

After his parents tragically die in the war on the north, young Lord Arin is appointed as the new head of the powerful Amsterdam Family. Overwhelmed by the responsibility that has been thrust upon him. He struggles to find his footing in the cutthroat world of politics and business, which the Amsterdam Family dominates. As Arin settles into his new role, he discovers that his parents' deaths may not have been the result of random violence. He starts to uncover a web of deceit and betrayal that threatens to destroy the Amsterdam Family from within. Arin must navigate a dangerous political landscape and find a way to keep his family together while also seeking justice for his parents.

Saint_Rey · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


The atmosphere inside the Divine Grace Mansion was tense as the leaders of the Divine Families gathered in the grand hall to discuss the recent events involving House Arden's involvement with the High Heavens. The Amsterdam family, Ruland family, Orla family, and Delfin family all had representatives present, each one looking serious and determined.

Lord Arin of the Amsterdam family stood up from his seat at the head of the table and cleared his throat to gain the attention of everyone in the room. "We are all aware of the recent attacks on House Torin by the 8th High Heavens," he began, "and we have reason to believe that House Arden was behind it all."

The other leaders nodded in agreement, and Lady Ruland spoke up. "Not only did they collude with the High Heavens, but they also attacked another noble house without just cause. This kind of behavior cannot be tolerated," she said firmly.

Lord Orla added his voice to the discussion, "We must show the other houses that such actions will not be ignored. House Arden must be punished severely to ensure that such incidents will not happen again in the future."

The Delfin family representative, Lady Aurora, leaned forward in her seat and spoke up, "I agree with Lord Orla. House Arden must be held accountable for their actions. But what kind of punishment are we talking about?"

Lord Arin took a deep breath and looked around the room. "I propose that House Arden be stripped of their noble status and banished from the land. They have proven themselves to be unworthy of the title of nobility, and such actions cannot go unpunished."

There was a moment of silence as the other leaders considered Lord Arin's proposal. Finally, Lady Ruland spoke up. "I agree with Lord Arin's proposal. It is a severe punishment, but it is necessary to show that we will not tolerate such behavior."

The other leaders nodded their agreement, and Lord Arin gave a small nod of satisfaction. "Then it is settled. House Arden will be stripped of their noble status and banished from the land. Let it be known to all the noble houses that such actions will not be tolerated."

After a 3 weeks long chase of General Robert and the Chalice of faith, Robert finally caught up,

The sun was setting over the horizon as General Robert Amsterdam finally caught up with the Chalice of Faith. He stood atop a hill overlooking the Chalice, who was standing on a cliff edge below him. Robert drew his sword and pointed it at the Chalice, ready for battle.

The Chalice of Faith, a tall and imposing figure, stood with his back to Robert, looking out over the vast expanse of the valley below. He turned his head slightly to acknowledge the general's arrival, but did not turn fully to face him.

"So, you've finally caught up with me," said the Chalice, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. "I must say, I'm impressed. Not many can keep up with me."

Robert tightened his grip on his sword. "I'm here to put an end to your tyranny," he said firmly. "Your attacks on House Torin will not be tolerated."

The Chalice chuckled. "Ah, yes. House Torin. Such a pity they had to fall. But they were weak, Robert. Weak and foolish. They should have known better than to stand in the way of the High Heavens."

Robert's expression hardened. "I won't let you get away with this," he said. "You've caused enough destruction and chaos. It's time for you to pay for your crimes."

The Chalice finally turned to face Robert, a glint of anger in his eyes. "You're making a mistake, Robert," he said, his voice low and menacing. "You have no idea what you're dealing with."

Robert didn't back down. He charged towards the Chalice, his sword glowing with a bright aura. The Chalice raised his hands, summoning a powerful beam of red light that shot towards Robert. But the general was quick to deflect it with his sword.

General Robert and the Chalice of Faith engaged in an intense magical duel, exchanging spells and counters. The Griffin Order Captain unleashed his sword aura, trying to slice through the Chalice of Faith's magical shield, but the chalice wielder countered with a blast of crimson energy.

The battlefield was a mess of rubble and debris, as the two powerful magicians continued their clash, hurling spells at each other. General Robert tried to outmaneuver his opponent with swift movements, but the Chalice of Faith was quick to react, his spells weaving through the air like serpents.

As the fight wore on, General Robert's strength began to wane. His energy was drained, and his movements became slower and less precise. The Chalice of Faith seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment, his attacks becoming more fierce and relentless.

