
Divine Intervention in the apocalypses

In a world ravaged by a devastating plague, humanity teeters on the brink of extinction. Cities lie in ruins, overrun by infected creatures, and the few survivors struggle to find safety and hope. Amidst this chaos, a young automobile engineer from Chennai named Jack Martin finds himself chosen by a divine force to bring salvation to the broken world. Jack, now in Mumbai, is guided by a mysterious and powerful Divine Interface, which bestows upon him ancient biblical powers and rewards. With the help of these divine gifts and his own ingenuity, Jack begins to build a sanctuary atop a towering skyscraper, striving to protect and unite the scattered remnants of humanity. Throughout his journey, Jack encounters fellow survivors, each with their own stories of loss and resilience. Together, they face relentless hordes of infected and the harsh realities of their new world. As Jack's powers grow, so does the burden of his mission: to cure the plague and restore hope to mankind. In the heart of the apocalypse, Jack and his newfound allies must navigate treacherous terrains, confront their deepest fears, and forge unbreakable bonds. With divine guidance and unyielding determination, they embark on a quest not just for survival, but for the redemption of humanity itself. "Divine Intervention" is a gripping tale of faith, courage, and the unrelenting spirit of human endurance. As Jack discovers the true extent of his powers and the purpose behind his selection, he realizes that the key to humanity's salvation lies not just in divine intervention, but in the strength and unity of those who believe in the possibility of a brighter future.

_Beru_ · Sci-fi
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8 Chs

Chapter 8: Divine Gifts and Deepening Bonds

The morning sun shone brightly as Jack and Arjun made their way back to the penthouse. The streets of Mumbai were eerily silent, with only the distant sounds of the infected echoing through the empty buildings.

Jack drove the Toyota Hilux with focused determination, Arjun keeping a vigilant watch from the passenger seat. As they approached the building, the tension began to ease, knowing they were returning to safety.

Their journey back, however, was not without danger. As they entered a long, dark tunnel, the sound of growls and snarls echoed off the walls. Jack's grip tightened on the steering wheel, his eyes scanning the shadows.

Suddenly, a pack of infected animals, led by a large, feral dog, appeared in their headlights, eyes glowing with a rabid hunger.

"Hang on!" Jack shouted, slamming his foot on the accelerator. The Hilux roared forward, its powerful engine echoing through the tunnel. The infected animals gave chase, their speed alarming. Jack swerved around abandoned vehicles and debris, trying to shake them off.

"Jack, they're getting closer!" Arjun yelled, fear evident in his voice.

Jack reached for the sniper rifle they had found at Anjali's house. He rolled down the window, took aim, and fired. The shot echoed through the tunnel, hitting one of the infected animals squarely in the head. The creature yelped and fell behind, but the others kept coming.

"Keep them off us!" Jack instructed Arjun, who grabbed a metal pipe from the backseat and started swinging at the infected animals that got too close. The tunnel seemed endless, the echoes of the chase amplifying the tension.

Another infected dog lunged at the vehicle, claws scraping against the side. Jack took another shot, this time hitting the dog in the chest. It tumbled to the ground, taking a few of the creatures with it. Jack sped out of the tunnel, leaving the remaining infected behind.

Breathing heavily, they finally reached the safety of the penthouse. Jack and Arjun were exhausted but relieved to be back. After updating Raj about their journey, Jack retreated to his room for some much-needed rest.

As he lay on his bed, the Divine Interface activated, displaying his first weekend reward. Jack's eyes widened as he saw the items:

1. A 2-meter long dog chain.

2. A skill book titled "The Skill of David – Throwing Projectile."

Jack was puzzled by the skill book. Flipping through its pages, he saw the story of how David killed Goliath with a sling and a stone, but there were no instructions about throwing projectiles. Confused, he consulted the Divine Interface.

"This skill grants you the ability to throw any object with perfect accuracy and increased damage," the interface explained.

Jack felt a surge of energy as he absorbed the knowledge from the book. He now had the powers of David during his fight with Goliath and could now throw anything with deadly precision and inflict an absurd amount of damage.

Thanking God for giving this newfound ability h got, he immediately thought of how to enhance his axe. He took the 2-meter long dog chain and attached it to the end of his axe. Wrapping one end of the chain around his hand, he could now throw the axe and pull it back, making it a formidable weapon.

Later, as they gathered for lunch, Raj and Jack found a moment to talk privately. Jack decided it was time to share the truth about his journey.

"Raj, there's something I need to tell you," Jack began, his voice serious. "I was chosen by God to cure this world. It's through His guidance that I found this building, and He has been helping me ever since."

Raj was initially shocked, but as he looked into Jack's eyes, he felt a sense of calm.

"Jack, I have to admit, I felt a strange sense of comfort around you from the beginning," Raj confessed. "I forced myself to be cautious, to not trust too easily. But everything you said... it feels like something greater is at work."

Jack nodded, feeling a deep connection with Raj. "I understand. It's a lot to take in. But I believe we are meant to be here, to survive and rebuild."

Raj smiled, his skepticism fading. "I trust you, Jack. And I believe in what you're doing. Let's continue to protect our people and find a way to restore this world."

Their bond strengthened, Jack and Raj returned to the group with a renewed sense of purpose. They shared a hearty lunch, Anjali's cooking bringing warmth and comfort to their weary souls.

After lunch, Jack and Raj took a moment to quietly thank God for all that He had done for them, despite the losses they had endured. They felt a deep sense of gratitude and a renewed sense of purpose.

As the day progressed, Jack felt the weight of his responsibilities, but also the strength of the friendships he had formed. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, trusting in each other and the divine guidance that had brought them together.