
Leave the Kingdom Behind Because of Him III

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

After murmuring for a long while, Fu Qingjiu turned to take a glimpse at the young master lying on the bed. Then, she turned around and walked out the door.

In the imperial study.

A man in the bright yellow imperial dragon rope was sitting upright at the desk. His stern eyes were locked upon the door that was wide open. A dim light flashed in his eyes.

"Father, do you have anything to tell me?" Fu Qingjiu walked in from outside, her voice was indifferent but no lack of respect.

 "Qingjiu, I heard that you want the maiden from Tianyue Kingdom… to marry Murong Yang?" Fu Yu put down the memorial in his hand.

Fu Qingjiu's heart pounded rapidly. Suddenly, she raised her head to stare at Fu Yu in disbelief.

"Father, you tasked someone to follow me?"