Finally, with a powerful blast of magic, the Chalice of Faith sent General Robert crashing to the ground, his sword aura dissipating around him. As he lay there, dazed and helpless, the Chalice of Faith raised his weapon, ready to deliver the final blow.

But just as the chalice bearer was about to strike, Lady Katherine Amsterdam appeared on the scene, wielding the Sixth Ring of Power. With a wave of her hand, she unleashed a powerful blast of ice magic that froze the Chalice of Faith's weapon, rendering it useless.

"Sixth Ring bearer?" Robert uttered in a low toned, Lady Katherine lay him over to the ground, "I was sent here by the Family head to help, so please take time to rest and let me handle to fight for now!" Lady Katherine said and face the Chalice of faith

Lady Katherine Amsterdam quickly opened a portal and pulled General Robert through it, away from the intense battle with the Chalice of Faith. As they landed in a safe location, Robert looked up at Katherine with gratitude.

"Thank you, Lady Katherine. You saved my life," Robert said, catching his breath.

"Of course, General. I couldn't just leave you to fight that battle alone. But we must be careful, the Chalice of Faith is not one to underestimate," Katherine replied, her eyes scanning their surroundings.

Just then, they heard the sound of the Chalice of Faith approaching. Katherine quickly took out her ring, ready for battle.

"It's coming. We have to be ready," Katherine said, her voice calm but firm.

As the Chalice of Faith arrived, it was surprised to find Lady Katherine standing alone. It hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do.

"You're alone? Where's the general?" the Chalice of Faith asked.

"He's safe. But I'm not alone. I have the power of the Sixth Ring," Katherine replied, holding up her ring.

The Chalice of Faith snarled, "I don't care about your ring. You won't stop me from completing my mission."

Katherine raised her hand and summoned a powerful blast of energy, which the Chalice of Faith countered with a beam of red light. The two forces collided in a spectacular explosion, shaking the ground beneath them.

Lady Katherine walk towards the Chalice of faith, the icy ground crunching beneath her feet as she steps on it. She was the Sixth Ring bearer known as the Priestess of Ice. Her silver hair shone in the moonlight, her blue eyes focused and determined.

The Chalice of Faith, a tall and imposing figure, held his weapon in hand, the Chalice glinting in the moonlight. He wore a hooded robe, hiding his face from view.

"You have interfered with our mission for the last time, Lady Katherine," the Chalice said in a low voice, his eyes narrowing.

"I won't let you hurt anyone else," Lady Katherine replied, her voice strong and steady.

With a flick of her wrist, Lady Katherine sent a blast of ice towards the Chalice, but he was quick to react, using his magic to deflect it.

The two battled fiercely, sending blasts of magic at each other, dodging and weaving through the air. Lady Katherine's ice magic clashed with the Chalice's dark magic, causing explosions of energy that sent shockwaves through the air.

As they fought, the Chalice began to taunt Lady Katherine. "Your ice magic is no match for the power of the Chalice of Faith. You will never defeat me."

Lady Katherine remained focused, refusing to be distracted by his words. She summoned all her strength and sent a massive wave of ice towards the Chalice, freezing everything in its path.

The Chalice was momentarily caught off guard, but he quickly regained his composure, summoning a dark shield to protect himself.

"You are a worthy opponent," the Chalice said, his voice filled with admiration. "But you cannot defeat me."

Lady Katherine remained silent, focusing all her energy on the battle. She knew that she had to defeat the Chalice of Faith, no matter the cost.

With a final surge of power, Lady Katherine unleashed a powerful blast of ice, freezing the Chalice in place. He struggled to break free, but the ice held him tight.

"You may have won this battle," the Chalice said, his voice filled with anger. "But the war is far from over."

Lady Katherine clinched her fist and the frozen chalice of faith was shattered into pieces.

but before she was about to open a portal a figure appeared in front of her, "I congratulate you Milady for your safety arrival" Windwalker said, "I'm here after I received the order from Lord Arin" Katherine said, Arin might be her younger cousin, but she knows that Arin's blood is much higher than hers and that what keeps them in line

"Thank you for your Aide, Sir Robert was escorted back to the Griffins camp, and the Grand Elder in the name of Lord Arin order to assembled the 7 rings in the Amsterdam Estate, 5 days from now everyone should be present, so please be on time Milady" Windwalker said, and disappeared

"the Windwalker, the loyal watchdog of Lord Arin" Lady Katherine uttered and enter the Portal she had opened