
Divine Intertwined Destinies

"An existence brimming with grace, once danced unrestrained over the vast skies, accompanied by a striking crescent blade..." Yue Xianwu wakes up again after a slumber of a thousand years with a single voice echoing "Must stay by the Demon sovereign's side." Amid the clash of virtuous and viscous. With a glint of light she moves forward to face her once unfortunate fate again. However, behind the shadows a silhouette smiles. For he has been watching her for a long, long time.

LaibaKhan7 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
91 Chs

(Part 10)

Xianwu had lost herself. At that instant, her rage had completely taken over her. Her eyes burning with rage and hatred. Fa ling in anger too turned himself into a long blade. Xianwu dashed towards him. Mercilessly bruising him one by one "I told you not to do anything to him didn't I?" she raged. She wrapped Fa ling around his neck and pulled him. "I told you not do anything to him didn't I? Why? Why in the world did you do that?!" she shouted.

Hongqi too countered attacked her unable to avoid her wrath. Xianwu pulled him towards the bridge which he tried to avoid but couldn't get away. "So now… I'll take you together with me! Let's see how you will feel when you get stabbed into those rocks!!" she exclaimed. Twirling around, she threw Hongqi down the bridge, disbalanced she too fell off.

"No!!" Hongqi yelled. Letting go of her grip Xianwu gazed at the dark blue sky as tears escaped her eyes. "I'm sorry, Xiao yin. If only you hadn't met me. Nothing like this would have happened…" she thought falling deeper and deeper into the pit.

"His parents might be waiting… and his siblings might be busy finding them. Because of me an innocent life is lost…" she cried. Her figure disappearing behind the fog. She could still hear Hongqi's loud hoot as he crazily laughed. Xianwu closed her eyes. In a blink of an eye, the clouds thundered and a huge white eye piercing lightning struck around.

Xianwu's body which was about to hit the ruthless pointed stones was placed lightly into two strong arms. Xianwu opened her eyes in utter surprise. Her surroundings were black and nothing could be seen. However, clanking of vambrances and slight chirping of unseen birds were clearly heard. The figure grabbing Xianwu by her waist picked her up, pulling her closer towards him. Xianwu's ear was right on his chest as she gasped "NO heartbeat…?" she wondered.

Floating into the midair her hands were over his, as cold as ice. A sudden thought crossed her mind. "Xiao yin?!" she called abruptly facing him. Her hand on its own moved over to his face and them to his shoulders. "Is it you? Tell me?" she called again.

Xianwu's hand froze halfway. "Xiao yin… doesn't have a heartbeat." She thought in shock. Her hand which touched the figure came right back to her, her voice hoarse she questioned "Xiao yin… is this you?" Xianwu's heartbeat went faster every second later.

The figure spoke up. His voice was heavy and unlike Xiao yin's voice but it felt really familiar "What do you think?" he questioned back. Xianwu's eyes widened. His voice at that moment felt the same as Xiao yin's. "Xiao yin…" she exclaimed.

Her voice cracking into a tearful one she immediately hugged him tightly. "Thanks goodness! Thanks heavens! Thanks everything in the world! I'm glad! So glad! I'm glad you're alright! I was so so scared…" she cried grabbing him tighter. The figure cladded in black on the other hand was shocked but smiled.

Hugging her back he whispered "Aren't you afraid? You don't even know who I am…" Xianwu looked back at him. A slight chuckle escaped her lips "Xiao yin… or should I say Yeying Long." She corrected. The figure stood silent but smiled back "Heeh…" he said. The figure grabbed Xianwu pulling her above until her feet were dangling in mid air.

He landed on the pit. Xianwu looked around anxiously. "The pit…?" she said. "What happened here…" she pondered her gaze instantly stopped on the figure she questioned "Xiao yin… did you, did you do all that?" Xianwu tried to look at his face which she was unable to do so. The figure replied "I did…" Xianwu shocked gazed around. The whole pit seemed to be flattened. Not even a single piercing stone was to be found.

The figure's voice turning grave questioned unpredictably "Do you hate me…?" Xianwu perplexed faced him. Though, the destruction he made was immense and unbelievable. Xianwu never thought of hating him. "Hate you?!" she repeated.

"If I would have hated you, I would've left you a long time ago but I didn't. I knew about you from a little while but I still cared about you. Did you think I hated you? No right?" she replied. His lips curved into a smile.

Suddenly, Hongqi's voice roared around "What is this?! Where are my people? Who killed them?" he yelled. Xianwu tried to come down from Xiao yin's arms but unfortunately couldn't. She looked at him complexly "Umm…. Can't I go down?" she thought. Instantly, Xiao yin kept her down.

Her feet didn't touch the ground instead, below her feet it felt really smooth. "What is it?" she pondered. Xianwu gazed around. Hongqi's cries seemed to come closer as a golden flare made its way. It was indeed Hongqi. His face filled with rage and his sword tightly clutched in his hands, he made her way towards Xianwu.

"Who killed everyone here? Tell me!" he roared rushing towards her with his sword. Xianwu clutching her fists made her way towards him "Fa ling!" she called but was immediately pulled back by Xiao yin. Delicately lifting her up, he clashed a stealth metal against Hongqi's. Clanking again and again creating great noises.

