
Divine Intertwined Destinies

"An existence brimming with grace, once danced unrestrained over the vast skies, accompanied by a striking crescent blade..." Yue Xianwu wakes up again after a slumber of a thousand years with a single voice echoing "Must stay by the Demon sovereign's side." Amid the clash of virtuous and viscous. With a glint of light she moves forward to face her once unfortunate fate again. However, behind the shadows a silhouette smiles. For he has been watching her for a long, long time.

LaibaKhan7 · Fantasy
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91 Chs

(Part 7)

Shashou walked over to Xianwu he called "Xiao Yue… don't worry. The heavenly city will deal with her fairly. Mo Xingchen is the direct disciple under General Gonghe, of course a high ranked supreme like him won't come down for a little matter like this so he sent him. Xianwu nodded. Shashou continued "As for your merits… come visit the heavenly city tomorrow."

Xianwu standing in daze still nodded. Mo Xingchen and Li Qianyi had already boarded the sleigh. Feixing and Shashou with a smile boarded back too. Meizhen hugged Xianwu as she spoke "Xiao Yue… be sure to call me back, Shentong was also worried about you and he really was acting spoiled to come and see you but Feixing hit him hard and made him stay with Fenghuang…" she sighed.

Xianwu with a slight chuckle smiled "Really… it feels so silly to hear." Meizhen replied relieved "Finally a smile on your face…" she said. "Go back home and take a good shower. Look how bloody your hairs are… girls are meant to be pretty." She consoled Xianwu.

Xianwu replied "Okay… I'll do just as you say… but I want you to investigate one thing for me. When I was heading here I encountered Demonic Wolves. They were the same as the one we encountered in the past, for some reasons I was horrified but I fought my way out but in the end I don't understand why in the world did they appear here?" Xianwu breathed heavily.

Meizhen was shocked to the core as well. "Those wolves… are you sure?" she asked again to confirm herself. Xianwu was sweating heavily grabbing her hands tightly she gasped in fear "No… I'm sure! They really were the same!" she cried. Meizhen worriedly calmed here down. "Okay, okay, little darling. Don't worry. I promise I will find out all about it from head to toe okay? I promise." She assured hugging Xianwu who was trembling.

Looking at her again Meizhen repeated "I promise. Alright. Don't worry." Xianwu nodded as Fa ling rubbed her back. Meizhen too made her way back to the sleigh. Senlin walked forward towards the sleigh with Shijei "We'll also leave. The task is over and the kids are also safe." She reported.

Xianwu looking at them with a smile slightly bowed, she said "Senlin… Shijei… Thank you so much." The two of them with their eyes widened turned around. Shashou, Meizhen and Feixing too looked at her surprised. Shijei slammed his hand on the sleigh with a click of his tongue, he shouted "Who told you to bow down in front of us?" Xianwu was startled with his anger. She looked at him baffled. Shijei looked at her angrily shouting again "Yue Xianwu! Even if you are not a heavenly supreme now and not even a princess! You are never allowed to bow down! Not in front of anyone! Especially never in front of me!!" Xianwu looked at him, her eyes widened.

Shijei climbed in the sleigh, not even sparing a single glance at her again. Senlin on the other hand had already settled down. With a last wave of her hand Xianwu said "Thank you everyone, for coming." Feixing, Meizhen, Shashou and Xingchen smiled nodding.

The Sleigh took its position but before it could fly Xianwu heard Qianyi speak, though the entire time she was crying and cursing, this time she was entirely calm. Qianyi spoke "My lady… you might never know the pain I'm suffering, but even right now I feel like killing him. Surely even when I see him again I'll feel like cursing and killing him. I'll go crazy! And I'll lose my mind and surely won't remember even a single thing you said. However, I'll try… I'll try and forgive him, I will try to forgive him from the bottom of my heart and end my revenge. No matter, how crazy I become I will forgive him and make him feel the guilt he couldn't feel up until now. And I'll surely be happy and join my child once again. I never thought that he might be waiting for me for such a long time."

Xianwu gasped. Qianyi gazed at Xianwu with a smile "For what I've done with all the children, I'm sorry… I only wanted my child back. Kindly apologise to the villagers… in my stead, you are right Eternal forgiveness becomes the other ones endless guilt! I will repent my guilt and I'll make sure he repents mine! Young lady Thank you for understanding a nameless ghost's will, Thank you…"

With the end of her sentence the sleigh flew away back towards the sky and vanished behind the clouds. Xianwu gazed at the sky sighing "I am not even worthy for your thanks…" she whispered. She was tired. Her clothes were disheveled and hairs falling to the ground, nevertheless thanks to Fa ling they were turned a little shorter. Her limbs ached and she reeked of blood.

Xianwu with her last bit of strength dragged herself towards the village. The middle aged man greeted her the moment she came outside. Outside the forest, Xianwu could see mothers hugging their children and smiling with tears. "Benefactor! Thank you!" he called happily. "Thanks to you and your comrades our village is saved!!" exclaimed a woman hugging her child. Xianwu smiled with her eyes drowsy. "It's alright. From today onwards. Nothing like this will ever happen again. Please feel free to do everything you wanted from now on." She told. Upon her words the whole village rejoiced.

However, Xianwu really didn't had any strength left to go back to her cottage, she thought "Come on… Yue Xianwu, Xiao yin might be waiting… just how worried that little kid would be? His hands would freeze like ice in nervousness… just a little bit more and you'll see your home…" Xianwu walked her legs giving away. And just as soon as she was about to give up. A red and black robed silhouette with his long black hairs tied into a ruffled braid walked towards her, sun shone behind him creating a long shadow. Unable to make out his face she heard him call "Sister…?" His voice was worrisome but strong just like Xianwu thought, and without a second's thought she collapsed. Her world turning black…