
Divine Luck

Daniel lost his parents in a car accident at the age of 7. He wants to make a living off the recently launched VR game known as ‘Divine Path’. The game recreates all five human senses, which immerses the players into an expansive world with several class options to choose from. With this innovation, the game went viral within no time. Daniel, being a committed player, collects valuable items and sells them to other players for real world money. but his below average life took a turn when he unexpectedly met someone. "Chance is low? Hah! That doesn't work on me!" With a smug face, Danie looked at the blue holographic panel before him. ========== Discord Server Link: https://discord.gg/5ewNTWFUdb (Author: guys, this is my newest novel, if you wana support me, please add the book to your library, ty!!)

That_Cultivator · Games
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68 Chs


The carriage gradually slowed as the magnificent city of Luminara came into view. Tall towers and shiny windows reached up high, covering the big city in bright light. Daniel looked out at the breathtaking sight coming closer.

As they neared the main gates, the driver stopped the horses. "We've arrived, sir!" He said to Daniel, not rudely this time but courteously. He was grateful for Daniel saving him from the bandits earlier, unknown to him that the bandits came because of Daniel in the first place.

"Here's the money-" Daniel was cut off in the middle before finishing his sentence. The driver looked at him with puppy eyes and said, "No need, kind sir. I am thankful that you saved my life from the bandits. To show my gratitude, I won't be charging any money."

Daniel nodded and a smile appeared on his face. No one could say that he was the man who slaughtered his enemies mercilessly a few moments ago. After bidding his farewell, he entered the city.

The loud noise of the city streets reached Daniel's ears as soon as he went through the entrance. The crowded streets were filled with people from different races. There were players, slim elves in fancy clothing, and burly dwarves with braided beards all around.

Luminara was a city famous for its powerful magicians. The magicians in the city were known to be the strongest magicians all over the Eastern continent. The reason why Luminara city was considered one of the major cities in the kingdom was because of the magicians residing there.

Daniel slowly walked on the streets, appreciating the astounding beauty of the city. After walking for a few minutes, He came across an inn with a fancy wooden sign swinging in the light wind - "Lumina" written beautifully on it. He entered, closing the door behind him. Lively chatter and the clinking of tankards subsided momentarily as all eyes turned toward the newcomer.

A plump innkeeper with a warm smile approached. "Welcome to Lumina!" she said in a cheerful voice. "Take a seat, and we'll bring an ale and a hot meal right over!" Before she could leave, Daniel stopped her.

"Ah, I am here to rent a room here. Can you help me with that?" He said with a smile.

"Oh! A room you say? Alright, come with me, young man!" The lady smiled and took Daniel to the counter. She talked to the muscular dwarf sitting on the chair, "Hey David, this guy wants to rent a room."

"Okay, Tell me everything in detail." The dwarf was as friendly as the lady. He took out a form and put it on the table, asking Daniel to fill in the details. "Sure," Daniel replied, taking the form and filling it out carefully. After rechecking it, he handed the form to David the dwarf.

"Hmm… A month? That'd be 300 coins." The price shocked Daniel, he knew that Luminara city had high living costs, but he didn't expect it to be this much. He took out a pouch of gold from his inventory and put it on the table, saying goodbye to his precious money.

"Here's the key, sir. You can now live in room number 12!" David tossed the keys to Daniel, waving his hand at him. "We will send the food to your room!" He shouted from behind.

Daniel nodded before heading to his new room. He inserted the key in the keyhole and unlocked the door, gently pushing it open and entering. After he was inside the spacious room, he locked the door behind him.

Observing the room, he was surprised by how spacious and luxurious it was. It was warmer inside, unlike the cold streets outside. He went to the bathroom which was spacious enough to fit 10 people like him. He slowly entered the bathtub filled with warm water, taking his clothes off. He felt a slight pleasure upon entering the warm water. He could stay inside the bathtub for an entire day without getting bored.

All his weariness was fading as he stayed in the warm water. His mind became calm as well, making him let go of all his worries.

Soon, half an hour passed and Daniel finally decided to leave the bathtub. He put his clothes on before stepping out of the bathroom. All the dirt from his face was washed off, his refined features now clearly visible.

As he got out of the bathroom, he noticed Lumi sleeping soundly on the soft couch. She was moving her legs in sleep. "She must be dreaming about berries, haha…" Daniel laughed, looking at her.

He picked her up in his arms, gently kissing her before waking her up from her slumber. "Wakey wakey~ Queen!" He tickled her stomach. Lumi woke up and looked at her master. She rubbed her head against his hands before jumping on the floor.

She started circling Daniel, probably asking him for berries. "Nyaya~" She let out a gentle, charming voice. Daniel took out the last three berries and fed them to her. After Lumi's stomach was satisfied, she sat quietly on the ground.

"Now that I have rented a room here, I won't waste any time and complete as many quests as possible!" Daniel said in a serious tone. He didn't have the luxury to waste his precious time.

Knock Knock

While he was in deep thought, Someone knocked on the door. "Coming!" Daniel replied, unlocking the door. As he unlocked the door, a gorgeous-looking young lady came into sight. She had a plate full of food and drinks in both her hands.

"Your meal, sir." She smiled politely and handed the plate and the drinks to Daniel. With that, she left, leaving Daniel in awe of her beauty.

"Such a beautiful lady works here?" He thought to himself, shocked beyond belief. It turns out that the lady was not a human but an elf. Elves are known for their natural beauty which was only second to the gods themselves.

Daniel shook his head, leaving the matter aside and thinking about his plans.

(Author: Hey guys, I don't know the reason, but the power stone supply is sadly coming to a stop. Please support me by sending powerstones, commenting, and leaving reviews! It helps me a lot! TY! :))

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