
Divine Intertwined Destinies

"An existence brimming with grace, once danced unrestrained over the vast skies, accompanied by a striking crescent blade..." Yue Xianwu wakes up again after a slumber of a thousand years with a single voice echoing "Must stay by the Demon sovereign's side." Amid the clash of virtuous and viscous. With a glint of light she moves forward to face her once unfortunate fate again. However, behind the shadows a silhouette smiles. For he has been watching her for a long, long time.

LaibaKhan7 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
91 Chs

(Part 6)

Walking into the forest just as Xianwu assumed it was dark, creepy and scary. But thanks to Fa ling she had something she could fight with. Moreover, she also had to take care of the one toddling beside her. No matter how strong or carefree he is, he was still a child as well as a mortal and Xianwu had no intention of letting him get hurt due to her negligence. The two of them walked closely to each other. Xianwu looked at him. "A child so young. How did he even end up in the forest anyway? Besides, I don't even know his name…" she thought. All of a sudden Xianwu heard some voices as she asked "Are they here?" The boy beside her nodded. "Yes sister, look." He pointed. Pulling him down beside her Xianwu stared at the demons form behind a bush.

Xianwu looked at the demons in front of her. They were gathered around together. Men, women, children and even spirits and demonic animals. The aura of those demons felt different from the ones she saw in the demon city. In the demon city the demons were mighty and unique from one another but the ones in from of here were different… more like they were slightly weaker and most likely here for fun. "If I think properly… the demons march was over for this month right? How come these demons are still outside and won't LeiRen catch them if he finds them? Moreover, are they even from the demon city…?" Xianwu's thought were soon interrupted with their chatter.

"Curse those damn humans one of them made a pulp of my face, I feel like cursing that brat for the rest of my life!" complained the one of them. The woman beside him laughed "Haha! It was your fault for scaring that boy. You deserve it!" she mocked. "Shut up! Damn that rascal. If I see him I won't leave him the second time!" he roared. "Calm down. You might get beaten u even more badly. We promised the sovereign not to meddle with humans right, will you go back on your words." Asked another one "But it was that dam mortal's fault, ruining my beautiful face!" he cried. While the others on his comment laughed.

Xianwu instantly felt sympathy towards him as she eyed the boy beside her with a complex expression. The boy looked at her with a smile "He is the one whom I beat, see sister I really wasn't lying!" he exclaimed. Getting his truth out in front of Xianwu had made him quiet happy. "Yeah, yeah, I believe you. You don't need to tell me again and again." Xianwu replied with a smile. The boy stared at her with his mouth agape but soon a smile escaped his lips.

Suddenly a portal opened as the demons called each other "All of you together it's time to go back. Make sure everyone is here if you leave someone behind you might suffer like the ones from the inferno city!" shouted a demon making himself clear. "Hell no! There's no way in hell we'll suffer like that!" replied the same demon. "They say, that their king went to retrieve them on his own form that heavenly crazy king." Told a woman. Xianwu listened to their conversation. Of course the event they were talking about took place right in front of her eyes how could she evade their talk as if she isn't aware.

"So they really aren't from the demon city… that reliefs me… but if not then who are they? Well leave it aside. They are going back that means they are not involved in my case" She thought. A relieved Xianwu stood straight looking at the boy she smiled. "Little boy I'm done with my work… let's go back." She said. And the moment she turned back her eyes widened. In front of her stood a demon who stared back at her. His appearance was huge. A budging stomach with distorted facial expression. Xianwu stood shocked "A demon?! Oh no! He saw us…" The demon roared in anger "Humans! Damn humans are spying on us!!" his voice was loud, loud enough to make Xianwu's heart shudder.

The demons made their way surrounding the 2 of them. Xianwu looked around thinking anxiously "Good heavens! Is my luck that spoiled or was I reborn in June? The more I wanted to keep this kid and myself from danger, the more it happened! Forget it! Rather than blaming my luck I better find a way!" The same demon which the boy beat furiously suddenly recognised him. "It's him!! It's him! He injured my pretty face! Catch him!" The demons in frenzy ordered "Catch them!!" Xianwu immediately grabbed a hold of the boy's hand running evading them. His hands as cold as ice.

