
Divine Intertwined Destinies

"An existence brimming with grace, once danced unrestrained over the vast skies, accompanied by a striking crescent blade..." Yue Xianwu wakes up again after a slumber of a thousand years with a single voice echoing "Must stay by the Demon sovereign's side." Amid the clash of virtuous and viscous. With a glint of light she moves forward to face her once unfortunate fate again. However, behind the shadows a silhouette smiles. For he has been watching her for a long, long time.

LaibaKhan7 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
91 Chs

(Part 4)

"Crown princess, the moment we reach the Hellhiem gate, it is divided into two paths. The path on the right is for the souls to enter hell. Those souls are punished or given a chance to revive as a demon. They further enter in the territory of internal hell. The demon's on the other hand go towards the right side visiting the inferno city. Both the gates are connected to inferno city however, leads to different paths. The path we are going to take will be towards the right leading to inferno city where connection to Lianhua is suspected. Got that?" Weixiao asked.

Xianwu nodded "Yes, I did. We have to search clues to Lianhua's disappearance in the inferno city." She repeated. "Yeah… because there is no way a living being can cross the left path leading to internal hell. They aren't dead, so how could they." Weixiao explained. Xianwu nodded once more looking at the approaching gate where, the demons and ghosts took the path of the inferno city while the souls took the hell route. Taking a deep breath Xianwu thought, "I wonder if it is because it's my first time visiting the inferno city like that my heart feels really unsettled… as if for some reason I can't believe I would stand over here like this." Weixiao looked at her silent figure

"Don't worry, it wasn't your fault that you couldn't stay in the inferno city. I know it might feel weird but I guess even fate couldn't look that fact apart." He smiled.

Xianwu shaking her head smiled, "I think so too… but, let us both be careful." Weixiao nodded, "Yes."

"Alright… there's no need to worry Xianwu. Everything will be fine. With all the Heavenly bestowed grace and glory. May light of righteousness shine my way with all evils banished…" Xianwu thought while keeping her feet inside the Hellhiem gate.

And, as soon as she did her head was crowded with voices of unsightly chatters, clamors and bargains. Opening her eyes Xianwu could see a big crowded sight before her. The city dangling with red and golden lanterns over the street. A musty scent covering around, with bargains of all kinds of valuable from big to small were to be witnessed by demons of different kind

"How weird… It feels the same as when I came here for the first time the sight of demons which freaked me out before feels as if I have seen them almost every day. Moreover, this time around… the city looks beautiful." She thought.

Walking forward, Xianwu looked around at different halls and stores surrounding the long route leading towards the Arcadia manor at the very end. "Looks like I'll have to look around for the Auction hall… since, that's my only clue…" she thought.

Walking forward, she could see demons relishing different kinds of food. (Which was hardly to be called as food…) betting over tiny bargains, clattering and cheering over dangerous amusing fire plays. While, women demons shopped around and bickered over trivial money issues with the owners. Large carts filled with valuables and rations were arriving and departing from the Hellhiem gates every minute later.

Tracing around Xianwu gazed the sight in awe. Fa ling who was slightly alerted by the situation stood defensively behind Xianwu's ear. "Looks like Fa ling too is cautious, I should also be careful…" she pondered grasping a look. "Hey, hey did you know that the spirit of the Inferno realm was killed by the sovereign?" asked a demon as he munched a pair of eyes grotesquely. "Huh? She was killed?" asked another one shocked.

"Yeah, I heard so as well. See, I knew this would happen. Those heavenly maggots were making it a big hell of an issue. Serve them right!!" cheered another. "How dare you talk about the sovereign like that!" claimed the butcher who looked at them angrily. "Hey… we weren't talking about the sovereign, but those heavenly maggots. No need to be so hot headed." Cleared the man. "Killed?!" Xianwu thought in shock. "What are they talking about?"

"Sigh, she looked beautiful when I first saw her. Haiz… I should've devoured her before she was killed by my lord." Regretted a woman while fanning herself. Her pointed teeth sticking out of her mouth with black snake eyes. "Tch! You and devour her soul? That would've been great. You'd be the one to get killed by the sovereign! Ahaha!!" laughed the others together.

The demon woman eyed them annoyed, "But in any case I think it was the best if she was killed. What if that spirit turned on our backs and betrayed us. My lord really did make a wise decision." "Yeah, that makes our lord the strongest person in all the three realms haha!! How would a person that strong need a puny spirit once a part of heavens to aide him! Haha!! Don't make me laugh!" laughed a man. Hearing their conversation Xianwu walked further.

"So this is the news crowding the Inferno realm right now that I have been killed by the sovereign himself. Really… such a nice way to evade the whole talk." She sighed. "Well it isn't even wrong. Since, I am not a part of it. I better be dead to not to cause trouble anywhere near here. I should thank Yeying Long for that."

Suddenly realizing something missing Xianwu turned around to gaze right and left all sides around her. "Huh?! Where is thunder master?!" she thought shocked. "I am sure he was here just a moment ago telling me about the inferno city and the gate could it be… that I lost him?!" she asked herself anxiously.

Looking around Xianwu traced the sight of thunder master from the path she walked in from however, no use. He was nowhere to be seen.

"Right… I should call him from the transmission array…" she thought while thinking inside her head however, due to sudden disconnection Xianwu realized that her heavenly power were already sealed and there was no way she could contact him.

In utter defeat Xianwu sighed hard, "How could a person vanish like thin air…? Wasn't he with me a minute ago? Thunder master really is weird. I don't get him at all. I wonder where he will be moreover, would he even be alright?" she pondered worriedly.

Clearing her head Xianwu thought, "Don't worry about him Xianwu, he isn't a little kid. He won't get lost. I think I should make my way towards the Auction hall since, we both heard about it I am sure thunder master would come there. Or I could even run into him in between." Gazing at the name plates of the halls Xianwu made her way towards the Auction hall following the demons who made their way towards it as well.