
Divine Irregular

Disclaimer the Anime, Novel and movies plot, character, and related content are owned by their respective creator only the idea and characters introduce in the story are mine! I'm making this purely out of boredom and looking for entertainment I prefer quality over quantity so expect quality chapters which will take time Considered joining for more content ,p@treon.com/VoiceofOtaku now about the story 'WARNING' Don't ignore Tags if I want to add something other then tags I'll specially mention it if you are into MC's struggle to gain power or power gain over time as the story progress this isn't for you MC's power aren't given to him , he is absurdly overpowered on his own. His powers or abilities will be explained in due time but I'll clear this in the start "Mc isn't absolute, isn't all-knowing just because he is OP" , don't expect him to know everything from the start. he is nigh-omnipresence ( key word "almost" and how ? for that you have to read the story) no spoiler (^_-)(^_-)

_BLANK_BLANK_ · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Practical training in the wild

The buses reached its destination and student started coming out. They stood in rows in front of the Military officials, who were standing on a stage a feet above the ground. The two accompanied teachers were also standing with them.

??: Good day everyone. I am your practical training instructor here. My name is Zhan Kong. You guys are quite lucky to be here. People who know me knows that I'm a very reasonable and easygoing person.

Zhan Kong: I understand that this practical training greatly affects your scores in Magic High School. So I'll give you a great deal. I've recently received a hunting task, the hundreds of you despite being student, you're already considered to be Mages. Therefore, so long as one of you are able to complete this hunting task. I shall consider all of you to have passed and everyone gets an A.

Zhou Kunsan: Sir, are you serious?? A hunting task?? _ , I heard that hunting task requires a group of experts with at least 3 to 5 years of experience in order to complete. We're merely high school students!

Another student (Boy): That's right! This hunting task is for expert who deal with the real monsters! You might as well be asking us to send ourselves to hell!!

Xu Zhaoting: Inspector! what will happen if none of us is able to complete the task?

Zhan Kong: Then all of you shall fail

Said in a casual tone.

Hearing that a girl, who isn't confident in getting the task completed said to their homeroom teacher.

Student (Girl): Teacher let's go back! Failing is much better then dying!

Said in a shaky voice.

Their homeroom teacher Xu MuSheng thought that to be a bit much for his students, so he turned toward the instructor and said.

Teacher Xu: instructor, the students have just learnt to release magic not long ago, isn't it a bit too much for them to take on a task which can only be done by expert Hunters?

Zhan Kong: Go to your school director Deng Kai for complaints. You think getting good scores is easy as fooling around?

He looked at the students " Tian Lan high school is the best magic high school in the whole region. Are you telling me that you so called elite class student are merely useless trash who don't even dare to take on monsters?"

Zhan Kong: Didn't your principal tell you on your first day of school that it's a Mage's job and responsibility to eliminate each and every Monster that dares to step into our city?! Retreating from a mere practical training, how are we going to count on You to protect our people?!

Listening to the instructor speech Zheng commented in a mischievous tone.

ZhengFan: Instructor, motivation increases through comparing risk with reward, at this moment all the students only have a fear of their life with no visible reward, so_

Zhan Kong: Hahaha, then I'll personally reward that individual with a magic armor equipment, who complete the task.

Students: Really, a magic armor? _ I didn't knew Instructor Zhan Kong was this rich,_ yeah yeah!

Instructor ZhanKong: For now, you are all to enter the post and work on getting yourselves ready. Tomorrow we will sort you into groups and send you on your way!

*The Next Day*

All the students were divided in to teams. Xiao hou, Zhou Min and he yu were in the team which Zheng was leading.

They were walking up toward the mountain at a steady pace. As they reached the top all of them gathered at a place as there was no way in between two cliff edge.

Student: Its so high!!

Said the student in a bit of scared tone.

A moment later everyone started looking at Xiao Hou, who seeing then gazing didn't liked their plan.

Xiao Hou: M-me?

