
Divine Necromancer: I Can Design My Own Summons

In a world where the humans lived with four other intelligent races, Dragons, Phoenix, Demons and Elves conflict was everywhere. The rule of jungle applies to the world where the strong preyed on the weak. The Divinities were the highest respected members of the society. Divinities were beings who had the ability to utilize mana in the atmosphere to cast Magic that has enough power to change the landscape of the world. Lucius, the protagonist, faced the Divinity exams at the age of 16, a mandatory exam that he must take since he had turned 16. Despite expecting failure, an unexpected event unfolded, the world system chose him, changing his life forever.

Eternal_Soveregin · Fantasy
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143 Chs

Chapter 4: The announcement

"Let me see what kind of skills are inside this book," Lucius thought to himself.

Lucius was just about to experiment on how to take out the book from his inventory, however as he stopped what he was doing when he saw the gaze of countless youths on him.

"I shouldn't take out the book of creation in front of so many people. I shouldn't let anyone know about the system even my loved ones,

Let me just figure out how the system works, "Lucius thought to himself.

Lucius began to navigate through the system to find out how it works. After scrolling through the system for a few minutes, he figured out how it worked.

"It looks like it shows me notification and interface when I say notification and interface. As for how to activate skills, I believe I only think about activating them.

Let me test it out" Lucius thought to himself as he analyzed the system.

Lucius thought about using the Lifeform creation, but very soon a notification flashed in his retina.

(You have used the Summon Creation)

(Please draw the design of the Creatures, you want to create below


When Lucius saw the notification window flashing in his retina, he knew that his guess was right.

"Let's see if I can create a unique Summon," Lucius thought to himself.

Just as he was about to create a unique lifeform, a loud sound resounded through the entire place. Lucius closed the interface.

The doors that were tightly were slowly opening, everyone's attention was drawn towards the gate when the golden door started to slowly open up.

As the door started to open, a bright light that was coming out beyond the door engulfed the entire place.

The light was so bright that everyone had to cover their eyes.

"Such a bright light" Lucius exclaimed.

After a few seconds later, the bright light began to fade away slowly. A few seconds later, people started to open their eyes.

The moment Lucius opened his eyes, he spotted a middle-aged man standing in front of the gate while looking at them.

The middle-aged man was wearing a simple blue robe.

The eyes of the man looked very cold. The man had long hair that covered half of his back. His hair was tied by a band.

A powerful aura was being emitted from his body which was so powerful it made it difficult for them to stand.

"He is a strong Divinity" Lucius exclaimed.

Lucius looked around him and saw hundreds of youths talking among themselves, they had nervous and panicked looks on their faces.

"Will we be able to pass this year? He looks very strict," A young man said.

Such conversation could be heard all over the place.

He spotted Asher who was not far away from him, standing up and looking at the man.

He revealed a grin on his face,

"Haha, I think this year's exam is going to be interesting. Amateur like that trash won't be able to pass this year's exam with him here" Asher exclaimed in a loud voice.

The moment, he said the nervousness of the crowd increased even more. A powerful voice resounded throughout the entire place which made everyone shut their mouth including Lucius and Asher.

"Everyone, as you have guessed by now, I am one of the examiners who will be in charge of your evaluation exams today. My name is Logan and I am a C-grade Divinity." A powerful voice resounded throughout the entire voice, completely calming down the entire hallway.

When Lucius heard his voice, he felt a chill run down his spine, a slight killing intent was also in his body.

Lucius looked around him, the dozens of people also looked very uncomfortable in his presence, no one dared to even breathe heavily in his presence.

Luscious knew that the examinations wouldn't be easy with him around.

"Damn it, if only I had more time then I would be able to use the lifeform creation" Lucius thought to himself.

The voice once again resounded throughout the entire place.

"Everyone come inside the room, the evaluation exams will begin very soon. Be sure to cross the gate since the gate will close in the next 30 minutes" Logan's voice resounded throughout the entire place.

With that being said, he turned around and went inside the gate, leaving the countless Divinity seeds alone.

The moment he walked inside the gate, some Divinity directly went inside the room while some stayed behind and whispered among themselves.

Lucius saw Asher slowly walking towards the gate, he saw him stare at him for a few seconds with eyes full of killing intent.

"You their trash, trash like you will never be able to pass the exams" Asher announced as he walked towards the gate.

However, Lucius ignored his gaze and words, he took a deep breath and looked at the wide-opened gate.

"If the gates had opened before I was chosen by the world system then I wouldn't have any ounce of confidence, but now it's different.

I think I can pass the exams now, let's go and clear the trials that lay ahead of me" Lucius exclaimed as he began to walk

Lucius began to walk towards the gate with eyes that were full of confidence, there seemed to be a burning desire in his eyes.

A few seconds of walking later, he walked through the gate. The moment he entered the evaluation room, he sensed the presence of dozens of Divinities around him.

He looked around him, he saw there were dozens of Divinities on his right. On his left, 5 orbs had barriers around them to protect them from harm. The Divinities were standing in an orderly manner and were a few meters apart from each other.

The floor of the room was pure blackish-brown, there was a big chandelier at the top of the roof that was very big. The walls of the room were also of the same color.

There were some golden linings on the walls but there were very few.

Lucius looked around him for a long time, he focused his attention on the individuals that were a few meters away from him.

"I think they are the inspectors of the evaluation exams," Lucius thought to himself.

There was a very strong aura coming out from the three individuals in front of them. Among them, there was also Longan. The two individuals around him had the same aura as him.

They were standing on a platform a few meters above the ground. To reach the top, one will have to climb the flight of stairs.

The floors of the platform were completely golden, reflecting any light that fell on it.

There were three chairs on the platform.

They were wearing a golden robe that had a simple design.

They were chatting among themselves.

He turned his attention away from them and looked around him.

He spotted Asher, Luca, Xin, and Zoe in the place where they were talking among themselves.

The eyes of countless people were directed towards them but no one dared to approach them.

"One day, I am sure that I will surpass them very soon," Lucius thought to himself.

As Lucius looked around him he realized that the place was relatively empty still.

"I should just wait for them to start the evaluation exams" Lucius thought to himself.

He decided to wait for the next 30 minutes. The next 30 minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

The doors that were still open began to close up.

"The evaluation is going to start now," Lucius thought.

The moment the doors closed, a powerful voice resounded throughout the entire place.

"Hello everyone, I am Adrian and the person on my right and left is longan and Miles respectively. We are the three inspectors who are going to be overlooking the entire evaluation exams this year.

Before we start the evaluation, we will tell you something crucial that you must know, as the future pillars of humanity." A powerful voice resounded throughout the entire place.

Everyone just nodded their head when they heard. Afterward, everyone fell silent.

"A thousand years ago, mysterious rips appeared in the sky, emitting demonic energy.

Demon race emerged, nearly unstoppable due to rapid regeneration. Only Divine-attribute attacks could halt it. Despite a united effort, 60% of the world fell to demons, leading to a thousand-year treaty among the five intelligent races. The five races are: Human race, Dragon race, Elve race, Phoenix race, and Demon race but….." Adrian stopped speaking as a powerful voice resounded through the entire place.

"We shouldn't tell the Divinity seeds about this since I have just received a message from the Emperor. His majesty has commanded us to tell only those who become Divinity about this matter" A powerful voice resounded through the entire place.

Lucius and others looked in the direction where the sound came from, no one recognized that person but a powerful aura was being emitted from his body.

"Who is that guy?" Lucius exclaimed in shock.