
Divine Reckoning: The God of Natural Disasters

In a world of boundless fantasy and advanced science fiction, Lu Yuan, a dedicated gamer who once stayed up all night, finds himself transported to a realm where anyone can ascend to godhood by igniting the divine fire and manifesting a godhead. At the outset, his trust in his closest friends leads to deception as they abscond with valuable intermediate resource cards. To make matters more challenging, Lu Yuan selects the Desert Worm as his initial follower, a creature known only for its reproductive capabilities and lacking combat prowess. But fate takes an unexpected turn when the system activates a minor auxiliary feature, kickstarting the transformation of the Desert Worm. Desert Worm + Hive Gene = Hive Larva Hive Larva + Blood of the Tearer = Tearling Springtail Tearling Zergling + Demonic Gene = Demonic Ripper Demonic Ripper + Stealth Fragment + Divine Gene = Divine Killer As Lu Yuan leads an ever-evolving Zerg army that traverses the dimensions, the very fabric of the multiverse shudders in response.

WHITE_DEATH_00 · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Awakening of the Divine Desolation

[Tip]: The subspace connection to the divine realm has been established.

[Tip]: You've entered the user-exclusive divine space.

Lu Yuan felt his mind shake, and the world in front of him vanished. Suddenly, he found himself in a gray void.

Below him was his very own divine domain.

"Open the Shenqi panel!"

Lu Yuan stood high in the sky, resembling a formless cloud, as his thoughts connected directly to the God's Domain server.

All at once, a series of information appeared before him.

[User]: Lu Yuan

[God's name]: God of natural disasters

[Faith value]: 100

[Rank]: Demigod

[Priest]: drought, sandstorm, desolation

[Sacred Fire]: Not lit

[Godhead]: None

[Faith Race]: Desert Worm

[Believers]: Pan-believers (20,000)

God's Domain Interface

[Area]: Fifty hectares

[Environment]: Forest/Lake/Grassland (disappeared)

[Vegetation]: Composite broad-leaved forest (disappeared)

[Animal]: Monkey group (disappeared), Snake group (disappeared)

[Mineral deposits]: None

[Evaluation]: The once-rich natural ecological environment was gradually devoured by worms with an astonishing appetite, and the future was bleak.

Believer interface

[Name]: Desert Worm

[Category]: Zerg

[Stage]: Not entering the level

[Ability]: None

[Life]: 1 (only one-fifth of human beings)

[Strength]: 0.8 (meager strength can only support their continuous wriggling)

[Agility]: 0.5 (a little faster than a snail)

[Intelligence]: 0.3 (low intelligence is not enough to provide high faith)

[Evaluation]: The lowest branch of the Zerg tribe, except for its amazing food intake, it has nothing to offer.

"This situation is truly unfortunate!" Lu Yuan sighed deeply as he contemplated the information displayed before him. His divine domain was a desolate wasteland, and his only followers were the Desert Worms, creatures renowned for their appetites but otherwise unremarkable.

Lu Yuan couldn't help but think back to the events that had led him to this point. It all began when he was a high school student on Blue Star, a world where individuals could ascend to the status of demigods, open divine domains in subspace, and cultivate their own followers.

However, his journey had taken an unexpected turn when he crossed paths with Luo Ziming, a close friend of his predecessor, on his very first day of high school. Unbeknownst to him, this friendship would set the stage for a series of events that would ultimately lead to his current predicament.

Luo Ziming had cunningly 'borrowed' an invaluable mid-level resource card from Lu Yuan, a card that he had acquired through great effort and expense. This resource card, known for its rapid reproductive capabilities and immense power once mutated, was meant to be Lu Yuan's first disciple, the Desert Worm.

But things didn't go as planned. Instead of using the resource card to its full potential, Luo Ziming's focus shifted to its incredible abilities, turning him into the most brilliant freshman in their entire school. It was only then that Lu Yuan realized the depth of the deception he had fallen victim to.

Lured into a relentless pursuit of wealth and power, Lu Yuan had unwittingly become the source of intermediate resource cards that fueled Luo Ziming's meteoric rise. To further obscure his true intentions, Lu Yuan had chosen the Desert Worm as his initial follower, a creature incapable of mutation, possessing low intelligence, and generating meager faith.

The Desert Worms, despite their incredible reproductive abilities, were far from ideal followers. They lacked the potential to evolve into devout believers, and their faith offerings were paltry at best. In terms of both race and belief, Lu Yuan's predecessor had seemingly hit a dead end.

As he gazed upon the desolation of his divine domain, Lu Yuan couldn't help but acknowledge the brilliance of Luo Ziming's scheme. Over the years, Luo Ziming had methodically built trust, providing Lu Yuan with sustenance, clothing, and even assistance in confrontations with others. It took six years of unwavering loyalty before Lu Yuan had completely placed his faith in his devious friend.

In retrospect, those moments of apparent camaraderie, when Luo Ziming valiantly defended him against adversaries, were nothing more than carefully orchestrated bribes meant to maintain his trust.

But now, things were different. Lu Yuan had taken over his predecessor's existence and was determined to seek justice and vengeance. As he uttered his solemn promise, he felt a profound sense of resolve wash over him, as though he had merged completely with a higher purpose.

In the following moment, a chilling female voice resonated in his mind.

[Ding! The God's Domain minor auxiliary system has been activated, and a gift package will be rewarded. Please activate it. ]

Lu Yuan's eyes sparkled with recognition. This system was a familiar companion for time travelers, a standard feature designed to aid them on their journeys.

Without hesitation, he responded, "Activate it!"

[Ding! You receive a Zerg Brood

A copy of the complete sequence of the insect nest gene

A copy of the Tearer's blood]

The path to redemption had just begun, and Lu Yuan was ready to embrace it fully. He knew that with the newfound gifts from the system, he could turn the tide and transform his divine domain into a thriving sanctuary of faith and power.

The first step was clear: unlock the potential of the Desert Worms and elevate them into devout believers. The sequence of the insect nest gene provided by the system was the key to unlocking their hidden potential. It was time to delve into the mysteries of their biology and unleash their true capabilities.

But that was just the beginning. The Tearer's blood held secrets of its