
Divine Intertwined Destinies

"An existence brimming with grace, once danced unrestrained over the vast skies, accompanied by a striking crescent blade..." Yue Xianwu wakes up again after a slumber of a thousand years with a single voice echoing "Must stay by the Demon sovereign's side." Amid the clash of virtuous and viscous. With a glint of light she moves forward to face her once unfortunate fate again. However, behind the shadows a silhouette smiles. For he has been watching her for a long, long time.

LaibaKhan7 · Fantasy
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91 Chs

(Part 11)

"Huh?!! You crazy demon, what the hell are you talking about? Why would she dance with you the moment she wields a sword? Do you have no shame?!" angered Su Yuewei.

"Is the lord joking?" the demons whispered utterly confused. "There must be something wrong going on today…" uttered the others perplexed. The demon women who surrounded the hall whispered chuckling, "Lord really asked her for a dance, how lucky she is!"

Hearing their light chuckle Xianwu stood embarrassed. "Is Xiao yin… playing with me?" she thought muddled. However, keeping her arm before her Su Yuewei who would seem to jump off and attack Yeying at any time cleared her throat.

"If that time ever comes, I'll remember you. However, I don't think I am qualified enough to yield a sword ever again." Xainwu told. Yeying nodded smiling. "In that case… I'll wait until you're qualified enough once more. Till then, don't forget our promise." He gazed at her with his crimson soul breaking eye.

Xianwu gazed at him perplexed. Nodding lightly Xianwu made her way outside the auction hall. "Come on, Lord Thunder master, your highness Su Yuewei. Let's go already…" she whispered leaving. Weixiao and Su Yuewei both followed her outside. Turning around Su Yuewei glared at Yeying while he still smiled tracing them leave.

Grasping a look at the pouch in his hands he gently opened it revealing red berries from inside. Soon, a demon walked towards him, "My lord, where will go next?" he asked fawning. Looking at berries in his palm, a soft smile gazed his lips. "Hm… I am delighted today, so let's head back to the Arcadia Manor." he replied. "As you wish master." The demons called together.

"Come on, let's go. Our Lord is happy today. It's like a festival today!" claimed the demons all around soon dispersing.

Hearing all the ruckus before her, Xianwu turned around to grasp one last look. To her surprise, Yeying stared at her as their eyes met. Showing a mischievous gleam Yeying soon ate a red berry Xianwu had given him. A contented smile revealing his face. A sudden thump escaped Xianwu's chest as her checks flushed red. She soon turned around to leave. Stepping outside the Auction hall she sighed a huge sigh of relief.

Making their way towards a silent alley the three of them faced each other. Suddenly Xianwu felt her legs getting weak as she clasped her knees taking deep breaths. Grasping her sudden tumble Weixiao moved forward to help her. "Are you alright, your highness?" he asked worriedly, helping her relax by patting her back, "I am fine…" Xianwu assured looking at Su Yuewei who stood before her gazing at her continuously.

"Really, it must be a hellish experience for you and I can totally get that." Weixiao sighed hard. Turning around to face Su Yuewei he complained, "Yuewei, you are a full-fledged, respected Heavenly supreme. How could you be so rash?!"

Xianwu hearing his words smiled perplexed. "Geez… you clearly know that we are in the Demon realm right now dressed up as demons. If you were caught and had your identity disclosed, word would spread all around saying that Heavenly Supremes disguised as demons infiltrated the Inferno city to spy around and cause trouble disrupting the peace between the three realms. More than that, we'll also get caught and be killed straight away with our heads chopped off from our bodies in the first place by that infamous demon sovereign. Then, how would we explain all this to the Heavenly Emperor?!" he angered. "Unbelievable…" he continued.

Xianwu looked at the two of them confused, unsure of what to say or do anymore. Su Yuewei however sighed hard, "I am sorry. I accept that I barged in recklessly however if I hadn't than nobody else would have." she explained. Weixiao kept his hand over his forehead exhaling deeply while Xianwu smiled awkwardly. "Those auctioneers were insane! I couldn't help it. Didn't you see how they were ready to bet their own family for a slave? Unbelievable! " Yuewei continued.

"Well forget it, but, what are we supposed to do now?" Weixiao looked around. "Which place in the whole inferno city seems to you as the best place to check out for clues first?" he asked. Xianwu looking around halted her gaze towards the Arcadia manor which rested in the middle of the Inferno city. "The Arcadia Manor…" she whispered.

"Huh?" asked Yuewei and Weixiao together. "The Arcadia Manor. The place where the demon sovereign of the inferno city lives. I think that is the only place we check out for clues or even the person itself." Xianwu proposed.

"The Arcadia Manor… you might be right on that point your highness, since you have been here before but how are we going to infiltrate that place?" asked Weixiao. Xianwu thinking hard grabbed her chin. "Hm…" she wondered. "Moreover, are you sure we can even infiltrate it?" Yuewei pointed towards the manor.

Xianwu taking a deep breath spoke up, "Even if we can't… we have to. We don't have much of a choice. To tell you the truth, even I don't know about the Manor much. I always teleported with Yeying and rested in one of its room before leaving for the mortal world." she told.

"So it's like we are walking in a lion's den with a bright lit lantern in our hands right?" Weixiao assumed. Xianwu nodded while Yuewei looked at her seriously. "However, I do have a plan." Xianwu declared. The two of them looked at her surprised, "You do?"

Xianwu smiled, "Listen up…" she spoke however before she could a vengeful voice went past hear ear calling, "Yue Xianwu…" Xianwu's eyes widened as she turned around hastily. Shivers went down her back.

"What's wrong?" asked Yuewei confused. Xianwu instantly grasping her ear looked around. "What was that just now?!" she wondered shocked. Looking at her nervous Weixiao asked worriedly, "Are you alright? Is something wrong?" Xianwu however not listening to a single word rushed outside the alley.

"Hey! What's going on? Where are you going?" Yuewei ran behind her as Weixiao followed. "What was that voice just now? Why did it felt so familiar?" she thought looking around. Noticing her sudden haste even Fa ling stood up worried. Running forward Xianwu looked around to grasp sight of the voice however no use. Amid all frenzy, she stood confused in the middle of the Inferno city.

"Just what has gotten into her?" Yuewei tried to find Xianwu who was out of her sight. "I don't know. She was fine just a moment ago? Really…? Where did she go now?" Weixiao sighed clueless.