should I go shopping? I am really not in the mood for it… Hm. 


"I'm coming! One second! Oh? Senior! Good morning!"

"Good morning, Inu-maru" — huh, I almost let it without the last part.

"Can you lend me a hand?"

Nakamura's eyes sparkled.

"Of course! What is it?"

"Can you go shopping for me? My spine is hurting me a little…"

His tilted his face. It doesn't work with everything in the end? That's a shame. Well, whatev-

"Sure! What do I have to bring you?"


It worked! Hah! I am a mad genius!

"Just some rice, eggs, and vegetables would be fine."

"Be right back!"

This is very convenient. Although, I have a strange feeling that I forgot something important. Well, it's not that important then!

In almost a half hour later, my delivery dog came back with my order. My house now has everything that is necessary for my survival without exiting it. What else can I wish for? For a love… cough, cough.

The weekend passed, it's work-time again! Happy me… As usual, my servant greeted me and followed every single step I did. 

In my past life, I never understood what is good about having a servant or maid. Like, you are always being followed by someone, isn't that creepy? I've figured everything out now. The convenience of the presence of a servant is immersing. You can ask him literally anything, anything lawful, of course. You are thirsty? Send him to buy a cold coke in the near store. Your shoulders are hurting you? Why do you bother yourself with carrying a bag anyway! Just give it to your servant! And again, I have that strange feeling that I forgot something important…


In the company, everything was as usual again. Masaru staring like an idiot at his monitor, pretending he is working. I can't see Ogawa anywhere, but I'm sure he will come soon. 

I managed to sell one candidate today, the week started really well. By the way, Ogawa didn't come, in the end. It's not usual for him to skip work, but everyone needs a day off, right?

"How's Mr. Best Employee doing?"


Do you need to ruin everything with your presence?

"Hm? What's with that face of yours? Should I fix it with a slap?"

"Whatever. What do you want? You disturb me from work."

Begone, perverted demon.

"Didn't know daydreaming is called working nowadays. Anyway, have you seen Furuya? Can't find him anywhere."


"That's odd." 

Yamazaki started scratching his head. 

"He never had days off on his own. Is he ill?"

"I don't know."

"What do you need me for?"

Suddenly, a voice came from a few seats away from me. An unfamiliar, pretty woman looked at us with an irritated face. She had a short haircut, eyes just as beautiful as Tachibana's and a smooth skin. Unfortunately, a different angel already occupies my heart.

"Hm? Nothing in particular? Who are you, by the way?"

"That's very funny, Yamazaki. Should I remind you with a punch?"

That's odd… this voice… huh?

"Huh?! Ogawa?!"

"Stop screaming when you are right in front of me, damn it."

Oi! What is that divine transformation?! Where is our Ogawa?! Give him back! Although… you know what? Stay like this, it's actually better.

Yamazaki released a sigh. Then took him somewhere to talk.

"Damn, say, Saru, wouldn't he be pretty if he were a woman? I wonder if I would fall in love with him then?"

"I thi-"

"That was a rhetorical question."

"Tsk, like father like son."


"Nothing! Nothing!"

A couple of minutes later, Ogawa returned. I have no clue what they talked about. I tried to ask him a few times, but Furuya dodged every attempt with "don't worry, it's nothing". Well, if it's nothing, then you can talk about it, no? You contradict with yourself! 

Does his transformation have something to do with this weekend, when he refused to go out and drink coffee? I wish Saru would tell me about it since he went to Ogawa's place, but just like him, he dodged everything saying "it was nothing, he was not in the mood, don't worry."

Screw you both…

Have you ever tried the pocket coffee candies from Ferrero? I was skeptical before, but it’s really good and wakes you up. I started to take a few candies with me to university. Instead of a thermos with coffee. Now I regret it, my coffee addiction might have gotten worse.

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