
Divine Intertwined Destinies

"An existence brimming with grace, once danced unrestrained over the vast skies, accompanied by a striking crescent blade..." Yue Xianwu wakes up again after a slumber of a thousand years with a single voice echoing "Must stay by the Demon sovereign's side." Amid the clash of virtuous and viscous. With a glint of light she moves forward to face her once unfortunate fate again. However, behind the shadows a silhouette smiles. For he has been watching her for a long, long time.

LaibaKhan7 · Fantasy
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91 Chs

(Part 10)

Xianwu smiled awkwardly, "Haha… I have no words to say…" she thought. Xiao yin gazed at Xianwu who closed her eyes gently humming a melody. "Say sister… it was pretty nice." He complimented all of a sudden. "Huh?" Xianwu asked slightly complex. "That phrase… If I could, then I would save the whole world." He whispered. Hearing those words Xianwu once more became stupefied. "That…" she told her words vanishing in between, she suddenly hid herself under her blanket crying in embarrassment. "Xiao yin!"

Xiao yin snickered turning around to face her, "What? Is there something wrong with it?" he asked while looking at Xianwu who had hidden herself under her covers like a little bunny inside her rabbit hole. "No… it's just so embarrassing…" she confessed. "What's there to be embarrassed about? It was your dream. Whether you fulfilled it or not. You stood up to your word. Isn't it admirable enough? For me it's something I really admire." Xiao yin told gently playing with Fa ling who twirled around his arm hiding and seeking back and forth.

"What is even admirable about it? When you say something you should do it and succeed as well. What's the point of saying empty words you can't even fulfill?" she asked with a saddened smile. "Anyway it's alright, not that it matters anyways. I have said much more embarrassing things before." She continued. "Oh, and what might they be? I want to hear them." Xiao yin urged. "Huh…" Xianwu sighed.

"Many, many years ago there was a child who came to me. I vaguely remember how he looked like but he kept saying those words that he wanted to die, every moment, every second, and every day he wanted to die. He wanted to kill everyone around him and then die himself. It was painful to live. It was painful for me… why am I still alive? There's no meaning in living anymore. Please kill me. At that time do you know how I replied back?" she asked looking right into his eyes.

"How did you?" Xiao yin asked back. "I said… You are right, you are absolutely right, you can always die. You can die without a second thought. But what takes real courage is… to live! No matter how big the problem or how vast the world's against you is just live! Live! So you can once again find the purpose which you had once lost. And, if you still can't… remember me, even if I'm not with you… I'll surely help you find it! And if I can't find it. I'll become it!"

Xiao yin gazed at her, his expression blackened. His hand halted while playing with Fa ling. Xianwu looked at him with a smile, "Feels silly right? Even I don't know what I was thinking at that moment. To become his purpose of life? How did I even have the tenacity to say something back then…?" she sighed pulling her covers over her head. "I only said it at that time because I thought I was invincible and really strong… right now even if someone asks me to say this on verge of my death, I wouldn't be able to…"

Xiao yin laid beside Xianwu hearing those words, the two of them gazed at the roof above. "I just wonder… how that person might be doing right now. Being someone's purpose of life is already a whole lot of burden. Forget about saving the whole world." She said. A moment of silence took over the two of them as Xiao yin spoke, "Saving the whole world is really something quiet childish and heroic." "Really, Right?" she asked and endorsed at the same time. "However… childish, it was still very heroic and brave…" he commented. Xianwu's eyes widened as soon as she heard those words. Gazing beside her to see his smiling figure Xianwu smiled back.

"Really…thank you" she thanked. "Sister… you know, we've only met for a few days and yet you've spoken about a lot's of things with me. Aren't you cautious?" Xiao yin asked. "Huh? Why should I be cautious? After a thousand years the first person to see when I woke up was you. I stayed with you the most out of everyone. Why should I be cautious?" she asked back. "Moreover, it's not like anything bad could happen just be talking about the past." She responded. "Crown Princess Yue Xianwu…" Xiao yin called. Xianwu looked at him slightly surprised. More likely she was not used to how he called her by her whole name. "Yes?" she asked.

"Do you resent me for sending you to the mortal world?" he asked. "Huh…?" Xianwu thought. "Oh you mean when you sent me back to the mortal world? No, not at all. Why would I? I mean didn't you do it for my sake?" she asked. "Since, I wasn't able to stay in the Inferno city because of yielding heavenly power…" she thought. "I thought you did…" Xiao yin told. Xianwu smiled, "Yeying… if I would've resented you, I wouldn't have been talking to you like this right now. Furthermore, what would I get out of making enemies with you? I already have many to deal with…" she whispered at the end. "Including General Zhou Gonghe now… sigh…" Xianwu sighed once more.

"Sister… just tell me. Whoever dares to stand in front of you, I'll make sure they never stand again!" he threatened with a smile. Xianwu gulped while nodding, "A…ha…" "Better not tell him about anything like this now… if thankfully he doesn't get to know it himself…" She thought. "Sister… if… I'm not good looking enough or scary enough to pull the grounds below your feet what will you do…?" Xiao yin asked. His voice quiet serious. "Huh?!" No way! Is he afraid that I might not like him if his appearance is bad?" she thought in shock. "I never knew he was such a kind of person?!"

"I won't be surprised not scared…?" Xianwu responded not sure of herself as well. "Really…?" Xiao yin asked her eyeing her mischievously. "What if my face look like audacious, viscous, with misplaced features. What are you going to do?" he asked. Xianwu who was as good as confused thought, "After all he is a demon sovereign. He must have had it very hard on himself. Maybe that's why he is being so conscious of himself… Alright…" Xianwu coughed slightly clearing her throat. Xiao yin gazed at her, eagerly waiting for her reply.

"You know… the reason I want to see your real appearance is just because we are already this close. You are my best friend and you know as a friend we should be honest with each other. By looking at your real appearance I didn't meant if you looked good or not or how you would scare me…." "Pfft!" Xiao yin laughed hiding his head below. "Huh?! Did I say something wrong or is he too touched on what I said?!" she thought abruptly.

"Ahahahahaha!!" Xiao yin laughed loudly. Xianwu slightly puzzled and worried moved him right and left. "Xiao yin! Why are you laughing so much? Did I say something wrong?" she asked. "Haha! No, you are right. Your words are really right… Haha." He still laughed. Xianwu slightly angry hit him, "How mean of you!" she angered. However, the moment she said those words Xiao yin pulled her hand closer towards him. "Sister… in this world and in heavens I promise you, you won't find someone who is kinder than me." Xianwu stared at him with her eyes widened. She could clearly see her face in his eyes which were shimmering with the tiniest bit of light gathered around the room.

Breaking the silence, Xianwu pulled her hand back turning around, "Forget it… let's just sleep already. I'm tired…" Xiao yin looked at the roof above. "Sorry… sister…" he whispered while gazing at her back. "Huh?" Xianwu asked, a smile escaping her lips. "It's alright…" she said while turning around.

"Just sleep okay?" she whispered lovingly, while gently patting Xiao yin's head. Xiao yin who was surprised snuggled himself closer towards her. Lowering his head for her to caress easily. Caressing her hand on his soft, wavy hairs, Xianwu soon found herself drifting into a good night's sleep. The moment her hand's movement came to a halt Xiao yin sat straight. Taking her hairs in his hands he gently pecked them "Next time My Lady… The next time you meet me. I'll show you my real self." He whispered as silver nightingales shone brightly and in a moment's flicker he soon vanished in the silent midst of night.