Xianwu gazed amid the darkness in wonder "A blade…?" the figure grabbing Xianwu's hand in a single hand and the other one kept on her head. She could clearly see the two swords clashing and the silver spark they were creating on each impact. "How dare you kill my people?!" Hongqi roared in anger. However, the moment he spoke was the moment other blade seemed to injure him. He let out moans of pain.

"Xiao yin, stop hurting him. I want to talk to him." She told. The blade seemed to contract itself and stood behind them. From its shape and movement the blade didn't seemed to be like a sword. Even in the dark it felt heavy, dangerous and long. Xianwu stood on the pit ruffling her feet she could sense little stones crunching underneath them.

Xianwu stood straight as she asked "Leader Zhong, I've been meaning to ask you, who was the boy whom you threw down the pit before? And what did you meant by 'he killed your people?'" Hongqi who was staring at her gritting his teeth, picked up his sword and rushed to injure her. The figure pulling Xianwu again, ordered the blade to attack him, injuring him heavily.

Xianwu stood on the opposite side, thanks to the help of Xiao yin. However, the blade still injured Hongqi mercilessly cutting his both hands at the same time. He screamed in pain.

"Stop it! Don't hurt him anymore." Xianwu called again. The blade instantly stopped as if it listened to her command. It immediately stood behind Xiao yin. Looking at Hongqi's sight Xianwu sighed. "Rather than attacking me, kindly explain me what had happened. It would be the best for the both of us." She declared. Hongqi had no choice. Rather than glaring at her what he could only do was talk.

He sat straight as he spoke up. "The time when city of No return was toppled, all of us lived well. We lived happy lives, it included my whole tribe and family. We had everything! Everything! Except, Dignity… we didn't had it… even if we would try to our hardest earn it, all of our credit would be given to the ones in front of us… that's right, Silent City in front of us took everything away from us! It's all their fault!" he shouted.

Xianwu stared as he continued "And he destroyed everything!! Even though he was one of us of he destroyed everything! He couldn't even do what was told. He made us lose everything! Even death cannot compensate it, even his death can't compensate it!" he roared. Xianwu questioned "And, what did you wanted him to do?" Hongqi stood up ignoring her. He took his sword in his mouth "I have to find him and cut him into bits, only then will he compensate for everything." He repeated ignoring her question.

Xianwu sighed as a sudden thought hit her "How was that boy connected to leader Zhong? If only I could have saved the boy…" Hongqi half mad and half angry, swinged his sword around in madness. Xianwu looked around unable to sense a single resentment. Turning around she could see a tall, young man. His figure was invisible in the dark however, only his presence could calm her down.

Hearing slight rumbling of stones. Xianwu's sense stood on alert. Xianwu turned around to face Hongqi again. Xiao yin with his unusual voice whispered "I think, there's someone here…" Xianwu nodded. It could only be that someone was here. And, that one could be their greatest clue no matter what it was. "Come out! Wherever you are!" Hongqi yelled swinging his sword madly.

Suddenly his sword struck towards a figure. "Argh...!" a voice cried. Xianwu turned towards the voice, she asked "Who is it?" However, it felt as if Hongqi could recognize the voice really well. Even in the dark, his anger seemed to hit to the point of eruption. He grabbed his sword tightly in his teeth, swinging harder and harder. Injuring the figure again and again. "Argh… stop!" the voice cried.

In Xianwu's ears the voice seemed to be of a young child's. Not to old nor too young, however, slightly gentler than Xiao yin's. "Leader Zhong, I forbade you to move again! If you hit him anymore it won't be lenient!" she threatened. Instead, of listening to her Hongqi erupted into a crazy laugh "Hahaha!! You think I will stop if you say so? I know him better than you do! And if have that much problem… I might end you up first!" he turned around in a blink of an eye.

His weapon facing right in between her neck, even so, Xiao yin pulling her back, clashed the heavy blade right across his sword with the impact cutting his left leg mercilessly. Hongqi screamed in pain. Xianwu gulped holding Xiao yin's arm rendering him to stop. Hongqi roamed around in pain. "Please… hear me out…" came a voice pleadingly. Xianwu's attention was diverted. She made her way against the dark pit to where the voice came from.

Xianwu walked where the voice took her. The voice seemed weak and frail. "Please… listen to me once… just once!" the voice pleaded again with a teary tone. "I wonder if he's the boy from the bridge before… but, I clearly saw him falling into the pit… how come he is alive? Moreover, wasn't there someone else who fell in as well…?" Xianwu thought confused.

Walking closer she consoled "It's alright! Speak all you want. Whoever you are. From wherever you came from. Tell me everything you want to say. Your connection to the Silent city and the forest of no return… I want to know it all!" to the child hearing her voice felt himself being embraced by tears.

But, before the boy could even speak Hongqi interrupted with his usual rattling "What will you say huh? What do you have to say?" he asked. "After everything you've done you want to say something… Arrrghhh!!!" suddenly screaming in between, his voice seemed to turn silent.

Xianwu knowing, it could only be Xiao yin's work took a deep breath. "Come on, say whatever you want to say. Everyone here, will only listen to you today." She comforted. The boy gulped as he spoke up "I once waited… for what's called a miracle…"