He tied himself with rope and flew toward the other cliff edge using wind element and tied the rope with a tree.

That way the group started crossing the cliff using ropes.

From afar the instructor with his team and the teachers were standing together. Zhan Kong was observing the students using binoculars.

Military official: Sir you aren't serious about having these kids attempt this bounty, are you?

Zhan Kong: why wouldn't I be?

Listening to that the person said in a grave tone." But..., but down in the herbage Valley, there are...!

Zhan Kong: Use your head, who do you think I am? those one-eyed wolves in valley I took care of them already.

Military Official : Oh! Hahaha, I feel so silly!!

Zhan Kong: I'm a hero among heroes! Haha

Said Kong with a nose high up in the air

Military Official: So for this Assignment as long as one of the student reaches the valley, we'll pass them all?

Zhan Kong: No, I can't have it be that easy. I have planned something there. I'm going to teach those brats a lesson they'll never forget! The life of a magician is fraught with danger.

*In another place*

He yu: Now that we're past the mountains, it's time to face the forest.

As they were going toward the direction cave, which they are asked to examine. They encountered some wild vines that could trap the individual who come in contact with it.

Min moved closer and through a fire ball on it which burned it down. As they were going forward they met Mu Bai and his team coming out of the other side of big stones parallel to them.

Zhou Kunsan: Didn't expected big shots of our school to be this late.

Xiao Hou: We weren't racing, you fool. Pay attention to the task, the cave is down there.

Xu Zhaoting: Yeah! That's the cave instructor wants us to investigate, it used to be the nest of one-eyed wolves. That they have cleared up a few months ago, but they are worried that there might be some leftover, so they want us to investigate. And also retrieve a bracelet that instructor accidentally left there.

A tall fatty guy said in a disagreement.

Student( Fatty): They are sending us to retrieve a bracelet. What kind of a shitty task is this..

As they were chatting He yu went toward Zheng and said.

He yu: Senpai, do you thing there will be leftover monsters in cave? I'm so scared…

Saying that she looked down as some of the very unpleasant scenes resurfaced of the incident where she lost her family and were the only one who survived because of her big brother shielding her. As he was 7 years older then her, the only thing which was in his mind at the time was to save his little sister. He was able to take her away at a safe distance while he was heavily injured and hid her with all his effort in a place long enough for the rescue team to arrive. He wasn't able to survive because of the blood loss but He yu was completely unharmed.

Zheng put a hand on her head which brought her out of her thought.

Zhou Kunsan: Stop being scared. We're Mages, its our job. Don't be a crybab---

*Death glare ×2*

Kunsan seeing her scared expression said being his usual self. But stopped when he felt death glares from Min and Zheng.

Zhou Kunsan: N-Nothing I-l mean we are so many people here. I-I'll go get some ropes to go down.

Said kunsan while stuttering.

He wasn't that much surprised by Min reaction and even that was enough to stop him say anything more as he has no interest to become her punching bag. But He has never seen Zheng to even react with anger even from their middle school much less this. To him that guy was extremely hard to angered. This scared him shitless. He didn't even wanted to stay there anymore.

Min looked toward He yu and said.

Zhou Min: If we work in a team I'm sure we could take that down. Don't worry.

*In an other place*

Military man: Boss, Currently there are 2 teams who've reached the mountain cave. Among them the Ice element mage- Mu bai, Fire element- Zhou Min, wind Element- Zhang Xiao Hou have shown impressive performance so far.

Instructor Kong: Good. Mark that down. We'll give them a good score.

Tang yue: These students have never experienced such a realist practical training before. This is indeed a good chance to improve their trainings. Except for that thing that might really be inside the cave.. I'm afraid..

Instructor Kong: They must be prepared if they went to be full-fledged Mages. But rest assured, I have it covered.

