
Divine Intertwined Destinies

"An existence brimming with grace, once danced unrestrained over the vast skies, accompanied by a striking crescent blade..." Yue Xianwu wakes up again after a slumber of a thousand years with a single voice echoing "Must stay by the Demon sovereign's side." Amid the clash of virtuous and viscous. With a glint of light she moves forward to face her once unfortunate fate again. However, behind the shadows a silhouette smiles. For he has been watching her for a long, long time.

LaibaKhan7 · Fantasy
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91 Chs

(Part 4)


The Heavenly City which rushed in frenzy was silent to the depths of horror. The news had already reached towards the heavenly Palace.

Just like the name states, the Heavenly Place was the most important area in the whole Heavenly City. The Emperor of the entire Heavenly realm 'Tiandi Zhijun (The Emperor of Heavens and Earth) lived there. Inside the Heavenly Palace the sight was majestic. It was flawless! Its beauty and glamour unmatched around the whole universe. The walls made up of gold and tiles sculpted with exquisite runes of all kinds. Huge pillars surrounded the main hall with doors greater than fortresses. All Supremes' with greatest powers and rulers of many palaces made their way to aid the emperor.

Right in the centre of the grand hall. A throne settled. The greatest glory of the emperor. It was studded with jewels unmatched. It was said that these jewels were never found anywhere in the mortal world. They were formed with abundant spirit power and magic. Right over the throne a man sat. His figure was broad and his aura domineering than many kings. He wore a large crown over his head. And golden armour settled on his shoulders. His eyes pure black seriously stared at the heavenly city through the round orb in front of his table. His one hand under his chin and the other tapping his fingers on the arm of the throne. A seemingly light of maturity and kindness surrounded him.

Suddenly, a man wearing a golden robe made his way from the large door. "Your highness…" he called bowing in front of him. On his waist a mace dangled and in his arms many scrolls rested. "Looks like Shentong's fortune today… has caused a real mess." he announced.

The emperor looked at him in wonder. "Emo Shashou (Demon Slayer) what is going on outside?" he questioned. In reality, everything was known to him however he still asked. Shashou sighed as he spoke up "Emperor Zhijun, looks like a spirit is going to be born in the demon Inferno city shortly as per Shentong's saying, and hearing the news relating to The Demon sovereign after 800 years… everyone has hidden themselves inside their palaces, not daring to come out." he explained.

Zhijun looked into the orb. His expression remaining unchanged. "A spirit...?" he whispered. How do you feel about this matter?" he asked. "What can I say~ kids these days like to play, I never expected anything like this from our genius little boy, but still it's quite shocking for a spirit to be born in the Inferno city." said Shashou. Suddenly, the doors slammed as a figure approached in anger.

His built was strong and hairs tied into a ponytail. In his hand a sword was gripped tightly, as he furiously approached towards the emperor. "Greetings! Your highness!" he greeted but in his voice, rage was clearly heard. Zhijun nodded as Shashou smiled in return. "YangYang (Immensely pleased with oneself) what's wrong?" he asked politely. And that was the moment when Yangyang busted in with anger.

"That demon! How dare they call his name in the Heavenly City? Did they all forget what he did in the past or are they out of their minds? A spirit is born in the Inferno city? What for?!" he roared. "To hell with it! Once I see him, I'm going to rip his limbs apart. Just by his name the whole Heavenly City has gone quiet!" he continued.

All the shouting had made him pant real hard and his voice chocked. Shashou chuckled "Haha! Little Yangyang, you have one hasty temper. You want to rip his limbs apart? The merry sight of the Heavenly City has gone silent just by his name. What do you think will happen if he comes here himself?" he questioned.

Yangyang, too stared at the orb with nothing more to say. But, his demeanour couldn't stay silent for too long as he roared again. "No way! There might be some way to defeat him and lift the fear from our people. I feel like killing him!!"

Shashou suddenly pointed out "Look! The demon sovereign's right behind you!" he gasped. Yangyang is utter shock unsheathed his sword and pointed around in panic. "Where?! Where?!" he stuttered. Shashou who couldn't keep his laughter busted "Haha! Haha! Tricked you! Little Yangyang you're so innocent."

YangYang soon realised he was bluffed with and trampled the ground while cursing Shashou. Yangyang looked at the emperor embarrassingly with his face flushed red making Shashou laugh even louder. Yangyang embarrassed to an extend couldn't utter a single word. "Both of you clam your self-down a little…" said Zhijun with a deep sigh. Looking at the two of them as he spoke up. "Shashou, Yangyang, call all the heavenly Supremes at the palace for an urgent meeting. Shentong should be called as well to settle all the matters regarding the demon and the spirit!" he ordered. "All of your queries and questions will be resolved by me, no need to worry… Demons are never an existence to be afraid off." Shashou and Yangyang bowed in harmony replying together "Yes!!"

Shentong gazing at the heavenly palace leaped down from the pavilion. The heavenly city now had many heavenly Supremes running here and there, to find authentic information about the spirit's arrival. However, mostly made their way to the Heavenly palace.

