
Divine Madness

After ten thousand years in a cage in a forgotten place in the depths of hell, Azmodiel feels an irresistible call only to meet his destiny. Now inexplicably chained, Azmodiel finds himself tied to a human girl named Alice, whom he cannot harm or corrupt. Being bound to the girl's magical grimoire, Azmodiel must now guide her, hoping the girl will gain control over the grimoire's power and release him. But will Azmodiel achieve his mission before the influence of this human girl reminds him of the being he once was, or will the girl succumb to the vortex of insanity that is this demon that came to her aid? Author's note: I am currently working on reviewing and editing all previously uploaded content. You can expect minor changes, a big improvement in the quality of the content as well as an expansion of the content. The chapters will carry the "Edited" label as they are updated, during the process there will be a discrepancy between the already edited content and the one still to be updated, I apologize in advance.

cryzsalix · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 14: Foreordain introductions*

Why was all this happening? How was she supposed to save her mother now? No? Why didn't anyone come? But nothing happened. Nothing but despair and disappointment filled the girl's heart.

At the height of despair, Alice remembered the date and an idea came to her mind.  An absolute nonsense that was completely inadequate for her current situation, but which shone like a beacon of hope in the depths of her mind. 

Recalling the conversation with her mother before the disaster. Regarding the question:

"How would you like your first spell to be when you awaken your Nexus thus obtaining your connection with the Akash and your own grimoire?" 

The words of her mother were distant in her head but clear and resounding. Alice responded, in a whisper, "I wish for a spell that would allow me to summon a fairytale being" the whisper turned into a sob, "something powerful enough to save us right now".

At that moment it took the trasgos to completely surround Alice before attacking; The hour, minute and exact second were met, if clocks existed you would hear the dong.

Alice could feel how time stopped. How hope returned to her. In addition to, a small disturbance in the Akash in the air, which would hardly be perceptible to any human. A magician might have noticed how the dense lines of concentrated Akash, also known as streams of life, made their way around Alice, surrounding her with their warmth, making her feel that everything would be fine.

The young woman felt something inside her change, the lights that encompassed all the colors of nature dancing and mingling, forming part of something that was being freed from whatever force was holding it inactive. In the depths of her being, where spirit is located, a small previously dormant spark gave birth to a core full of energy and potential. As if the barrier that kept her energy inside her was broken, the Nexus formed and thus connected Alice with the Akash. 

A sudden burst of light blinded the trasgos, and the energy emanating from Alice forced them back. Watching in fear as the multicolored lights entered the girl, transformed and came out of her chest, intertwining and forming an initially amorphous object. Inside Alice, her Nexus lit up with a fiery light, absorbing and burning all the Akash she had at her disposal and channeling that first page into the grimoire. As the glow inside formed the sigils that wrote her first spell, silver lines slowly came out of it.


Those lines that seemed to point nowhere, began to converge in front of her, enclosing the brightness that had exploded from her interior. Slowly surrounding it and suppressing it in a cube of light, hardening and materializing into reality. The cube of light took on a dark blue hue, like night and the lines retained their silvery luster, but taking a form of branches and fused with the cube.

In a snap where the brightness and light came off the young woman, finishing entering what looked like a book. Alice's grimoire seemed as if nature could be summed up in a single image, culminating in the capture of her first spell and the birth of the first magician, for a long time, of the town of Palo Verde.

Almost as if in a trance, Alice simply extended her hand and opened the book, revealing its first page. A white page with a faint silver hue was presented before her, full of runes, symbols, and golden drawings that Alice didn't understand, but she didn't need to be able to read them, because she could use them as easily as breathing. 

Obeying the deep and firm wishes of the girl, this time, the Akash in a huge radius around her bowed to her will. Pouring like a waterfall towards her Nexus and then being deposited on that first page of the grimoire. Activating her Nexus instinctively to channel nature's Akash, Alice didn't need any help casting her original spell. 

Then everything stopped. 

The silver runes in the spell seemed to reach a saturation point where they could not store any more energy, and from one moment to the next, without any kind of warning, the page of the grimoire now filled with a silver glow disappeared. Were it not for how the world around her had stopped, Alice would have been very frightened to see that page containing her last hope disappear. 

In what, in the world around her, felt like nothing, the page returned to the grimoire. Time flowed again. The young woman caught her grimoire in her hands as she came out of the trance, but it seemed that nothing had changed. 

Suddenly, her senses were stunned by a wave of heat and sulfur smell, stronger and more concentrated than the heat already unleashed around her. Above the grimoire, opened between her hands, appeared a fissure. As if someone had smashed a mirror to reveal that there was something hidden behind. The very space had been bowed by Alice's desire and despair. The young woman then realized that the smell of sulfur and heat came from this fissure.

Then the sound of chains crashing slowly approached from the fissure. The clicking and squeaking became closer and more shrill. When the fissure finally burst, crystals of shattered reality came out in all directions, and Alice found herself staring straight into nothingness. 

An endless darkness that was interrupted by a pair of hands clinging to the edges of the fissure. The young woman could make out the 5 fingers and the slightly humanoid shape, but there were parts that didn't fit. 

Before she could reason what was coming out of the darkness, forcing its way and expanding, in order to reach this plane, its hands enlarged the fissure and a cluster of almost electric flashes blinded her for a second.

Soon, something or someone emerged. Alice recovered her vision just in time to see how a black feather fell and merged with the pages. Looking up at the image of a pair of huge wings spread out in front of her protectively filled her heart with relief and joy, she had succeeded. She did it. She had invoked an angel.