
Divine Necromancer: I Can Design My Own Summons

In a world where the humans lived with four other intelligent races, Dragons, Phoenix, Demons and Elves conflict was everywhere. The rule of jungle applies to the world where the strong preyed on the weak. The Divinities were the highest respected members of the society. Divinities were beings who had the ability to utilize mana in the atmosphere to cast Magic that has enough power to change the landscape of the world. Lucius, the protagonist, faced the Divinity exams at the age of 16, a mandatory exam that he must take since he had turned 16. Despite expecting failure, an unexpected event unfolded, the world system chose him, changing his life forever.

Eternal_Soveregin · Fantasy
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143 Chs

Chapter 2: Divine Necromancer

(Ding-Ding, The world system has chosen you)

When Lucius saw the notification that was flashing through his retina, he became shocked and confused.

The moment the notifications started to flash in his retina, he felt his body overflowing with power.

However, this was not the only notification that appeared on his retina, dozens of notifications were flashing in his retina. The pain throughout his body had decreased significantly.

Lucius was shocked when he felt the overflowing power flowing throughout his body. However, he was much more confused and shocked by the notification that was flashing through his retina.

"I wonder what the world system is and what it means by the fact that I am the chosen one. There are dozens of lines appearing in my retina but I don't have the time to read them since I have to fight Asher." Lucius remarked.

He focused on Asher when he felt mortal danger coming closer and closer with each passing second. He knew that he couldn't be distracted at this critical moment.

"I am overflowing with power after these notifications appear but I still need aura to defeat him. Let's put everything that I have learned to the test and see if I can acquire aura in this state" Lucius exclaimed.

He closed his eyes and kept channeling mana into his sword. As he channeled mana into the sword, he tried to extend the mana outwards to form an aura.

This was the step that he always failed, no matter how much he tried, He couldn't control the mana even the slightest. However, today it was different, Lucius felt the mana gradually extending outwards. Lucius was shocked beyond words when this happened and the tinge of hope was born at the depths of his heart.

"Maybe I will be able to turn my mana into an aura today," Lucius remarked, his voice carrying excitement.

Lucius kept his eyes closed and focused on extending his mana outwards. A few seconds passed by, and Lucius abruptly opened his eyes when he felt powerful energy coming out from the sword.

When his eyes fell on the sword, he was in complete shock and disbelief. Tears were streaming down his face.

"I have finally done it" Lucius announced in a loud enough voice that everyone could hear.

When the gaze of countless youths fell onto, the sword in his hand. Most of them fell silent.

"That's the aura!" One of the youths in the crowd shouted…

Lucius' sword was completely covered in a grayish aura. This was the aura. The color of the aura determines how strong the aura is. The strongest to the weakest aura is determined by their color.

Asher, who was charging towards him, was in complete disbelief when he saw the aura covering Lucius' sword. He just gritted his teeth and shouted.

"Hahahah!! So what if you have achieved aura, this doesn't make a difference. I will still kill you today" Asher shouted as he charged him.

Lucius felt even calmer after achieving aura, he saw that Asher was just a few meters away from him.

"I should have enough time to use the first movement of the Great Sword Art," Lucius thought to himself.

Lucius took a deep breath and began to perform the footwork of the Greatsword art.

"I should be able to use the first movement to its full strength," Lucius thought to himself.

As he performed the steps, he also channeled the mana in his body in a unique way to use the full power of this sword art.

After a second, he started performing the sword art. The moment he started performing the first movement of the sword art, the aura surrounding his sword had become much thicker.

Asher was just a meter away from him, he directed the spear towards Lucius' heart.

Lucius' ice eyes were on his spear since he knew that this was a threat to him. He knew that he was in range

"Greatsword Art, the first movement, Greatsword strikes" Lucius exclaimed calmly.

Right after he said this, he landed dozens of consecutive strikes on the ice spear with each strike, it produced a loud sound that resounded through the entire place.

Due to Lucius's consecutive Strikes, the trajectory of the spear had changed. It was now moving towards his face.

He lowered his body, his eyes focused on Asher's unguarded chest area.

"I will slash his chest area diagonal" Lucius exclaimed

Then just as he was about to strike Asher, Asher directed his hand towards Lucius.

A blue magic circle was in his hand which was glowing brightly.

"You won't be able to dodge this attack, haha," Asher exclaimed, his voice carrying excitement.

When Lucius heard that, he wasn't nervous in the least and continued his attack towards his chest.

"The same goes for you, you won't be able to dodge my attack" Lucius announced calmly.

Just as they were about to launch deadly attacks against each other that could threaten each other's lives, a powerful voice and authoritative voice resounded through their ears.

"I order you two to stop fighting, I don't want any of you getting seriously injured before the evaluation exams.

If you two choose to ignore this then you will lose the right to take part in the evaluation exams for the rest of your life."A powerful voice resounded through their ears.

This voice belonged to one of the examiners.

When the two of them heard their voice, the two of them simultaneously stopped their attacks.

The magic circle on Asher's palm disappeared without a trace and Lucius retracted his sword. Asher flew past Lucius and landed on the ground hard.

Lucius didn't even glance at him, he had great temptation to read the Mysterious lines of words that had appeared in his retina.

However, he restrained himself with great difficulty.

"Now is not the time," Lucius thought to himself as he looked around him.

The countless youths had stopped whispering when they heard the voice resounding through the entire hallway.

Whenever Lucius' eyes met the eyes of another, he could see a sense of fear in their eyes.

At this moment, Lucius knew that his position in their heart had changed completely. However, he couldn't care less.

He started to walk towards the place where he had been sitting previously. Just after he took a few steps, he heard Asher's voice.

"Hey, your trash!! Stop right there, our battle isn't over yet" Asher shouted.

When Lucius heard his voice, he couldn't help but let out a curse under his breath.

"Fuck you, I just want to have a look at the lines of words that I received, " Lucius thought to himself.

However, a voice resounded through their ears, that gave Lucius hope.

"Damn it Asher's, do you want to be banned from taking the evaluation exams for the rest of your life?

Lucius ignore him and sit down quietly for now" The angry voice of the examiners resounded through his ears.

This voice was like the pleasant sound of a song in Lucius' ears.

"Yes!" Lucius shouted.

He began to walk towards the place where he was previously sitting, he reached the place and sat down.

Meanwhile, Asher, burning with rage, sat down on the other side, knowing he couldn't do anything.

Lucius just glanced at him like nothing happened. Lucius kept staring at nothingness with great focus, he was looking for the strange lines of words that had appeared in front of his voice just a few minutes ago.

A frown appeared on Lucius' face as he looked in front of him.

"Where did the lines of words go???" Lucius exclaimed in complete confusion.

Just as he was about to start panicking, the dozens of lines once again flashed in his retina.

"Sigh, let me read the lines of words now," Lucius thought to himself.

He began to read the first line of words.

(The world system has chosen you to become the next Divine Necromancer)

As Lucius began to read all the messages, his face was covered in happiness.

"I am blessed by the gods otherwise there was no way I would receive all this"Lucius exclaimed.