
Chapter 4

Xia Qingyue exited the carriage, the raucous atmosphere hushed, and was replaced by a series of deep breaths echoing through the air.

The clock struck noon, the gentle rays of the sun danced upon Xia Qingyue's phoenix coronet, casting a mesmerizing glow that shimmered against the breeze.

The silk dress flowed around her slender frame in a symphony of red and gold. The delicate jewels adorning her headdress sparkled like stars in the afternoon sky.

Her hair, elegantly coiled atop her head, accentuated the layers of her phoenix coronet, each intricately adorned with golden hairpins and phoenix engravings, while satin red fabric cascaded into a cascade of swaying pearl tassels. Though her face remained veiled, her magnetic presence was undeniable.

As she stepped onto the cobblestone path, the crowd parted like the Red Sea, their gazes following her every movement with a mix of admiration and envy.

Clad in her regal attire, Xia Qingyue embodied the epitome of ethereal beauty, evoking the likeness of a celestial being, holding all in her thrall with an allure so potent that none could tear their gaze away.

Yun Che dismounted and approached with a smile. With a deft movement, Xia Dongling secured a red silk sash around Xia Qingyue's hand, its other end tethered to his hand. 

Yun Che then guided her gracefully across the brazier and into the threshold of the Xiao clan's hall, leaving the chaos of the outside world behind.

Inside, the air was thick with tension, the silence deafening in its intensity. Every eye was upon them as they made their way through the hallway.

Together, they stepped into the grand hall, this was an area reserved for the most significant gatherings of the Xiao Clan, and had now been transformed into a spectacle for this wedding.

Pillars adorned with yellow topaz, walls painted with dragon motifs encrusted with precious pearls, and a scarlet carpet leading to a golden staircase—all bathed in a subtle golden glow—conspired to create a breathtaking ambiance.

While the Xiao Clan had not spared such extravagance for Yun Che, Xia Hongyi spared no expense to ensure his beloved daughter's wedding was nothing short of magnificent.

Seated atop the hall's highest dais, Xiao Lie and Xia Hongyi observed as Yun Che and Xia Qingyue made their grand entrance.

Flanking the scarlet carpet were rows of rose sandalwood chairs, already occupied by guests.

Among them sat Lord Xiao Yunhai, leader of the Xiao Clan, alongside the four Elders, their expressions masking their disdain beneath a veneer of composure. To them Yun Che was merely a blight, whose face they couldn't even recall, relegated to the recesses of their memory.

In Profound Sky Continent, one's worth was measured by the strength they wielded, a harsh reality universally acknowledged even within clan boundaries.

Had it not been for Xia Qingyue's prestigious status as the Xia Clan's daughter, they would have likely abstained from attending altogether. 

Among the younger generation of the Xiao Clan, a predictable pattern of expressions emerged. Their gazes, fixed upon Xia Qingyue, betraying an undeniable admiration, their hearts captivated by her allure.

When their eyes flickered towards Yun Che, their admiration soured into contempt. To the outer disciples of the Xiao Clan, Yun Che's permanent disability had always rendered him beneath their notice. Never in their wildest imaginings did they envision him ascending to the status of husband to Floating Cloud City's prized jewel.


In a grand hall adorned with ornate decorations, logistics manager Xiao De took charge of the wedding proceedings.

As he announced the start, the ceremony unfolded under his direction. With a commanding voice, he introduced the bride and groom followed by a roll call of esteemed guests.

Amidst the formalities, Yun Che, deep in thought, barely registered the words spoken, his mind consumed by a pressing concern.

The master of ceremonies, adorned in regal attire, directed Yun Che and Xia Qingyue through the traditional ritual.

Each step they took, every gesture they made, carried the weight of generations past, yet their execution was flawless, precise.

Among the crowd, whispers fluttered like restless butterflies, some in awe of the couple's seamless performance, others scrutinizing every movement, seeking hints of hidden emotions.

Usually at moments like this, the crowd would burst into enthusiastic applause, loud laughter, and cheers, but now only a few people authentically clapped for the married couple, it was quite awkward.

"Indeed the Fifth Elder should be congratulated," The First Elder Xiao Li, who was sitting next to Xiao Yunhai, said with a cynical strangeness in his words.

"I congratulate you in representation of all the Five Elder's well wishes," echoed the First Elder Xiao Li, his tone tinged with the same strange cynicism.

Second Elder Xiao Bo laughed with the same strangeness that came from the leader of the Xiao clan earlier and slowly continued: "Fifth Elder, getting such a talented granddaughter-in-law has added glory to the Xiao Clan. As for the Xia Clan getting such a son-in-law, haha, is also quite acceptable. Congratulations."

The atmosphere in the hall was cold. If one were not an idiot, they would clearly hear the apparent irony in the words "congratulations" that came out of their mouths.

When his son, Xiao Ying, had been alive, Xiao Lie's position within the Xiao Clan had been unrivaled. Even the leader of the clan at the time had shown him respect, now despite being the strongest figure in Floating Cloud City, his once eminent position within the Xiao Clan now faced a dire decline.

Xiao Lie did not allow himself to succumb to anger. With a mask of indifference veiling his true emotions, he addressed the assembly with a calm demeanor.

"Thank you all for gracing us with your presence today," he said, his voice steady despite the turmoil within. "Please, indulge in the festivities and raise a toast to celebrate this auspicious occasion."

The Third Elder, then rose from his seat and said, "I have already given you face by personally coming here today, so I have no need for wine," he declared haughtily. "My grandson, Xiao Chengzhi, has reached the 7th level of the Elementary Profound Realm. I must attend to him and ensure his stability."