Tang yue: ' I only hope what ever he placed there won't be killed by Zheng Fan. Instructor Kong at max will only place a monster, equivalent to Normal Minion or strong Minion. Any stronger then that could be very dangerous for the students. Haaa, Zheng was on level 2, 6 months ago. students won't be in danger if he is there. By now he might have gotten even more stronger and in a few more months he'll achieve fire level 3, and will become strong enough to one shot 'strong Minion'. Even I feel jealous of his speed. Haha he'll soon catch up to me if I don't pay more attention in cultivation.'

*In the Forest*

The students came down using ropes in the giant hole deep in the forest.

As they are gathered at a distance from the entrance of the cave. Many looked toward the direction of Zheng Fan and Zhou Min and were waiting for them to make the first move so they could follow.

Zhou Min: What do you think?

ZhengFan: Look over there at the river pool! the water is only half of It's size. See that fresh water marks in there-

Mu Bai: What do you mean?

Zheng Fan: Remember there was a rain while ago before we're here-

Xu Zhaoting: Yeah, The river should have been fully flooded with rainwater.

Zheng Fan: Correct! There must be Something from the cave that came out for a drink just awhile ago. Seeing the volume of missing water, that thing sure isn't small.

Xiao Hou: Geez stop scaring me, Brother fan! T-The-There really is something in there??

This got everyone's attention. And many got scared shitless.

Seeing the situation of scared kids Zheng spoke in a voice loud enough to be heard by everyone present around.

Zhengfan: Listen up! You know, Once, a guy asked a wise man, " what is the difference between a Hero, a Villain and a coward?

He replied with_

A hero uses his sword to protect people.

A villain uses people to protect his sword.


A coward has no sword, and uses empty words to protect his life

A sword is not just a man's weapon, it is a man's ambition, and without ambition, a man is merely a coward.

In order to be a hero or a villain a man must have ambition. The difference between the two is where that ambition lies."

Saying that he came down and let the Kids think on his words.

Zhou Min: Good words! 'Mr. Wise man'! Thought anything about her?

Said Min in a low voice and sat beside him and he nodded and told her something using signs.

Zhou Min: That could work.

ZhengFan: It will, keep the star-paths on standby to attack if the spell couldn't hold the hit.

Zhou Min: No problem.

The student gathered their courage and went inside slowly behind light mages, who used their hand as torch light to see In the dark cave. As they were getting further and further inside the cave, they saw a pair of red eyes behind a big rock.


A big wolf came out from behind the stone and howled

Some students just listening to the sound couldn't hold it any longer and ran toward the exit of the cave.

Students: Don't e-eat me!! I definitely won't taste good!! Help!!

Mu Bai however stood his ground for a moment and tried to connect his star to create star path to release his attack.

But to his dismay the moment he connected to seventh star he lost the star path. He tried again but failed, seeing the wolf getting closer he started running.

Mu Bai: Ahh!!

He got too scared that he didn't even looked back and tried to create as much distance between them as he could.

From a distance, the instructor along with the teachers were observing the students running out of the cave.

Instructor Kong: All of them got so scared huh.

Military mage: Could be that, my spirit wolf was too intimidating that made them run with tale between their legs?

Instructor Kong: The real one-eyed wolf is much more intimidating then this spirit wolf. They'd all be dead. If they'd really encounter the real one-eyed wolf. I really don't expect for them to take down the spirit wolf. I'd already be pleased if even one of them is able to release a single magic skill.

At his statement Teacher Xu ask.

Teacher Xu: That Spirit wolf is actually inspector Bai's summoned beast?

Miss Tang yue: A very good idea Indeed! They can gain realistic battle experience without getting their lives in danger.

Military Mage Bai: Seems like nobody will be able to complete the hunting task huh. You'll have to hold on to your Magic Armor equipment, Sir Zhan Kong.

Teacher Xu: Haha, We'll see.

Listening to the military summoner Teacher Xu chuckled a little and Ting yue gave a smile and stayed silent. The Summoner had a question mark at their reaction.

As they were chatting they saw an Ice spell released toward the wolf, which froze the wolf's front foot.

Teacher Xu: That seems to be Mu Bai!