Xianwu assured him "It's alright don't panic! I will surely get you out of here." Feeling how cold his hands were she knew how shocked to the wits he would have been. But the next moment he spoke, Xianwu was the one to be shocked to the core. "I am panicking but…I believe you sister." The boy replied. His voice was calm and had a really different mood from the words he told. "Is this kid serious?!" she thought.

Nevertheless, keeping everything aside her main goal was to rush out towards somewhere safe. "Fa ling!!" she called out. Fa ling grew long and strong. Twisting himself around a strong tree branch, he pulled the boy and Xianwu over. The demons catching them from the ground unable to detect their presence looked haphazardly. Gazing below she breathed a sigh of relief. However, the danger was yet from over. The demon with their sharp sense of smell soon detected their presence. "Let's go!" Xianwu whispered hopping from tree to tree thanks to Fa ling's help.

Landing onto the ground after a while, Xianwu looked behind to trace if the demons were catching them or not. Looking around the forest she panted hard. "Demons aren't that kind…" she thought. Instantly, she could feel the bushes moving. "Have they found us?! But we are close to my cottage. They might make their way to the village if they keep following…" however, before Xianwu could think anymore.

A pair of bloody red eyes stared at her. Covered by a dark shadow. All of a sudden her mind went blank and her lips began trembling. "No way…" she whispered. Memories of past flushed into her mind as she could see herself fighting her biggest fear. "Demonic hounds…" she continued. "How can I be… they were all dead? How can they come back." she thought while sweat dripped her forehead. The boy stared art her worriedly "Sister… are you alright?" he asked gently moving her.

A terrified Xianwu came back to earth gazing at the bushes u in front one more time to find nothing but trees. "It's gone?!" she asked. The boy looking around stared right and left "What's gone sister?" he asked. Realising the situation she was in Xianwu evaded the topic "Never mind, let's head back." she called heading back to the cottage. Looking behind one last time Xianwu thought "It must be my imagination. Everything was gone when Yue kingdom fell. I can't possibly come back."

Heading back, Xianwu looked around one last time to see if the demons were following her and them tense fully turn around to face the boy. Panting heavily, she gazed at the boy. "Are you alright? You didn't get hurt by them anywhere right?" she asked in panic turning him left and right. The boy smiled back replying "I'm alright, moreover it was quite fun! You were really cool!" Xianwu sighed in utter defeat. There was no way she could change his thinking about dangers of the world. "Sister you're such a worrywart!" he laughed.

Looking at him happy, Xianwu once again turned to see the forest. The boy looking her tensed assured with a smile. "Sister, they won't follow us anymore rest assured." Xianwu stood dumbfounded. Even after facing something like this, that kid wasn't even sweating a drop or felt an ounce of fear. Moreover, telling her proudly that they won't chase them anymore. Where did that confidence come from? As for Xianwu… she was barely able to breathe. "And why do you think they won't chase us anymore?" she questioned.

The boy smiled. "Sister, didn't you see that they were here for the demon's march and were soon about to return. If they kept chasing us, they would miss the chance to head back. Moreover, as they were talking about some incident which took place with other demons before, I don't think they will stay here for too long." He explained. Xianwu blinked her eyes in shock. "What he said was true… however, such a little kid to know about something like this was extremely rare." She thought.

"You're right. Let's head back. Oh right! We've been together for so long and I don't even know your name." It had been quite a while since she met this boy and he even told her about whatever happened in the forest. But who was he? Someone to not fear something like what they just faced. Xianwu was bound to know him. The boy gleamed. His smile brighter than the moon which shone behind him made Xianwu stare.

"In my family, I am the youngest and the most genius child. So I am called 'Xiao Yin' (Little Silver)"