Nonetheless, Shentong couldn't care less. He tiptoed and looked over to find two similar figures gazing back at him. A smile lit his face. "Feixing! Fenghuang!" he called waving his arm like a little kid. Feixing slapped his forehead in disbelief while Fenghuang waved back. Right and left Shentong leaped making his way towards the two of them.

"Feixing! Fenghuang! I missed you both!" he exclaimed hugging Feixing tightly.

Feixing who was really angry didn't reply back. Shentong gazed at him worriedly. "What's wrong? Did you fell down and hurt yourself?" he questioned. Feixing still didn't answer him. "Or did you get your head smacked from your father? Or did you get dumped by a woman?" he continued to ask. The last possibility however, was too much for Feixing to bear as he smacked his forehead harshly. "Shut up!" he angered. "Ouch~!" Shentong cried rubbing his head. "Why did you hit me? Why are you so angry?!" he asked in pain.

Feixing eyed at him sharply "Why am I angry you ask? Why didn't you tell me about anything huh? You talked about Yeying like it's nothing and now everyone is gathering at the Heavenly Palace for a meeting, thanks to your stupid talk!" he scolded. "Mama~ don't just scold me listen to me~" Shentong cried as tears plopped his eyes. "Pfft! Haha!" laughed FengHuang. Feixing looked at him annoyingly.

Shentong pouted "I never talked stupid… I just told the truth. Yeying is going to get a spirit. I have to go and inform him. I don't care about meetings. Nothing is more important than my Xiao long. I'm leaving to meet him. If you want to come then come. If not then don't!" he said leaving.

Feixing eyed him angrily "He's not only your Xiao long! He's our brother as well and what about the gathering in the heavenly palace… you're surely going to get a fine more or less a detention or even your result after giving your 300th exam which is surely going to be cancelled." "Mark my words if you lose your last year exam, I'm going to dig your grave with my own two hands!!" he exclaimed angrily.

Still, Shentong waved his fan without looking back ""Fine? Detention? Result? What about it? Even if they cancel it the fact won't change that I'm a genius. For me Xiao long… is more important than those 300 years of continuous boring exams!" he called. "If you want to come then come, or else I'm leaving…" he waved his fan behind his back. Feixing sighed.

"Fenghuang, go behind him and make sure you bring him back at the meeting. He is called personally by the emperor. Even if I stall them, I can't do it for long, extremely not in front of the emperor." He told. "And, tell Xiao yin that I…" Fenghuang nodded taking out his paintbrush and following Shentong.

Feixing looked at the Heavenly Palace as he sighed "And… here we go… towards the heavenly palace" he said.

The message of gathering in the Heavenly Palace had already spread like fire. Princely Supremes and Supremes of high authorities came to attend the meeting in the main hall. Each and every one of them had gathered regarding the matter Shentong had spoken off. And, even the Heavenly Emperor was present on his throne without delay. Feixing walked towards the main hall, every heavenly supreme stood in front of the heavenly emperor chatting about the ruckus that had been spread around the heavenly palace.

Emperor Zhijun with his bold voice ordered "Gather around, everyone!" Just a single word and all worldly chattering stopped at that instant, every single one of them bowed. Shashou and Yangyang too stood beside the emperor aiding him. Feixing taking a deep breath walked closer towards the conference. "Regarding this matter what do you all have to say?" Zhijun asked. The Heavenly Supremes faced each other.

"Your Highness the Emperor, a spirit is born in a demon's land. What else could we say… isn't this a catastrophe itself?" asked a heavenly Supreme. "What is it born for, who is it? We have no slight idea. A spirit in an evil land could only mean, it would work for evil and surely against us! It would give us disaster after disaster." exclaimed another one.

Emperor Zhijun turned around and gazed. Soon from the gates an elder raged coming inside "My lord, taking the name of a demon and mentioning his luck in the land of heavens! It's unbelievable! What has the spirit have to do with the demon sovereign? He killed hundreds of us years ago, what could he possibly be planning now? Another massacre?! That would be the sole will of that ominous star!!" he angered.

"What elder says is indeed true my lord! That demon king is a vicious creature. His right is always our wrong. And how he is granted with a spirit? It would be one great chaos if he tries to harm the heavenly realm in anyways again." affirmed another one.

Feixing sighed worriedly.

The elder rose in rage "My Lord! I ask you to kindly question the one who gave this news, genius Shentong is indeed our only talent for fortune telling however, he needs to explain his words in front of everyone. Only then can we know everything."

Zhijun looked around eyeing Shentong who was nowhere to be found "Where is Shentong…?" he asked. Feixing walked forward towards the heavenly emperor as he bowed "Your highness, Shentong is still a kid. He always gets emotional and does things like this. About the Demon sovereign, he never meant to do anything like this. In his place I ask for your forgiveness… kindly let him go just this once…" he pleaded.

Zhijun and the others looked at him with their expressions grave. Zhijun spoke up, his voice confident "Feixing Wang… Where is Shentong…?" he questioned once more. Feixing suppressed by the pressure bordering him, couldn't help but reply "My lord… he's on his way…" gritting his teeth he thought. "Shentong… you idiot, hurry up!"