Instructor Kong: That student isn't half bad.

*in the cave 3 minutes earlier*


Spirit Wolf: *HOOOWWWLL*

ZhengFan: Drop the act!

Spirit Wolf: Grr?

Zhengfan: I can see you're acting on your summoner's command to intimidate the kids.

Spirit Wolf: Growl

ZhengFan: I'll give you a deal..

Spirit Wolf: Gr??

Zheng Fan: help me and do as I say or I'll through you in front of a commander and it will eat you up.

Said zheng, the last part with a bit of intimidation. Which scared the wolf enough to step back a little.

Zheng fan: If you do that and we succeeded, I promise to give you a land as big as a commander's territory and will spend enough resources to take you to the peak of commander rank monster.

That made the Wolf listen to what he wanted him to do. Its very rare for summoner to spend resources on summoning monsters as they could die at any moment in their dimension, which would be a huge waste of that many resources so they spend only on contracted monsters. Him promising to give that much was enough to have temptation to actually listen to what he want him to do.

Zheng took out his phone out of nowhere and showed a picture of a girl.

Zheng Fan: Come here.

The wolf came toward him and he showed him the picture.

Zhengfan: Keep your act as it was going, just pretend to attack that girl. When this other girl is standing very close to that girl. OK?

Spirit Wolf: *Nodded*

Saying that they parted ways, and Zheng removed the barrier masking their movement from the wolf's summoner.

The wolf ran toward the students in an intimidating way, who ran without even looking back and some actually started crying. For most of them it was the first time they saw an actual monster and those who have seen before are even more scared as they know with their own experience how dangerous it is.

In general except the weak minion, everything above it can only be handled by a group of trained mages. As any mage of level 2 of novice-tier or above can singlehandedly take it down. Above that level of monster, generally a team of level 2 and above is required.

Mu Bai stopped when he was sure he has made enough distance, he tabbed and spin his school badge which transformed his School uniform into battle mage outfit.

Mu Bai: Concentrate! You can do it.

He again started gathering stars for star path and successfully released Ice spell. Among the students only Xiao Hou, Xu Zhaoting and Zhou Min came to back up Mu Bai. He yu was having a little trouble so she stayed not very far from Min.

Min seeing the Wolf, who's foot froze by Ice spell, throw ignite: Burn, a fire ball straight on Wolf's face.

Zhou Min: Mu Bai, get down.

She throw the spell from a distance. It hit the wolf on the nose which irritated him enough to break free from the Ice. He jumped above in the air and left Mu Bai behind. Min fired one more spell of level 1, which was dodged by the wolf quite easily. He started running toward Min who appears to be trying to connect to star path.

As the distance between them were closing Xu Zhaoting started running toward Min with all his effort.

He yu: MIN!!!

Shouted He Yu with a scared tone.

Xu Zhaoting increased his speed and reached on time and pushed her out of the way and got slammed by the wolf, which made him fall backward.


He didn't got any heavy injury as he was able to release his lightning spell just before the wolf landed a hit.

Seeing that his friend the fatty guy said to the students." Everyone attack the monster together, he is paralyzed by Xu Zhaoting's lightning" but nobody had the courage. " its hopeless"


As the lightning effect wore off, the spirit wolf howled. The air from his mouth throw Xu Zhaoting and Min flying.

This event was constantly reminding He Yu of herself. What her brother did for her, how she wants to protect her family, her friends. In the midst of all this she heard Zheng's voice in her ears 'He Yu, put a barrier in front of Min, she is in danger!! Protect her!!'

That brought her out of her thoughts as she saw the wolf running toward Min. She raised her hands in Min's direction and on instinct casted, Water Barrier: Guard

The spell almost stopped the wolf's advancement but wasn't strong enough for a real attack when he is serious, as Zheng actually just said the wolf to be serious for a second to make He Yu's go on her protective instinct.

Guess, I made it on time. So here is the next chapter...

If you have any question regarding the chapter so far, do ask!

Have fun!

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