
Divine Luck

Daniel lost his parents in a car accident at the age of 7. He wants to make a living off the recently launched VR game known as ‘Divine Path’. The game recreates all five human senses, which immerses the players into an expansive world with several class options to choose from. With this innovation, the game went viral within no time. Daniel, being a committed player, collects valuable items and sells them to other players for real world money. but his below average life took a turn when he unexpectedly met someone. "Chance is low? Hah! That doesn't work on me!" With a smug face, Danie looked at the blue holographic panel before him. ========== Discord Server Link: https://discord.gg/5ewNTWFUdb (Author: guys, this is my newest novel, if you wana support me, please add the book to your library, ty!!)

That_Cultivator · Games
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69 Chs

Ahead of the World

[Congratulations! You have obtained one soul fragment!]

[Congratulations! You have obtained 1 epic chest !]

[Congratulations! You have obtained Hobgoblin's Mace!]

[Congratulations! You have obtained 3 Hobgoblin Bones!]

"Other things aside… what is this soul fragment?" Daniel looked at the reward notifications once he killed the Hobgoblin.

The other rewards were pretty awesome, but there was one item that Daniel was curious about.

He took the soul fragment out of his inventory and checked it's description.

[Soul Fragment of ???]

[Grade: ???]

[A fragment of ???'s soul. Collect all the Soul Fragments of ??? to obtain ???]

"What kind of crappy description is this?! Even the grade is unknown!" Daniel was furious at the game devs for making such an item."If they never intended to tell the main details, then why even create the description?" This was what Daniel thought.

"Well, I have to leave it for now… not like I can do anything about it…" he put the fragment back in his inventory.

He had already hunted the boss and finished the quest, so he decided to teleport back to the city after leaving the dungeon.

Once he got outside the dungeon, he quickly saved the location of the forest in his teleportation book. The book started glowing in the same manner as last time, and then it settled down to normal again.

"The devs did their work well…" Daniel couldn't help but praise the Dev's for making such an amazing game.

"Alright, teleport to the city!" He shouted out loud. A magic circle formed below him, teleporting him to his destination.

"I'm back!" Daniel felt like buying this teleportation book was worth it. Although extremely costly, it was still worth it all.

"Let's grab my quest reward first." He headed straight to the Adventure Guild Building, making his way through the crowded streets.

"Damn, the streets are overly crowded today… I wonder if something is going on." He wondered why the streets were congested today.

"Nevermind… I will look into it when I log-off." He said, standing in front of the large guild building.

He stepped inside, heading to the man who gave him the quest earlier.

"You're back, young knight! I'm glad that you were able to complete the quest within such a short time!" The quest giver waved at Daniel when he saw him heading his way.

"Yes, it was not as hard as I thought it would be…" Daniel spoke politely to the man.

"You're truly amazing, young knight! May I get to know your name before we talk about the rewards?" The quest giver took great interest in Daniel. He felt as if Daniel could become a big powerhouse in the future.

"It's Fate, may I get to know yours as well?" Daniel replied politely, knowing the advantages of getting on the good side of an NPC at the adventure guild.

"Nice name! Mine is Doran Venturecaller." Doran stretched his hand towards Daniel.

Daniel did the same and shook hands with him. Doran's hands were hard and rough, probably because he had been to countless adventures when he was younger.

"I believe you will achieve something great in the future, Fate. If you ever need any help, you can ask me for help. I will try to do my best to solve your problem." Doran looked dependable to Daniel. He could tell that Doran was a good person.

"Alright young man, I won't hold you for any longer… Here is your reward." After a little chat, Doran decided to hand Daniel his reward for completing the quest.

He took out a bag of gold coins and handed it to Daniel. The bag was full of gold coins, but Daniel wasn't surprised by it, as he already knew about the quest rewards.

What he was interested in was the exp that he would gain from completing the quest. As soon as he was handed the bag of gold, he received a notification.

[Congratulations on completing the Rock Cave Quest!]

[You have obtained 200 Gold coins!]

[You've obtained 1 level worth of exp!]

"Great! With this, I am level 130!" Daniel celebrated, his joyful smile told how happy he was.

"Alright, let's call it a day then…" he patted Lumi and bid his farewell to Doran before logging off.


"Haah… it was an amazing experience! Having your own VR capsule is another level of fun." Daniel left the capsule, switching it off.

It was night time already and Daniel wanted to get a shower, so he stepped into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

Turning the shower on, he applied soap all over his body, carefully cleaning his whole body.

After he was done, he stepped out, took a fluffy towel and patted himself dry.

"Ahh~ so refreshing~!" He put on a set of clothes.

He felt hungry so he decided to order something. He quickly took the phone out of his pocket and placed an order online.

After waiting 10 minutes, his doorbell rang. He opened the main door, taking the food from the delivery guy.

"Thanks!" He waved at the delivery guy and soon closed the door shut.

He went to the dining table and placed the food neatly on the table. He pulled out a chair, sitting on it comfortably before he started wolfing the food down.

"Ahh~ I am so full!" He got up from the table, cleaned everything up and headed back to his room.

"Who knew a game could change my life so much?" He never knew that playing a vr game could help him live such a good life.

"Well… it will never be enough… I just have to keep grinding harder and faster." He booted his PC up, opening the browser and searching for the Divine Path forums.

Once the site was opened, he bookmarked it and put it on the favourite bar, so he wouldn't have to search it up the next time.

"Hmm, let's look at the hot topics today…" he went on to the hot and trending page.

[First appearance of a unique grade item! The biggest achievement in the history of Divine path!]

[The streamer Giant "SuperSage" has discovered the first unique ranked equipment in Divine Path!]

[To know the details… read the complete blog post…]

Daniel laughed out loud, looking at how the people were so happy upon the appearance of a unique grade equipment.

"I really am far ahead of the world…" Daniel felt proud of himself. He wondered what would happen if the world knew about his items.

"It would have been fun… but I better not do it for now…"

(Author: guys, how is the chapter? Please don't forget to send PowerStones like the last time, and don't forget to comment and review... Ty for supporting me! Also, I will try replying to all the comments for now...)