"Chengzhi's achievements are indeed impressive," remarked the other four Elders, rising to congratulate the Third Elder with genuine surprise etched on their faces.

Xiao Lie's features contorted with suppressed anger. Once, the elders had treated him with reverence, but since Xiao Ying's death and Yun Che's disability, their attitudes had soured. 

They flaunted their own grandchildren's accomplishments without regard for his feelings, even within the confines of his grandson's wedding hall.


As the ceremony neared its climax, Yun Che and Xia Qingyue stood in the center of the adorned hall, the air thick with anticipation.

Yun Che's face beamed with unbridled joy, his eyes sparkling with anticipation of their shared future.

To the casual observer, Yun Che appeared to be the epitome of joy on his wedding day, his radiant smile painting a picture of blissful contentment.

On the other hand, Xia Qingyue's countenance remained cold and icy, betraying none of the emotions swirling within her.

Her gaze was fixed ahead, her features composed and unreadable. Despite the festive atmosphere surrounding them, she remained aloof and distant, as if she were merely a spectator to the events unfolding around her.

Amidst the hushed murmurs of the spectators, the tension between the couple seemed to crackle in the air, a silent exchange of unspoken words echoing between them, as they stood mere inches apart.

The ceremony reached its conclusion with the exchange of bows, Yun Che and Xia Qingyue lowered their heads in unison.

Through the gaps of her veil, Yun Che caught a glimpse of Xia Qingyue's cold eyes, peering at him with a chilling intensity.

They were cool and icy, devoid of any traces of emotion.

It was as if he was staring into the depths of an endless winter, where no warmth could penetrate and no love could bloom.

Yun Che felt the immeasurable distance between him and Xia Qingyue, a chasm that seemed impossible to bridge.

And then, a thought crept into his mind like a whisper in the darkness, "If I can't steal the heart of this woman, can I truly call myself the best?"

At that moment, Yun Che's heart surged with a sudden impulse, breaking away from the confines of the traditional ritual that bound them.

With a decisive step forward, he closed the distance between them and enveloped Xia Qingyue in his embrace, a fierce fire igniting within him.

His arms wrapped around her slender frame, holding her close as if he were trying to melt the icy barrier she had erected around her heart.

As he held her tightly against him, he could feel the cold emanating from her body.

Suddenly Xia Qingyue was locked in Yun Che's unyielding embrace, she found herself immobilized, his hold was wrapping around her like an invisible web!

This was move honed from years of embracing countless women in his previous incarnations.

Caught off guard by Yun Che's unexpected ardor, Xia Qingyue's icy facade faltered, her breath stolen by the intensity of his embrace.

For a moment, she felt her resolve waver, the walls around her heart threatening to crumble in the face of his passion.

Before she could react, Yun Che's lips found hers in a passionate kiss. His kiss was like a bolt of lightning, electrifying her senses and setting her soul ablaze.

Yun Che's lips moved together in a dance of passion and longing, Xia Qingyue felt a warmth spreading through her. 

Yun Che held Xia Qingyue in his grasp, his kiss deepening with each passing moment, his lips molding fervently against hers as if trying to convey a desperate plea through the intensity of his touch.

Xia Qingyue's wide eyes reflected a tumultuous mix of surprise and horror.

Fighting against his embrace with every ounce of determination, Xia Qingyue attempted to push him away, her hands pushing against his chest in a futile attempt to break free. 

Yun Che maintained his proximity, preventing her from summoning her full strength as he held her close.

Xia Qingyue shifted her weight, seeking any opportunity to break free from his grasp, Yun Che's reflexes were swift, mirroring her every movement with precision.

With his greater knowledge of science and understanding of human anatomy, he controlled her own center of gravity, manipulating her movements to his advantage.

Each movement she made was met with a countermeasure from him, his expert use of martial arts were causing her to lose her balance, and rendering her unable to use her physical strength effectively.

Yun Che's touch intensified as he reached down, his hand tracing the delicate lines of Xia Qingyue's dress. 

With practiced precision, he tilted her body backward into a position meant for deeper intimacy, his intentions clear in the subtle arch of her form.

Xia Qingyue's initial shock gradually morphed into a raging anger that burned within her soul.

The frost she emanated from her mouth, gradually moved into his. His body stiffened, his movements slowing as the chilling tendrils of her power wrapped around him, threatening to freeze him solid.

Xia Qingyue surged with power, she twisted and turned with all her might, and with a primal roar of fury, Xia Qingyue summoned her ice energy, channeling it from the depths of her being and releasing it in a torrent of freezing cold. 

The burst of icy energy shattered the bonds that held her captive, and with a defiant cry, she pushed Yun Che away, breaking free from his hold.

The air crackled with tension as Xia Qingyue confronted Yun Che who stood there, unable to move.

Her gaze burned with fury, her icy energy surrounded her in a chilling aura.

Despite his frozen body and immobilized muscles, Yun Che ignored the numbing cold that threatened to consume him, his soul burned as he fought against the icy grip that held him captive.

With each step he took, Yun Che pushed against the invisible barrier that held him in place, and with every ounce of willpower he possessed, he moved towards Xia Qingyue.

Xia Qingyue movements swift and precise as she struck him with her icy palm on his stomach.

The force of her blow sent him flying through the air, crashing into the pile of wedding gifts with a resounding thud that echoed through the venue.

The impact reverberated through the hall, shattering the once serene atmosphere into chaos as guests gasped in shock at the sudden violence that had erupted between the newlyweds.

Yun Che lay sprawled amidst the wreckage, his body bruised, battered, and frozen. 

Amidst the scattered debris and stunned onlookers, Xia Qingyue just stood there, menacingly, her expression still as cold as ice.

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