
Divine Intertwined Destinies

"An existence brimming with grace, once danced unrestrained over the vast skies, accompanied by a striking crescent blade..." Yue Xianwu wakes up again after a slumber of a thousand years with a single voice echoing "Must stay by the Demon sovereign's side." Amid the clash of virtuous and viscous. With a glint of light she moves forward to face her once unfortunate fate again. However, behind the shadows a silhouette smiles. For he has been watching her for a long, long time.

LaibaKhan7 · Fantasy
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91 Chs

(Part 4)

Shijei and Xiao yin too gazed in wonder. Xingchen gulped "Whatever… that has happened is all my fault. The moment I became a heavenly supreme, became a light. I lost everything. This family isn't related to me by blood. I'm just an outsider and, I should have been raised like an outsider however, they provided me unmeasurable love. The exact opposite of what I had thought. But, due to my selfishness. I also lost them. Only Bingwen is left… please! Whatever I did, I'll face my punishment in every way possible. Until then, please take care of Bingwen. His body has become very weak. His human body can't keep up with him and if not cared his soul will die. Kindly! Take care of him. Please! I beg of you. I ask this of you on my title of a heavenly general! Crown princess!" he begged.

Xianwu stayed silent. His helplessness could be seen thoroughly. Xianwu walking aside Xingchen who sat before her, went towards Bingwen. His figure was scrawny and his bones visible to the human eye. It was as if he was left alone for years. Nobody to take care of him or even be beside him. Xianwu felt as if she was watching herself from the past.

She gently picked up the boy in her arms. His weight was even lighter than a five year old child. Without looking back at Xingchen Xianwu called "I'll take care of him until your matters are solved. If the heavenly city make any plans to take him I'll give him to them. Until then, he'll stay with me and I'll help him restore his power… nevertheless, you are going to reflect on what you did, thoroughly in the time being." Xingchen's eyes widened as he looked deeper and nodded.

"And one more thing…" Xianwu continued. Xingchen turned around to grasp a look at her back. "This favour… remember you never asked it from the Crown Princess Yue Xianwu… but, from just a mere mortal who loiters this transient world. That title and that person is no more…" she ended her voice trailing into a whisper. Xingchen once again bowed low hearing her words. Shijei gazed at Xianwu in surprise. But, whatever she said was right. "Princess Yue Xianwu…" Xiao yin repeated while Shijei looked at him slightly worried. "This brat didn't know that she was a princess. Is he shocked?" he thought.

Suddenly the fog over their heads started to dissipate. The sun rays entered the bloody pit. Xianwu clinched her eyes opening them while grasping her surroundings. Xiao yin walked beside her. She sneaked a silent peek. Xiao yin too gazed at the sky keeping his hand over his forehead. Xianwu smiled "I'm sorry… Xiao yin, for dragging you with me for so long…" she apologized. Xiao yin gazed at her with a smile. "Wherever sister goes, is where my path takes me… never far, never apart…" he replied.

Xianwu gazed at him with her eyes widened "He was always watching me… from the very beginning…" she thought dazed. Soon the fog vanished. Far over the bridge three tiny figures stood. They seemed to be shouting but no voice was to be heard. Shijei looked at Xianwu while he asked "Xianwu, how long can your spirit reach from here?" Xianwu who had no slight idea stared at Fa ling. Fa ling looked at her nodding up and down. "I don't know. However, he can try." She assured.

Fa ling stretched himself and took his position. With a sudden speed of light he took off. He pushed himself to reach the top of the bridge. Shijei opened his heavenly power and jumped from one rock to another climbing upwards. Xingchen stood up unsheathing his gold covered copper blade.

Grabbing Bingwen from Xianwu's arms he mounted over it and made his way outside the pit. Xianwu looked at Fa ling with difficulty who had caught a tight grip on the bridge's rope. Xianwu looked at Xiao yin who smiled back. Fa ling soon turned half of Xianwu's hairs into a rope and wrapped himself around Xiao yin, pulling him above the bridge. Fa ling, lastly pulled Xianwu outside.

Turning around Xianwu looked at the pit the last time. "Leader Zhong and fellow tribes men… by heavens mercy, may you rest in peace…" she prayed silently. Fa ling pulled her rapidly. From above she could see Senlin and the other two heavenly Supremes. One of them seemed to be waving its arm hastily.

The moment Xianwu reached towards the bridge, a pair of arms grabbed her pulling up. Xianwu stared surprised. In front of her was the same man whom she saw towards the kingdom of the silent city. With a big smile he gazed at her with his honey gold eyes. He twirled her around praising, "Good work! Little princess!" Xianwu who was perplexed couldn't help but smile and nod.

Gazing at the sight Xiao yin felt cross, walking towards the two of them he hastily pulled Xianwu towards himself. A dangerous smile covering his lips. "Oh my~" chanted the man. His eyes prying teasingly with his brush twirling amid his fingers. Xianwu smiled confused "Who… is he?" she thought. Behind him a women who seemed really familiar and, whom Xianwu had seem to know from her past stood. Right beside her Shijei and Senlin stood dishevelled. "Did they got beaten up by them that badly?!" Xianwu thought with the sight.

Soon the woman making her way towards Xianwu greeted, "Crown princess… Yue Xianwu, it's been long since we last met…" Well that was one new way of greeting someone who was dead and woke up a 1000 years later. However, it was still better than being mocked and ridiculed the moment you were seen by someone. (Just like in Senlin and Shijei's case). Xianwu tilted her head rejecting, "General 'Jiu Lianhua' (Nine Lotuses), no need for unnecessary honourable titles. Please call me Xianwu. Furthermore, it has been long indeed since we last met…

Lianhua who gazed at her surprised spoke up, "It's not like I have many names to call you with. So bear with whatever I call you." Xianwu smiled remembering, "Ah… this is just so her way. The way of following her rules and never once sticking against them."

The man who caught Xianwu stared at the two of them from a side. His puppy like innocent expression was to be seen clearly which Xianwu tried to ignore but couldn't. Suddenly he interrupted complaining, "Hey! Hey! I'm also here. Why are you both ignoring me? Can you not see me?"

Lianhua sighed, "When were we ignoring you? You were the one didn't talk." The man scratched his head," Haha! My bad. My bad." "Say princess do you remember me?" he asked instantly referring to Xianwu. Xianwu who was slightly confused tried to remember the figure before her, but no victory. In her mind not even a hint of even meeting him in the past reoccurred.

"Um… I am deeply apologetic but I can't really seem to remember you…" she whispered slightly embarrassed herself. It's not like she could tug Senlin or Shijei to tell them about anyone whom she doesn't remember, just like she did in the past