
Divine Intertwined Destinies

"An existence brimming with grace, once danced unrestrained over the vast skies, accompanied by a striking crescent blade..." Yue Xianwu wakes up again after a slumber of a thousand years with a single voice echoing "Must stay by the Demon sovereign's side." Amid the clash of virtuous and viscous. With a glint of light she moves forward to face her once unfortunate fate again. However, behind the shadows a silhouette smiles. For he has been watching her for a long, long time.

LaibaKhan7 · Fantasy
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91 Chs

(Part 10)

"Just like I thought... it isn't easy to convince him. Just like in the past. If something is against his will, he would never respond." Xianwu thought. "After all I was once a heavenly Supreme as well, my lord if my behaviour and words are despised by you now then this lowlife will get to her knees as well!" said Xianwu with a broken smile. Yeying was angered, her every single action made the thunder tremendously strong, for, in his eyes everything she happened to her front of the heavenly Emperor was unforgivable everything that happened with her in the past, in his eyes was utterly unforgivable.

Xianwu walked towards Yeying. Her resolve unwavering. "My lord I wish to follow the reason for my rebirth!" she told. I did everything I could... the rest depends on his majesty's words." she thought giving a bright smile to Yeying. Zhijun with LeiRen looked at her with their eyes widened. Unable to evade what had come Zhijun spoke "For your life you need merits? Fine, come to me tomorrow and take your first task…" Zhijun waved his hand directing them to leave. Xianwu looked at him with a mile wide smile. "Emperor Zhijun Thank you! Yue Xianwu will never forget your single bit of kindness!" she told. Turing around to take a look at Yeying. She could see him walking away, she ran beside him. Yeying with a slight smile stepped outside.

However, In the middle, a voice as sweet as Xianwu's called panicking. "Yue... Yue Xianwu!" she exclaimed. The voice as tender as fluttering dandelions in spring. the voice was tearful yet firm which could hold back even the greatest of defiant. How could Xianwu not turn around to face that person? . Xianwu looked behind until she was taken in a big hug. Surprisingly she grasped her control as she held the body in front of her. The body was just like her's slender yet strong. Small yet big at the same time. "Jiu Meizhen (9 Beautiful Pearls)" called Xianwu with tears.

"Yue… Xianwu! Yue Xianwu! My little Xianwu… you're really back?!" she asked in disbelief hugging her tighter. The tears Xianwu had kept hidden for a long time came gushing out. "Do you know how much I missed you? Why did you took so long to come back? Don't you know how worried I was? I thought you were never coming back ever again…" she shouted as her voice trailed to the lightest whisper.

"I'm sorry…" Xianwu replied as she grasped a look at her. In her eyes she never changed. Always the most unruly yet the most honest. For Xianwu her existence was more than precious as in her last moments she was the only one by her side. "But Meizhen… I'm back…" she replied smiling. Biting her lip Meizhen sobbed and angered "Why did you took so long to come back? Did you know how long I've waited for you to come back! How worried I was all this time?!" Xianwu nodded again and again "I-I 'm sorry…" Xianwu cried. Wiping her tears Meizhen consoled "Come on! Stop crying. I should be the one crying in your place. "Did you know how much I cried after you were gone? Just look at me how will you even compensate?" asked Meizhen as she looked at her. "Maybe I can never…" replied Xianwu.

Wiping her tears Meizhen asked "Are you sure you aren't coming back?" her expression was mesmerising just like a child asking for her favourite doll but cannot buy it. Xianwu tilted her head in rejection. "I can't… but I will surely visit you tomorrow. Since i'll come to get my work." She replied. "Little love… are you going to be alright?" asked Meizhen cautiously. Xianwu nodded. "Then tomorrow I will wait for you here okay?" she asked demanding. "Okay…" Xianwu replied.

Shentong who came in between fanning himself gently patted Xianwu's head "Alright then! We'll be waiting for you here tomorrow! Alright?" he asked consolingly. Xianwu looking at Feixing and Fenghuang with Meizhen nodded. "Princess Xianwu Kindly take care of our Xiao Long for us will you?" asked Feixing with a smile. "Yes. Big Brother." replied Xianwu. Fenghuang smiled "Now! Don't let him wait too long. His tolerance level is quite low." He stated. Soon Xianwu left outside the palace. Xianwu turning around one last time waved her hand. "Be careful!" advised Meizhen anxiously. Fenghuang with a light smile told "Lady Meizhen… fret not, Lady Xianwu is in best hands…" Meizhen stared at him perplexed.

The four looked at each other in surprise as Shentong sank into his knees. "What's wrong?" Fenghuang asked. "I can't believe I'll be a father in law now…" he replied. Feixing and Fenghuang looked at each other confused. "Well congratulations in becoming one!" both of them greeted. "Hey don't be so mean?" asked Shentong. "At least console me a little…" he said. "Who cries when his son grows up what kind of a father you are?" said Fenghuang as he patted his back. "I do…" said Shentong. "Quit you idiocy, if you have any time for these talks than, rather get the result for your last year!" reminded Feixing as he walked away. Shentong remembering cried "No…."

With this the heavenly city calmed down. The heavenly Supremes were dispersed but still in great shock as neither was accepting whatever happened today. The palaces of the royal supremes were destroyed and all the sight around was devastated.

Xianwu made her way outside the palace where Yeying waited. Hearing her footsteps, he turned around giving his hand. Xianwu who walked closer gently took it. Looking at Yeying silent she questioned "Yeying… your eyes?" Yeying with his face hidden under the parasol replied "My eyes are cursed, it was the price I had to pay for something. Staring directly into them will cause anyone to turn into stone." He explained steeping down the stairs.

Unable to forget that moment in front of emperor Zhijun Xianwu urged "Can I see them once?" she asked politely. Yeying startled for a moment responded slight impatiently "Never! My lady. I won't allow you to do that!" he rejected instantly pulling his parasol closer. Xianwu who was reluctant to know instantly backed on her words "Alright… as you wish. I won't ask for something impossible" She assured. Yeying who had nothing else left to say walked below. However, Xianwu pulled his arm. His parasol losing balance was pushed down. She grabbed his face with both of her hands closing her both eyes she thought "I know… you can't tell me everything. And, that's alright. I won't force you. However…"

"Yeying Long… remember, I was born to aide you and stand by your side. One day if you feel like it… feel like believing me… please try to open yourself to me…" she whispered.

He listened to her in disbelief. His eyes still shut. A smile breaking apart. Millions of moonlit nightingales burst behind him and the poisonous rain stopped while the dark velvet sky cleared up with a beautiful rainbow taking over it. Xianwu opened her eyes looking at her surroundings.

This time it was Xianwu's turn to be surprised. Yeying with his smile brighter than stars gently grabbed her hand. His parasol covering his face. "Though, I can not see you milady. you're very kind." Xianwu couldn't help but gleam as the two of them walked back towards the Inferno city. The heavenly supremes stared dumbfounded. "Did that demon just smile?!" they asked. "How can that be possible?"

Feixing and Fenghuang who stared at the two of them smiled "When in rage, he can burst millions of sky with his wrath. Nevertheless, when joyful can make the whole world tremble under his kindness…" Feixing complimented. Zhijun and Shashou with Yue Leiren stared at the two of them leave. Zhijun with a serious expression walked back.

"Yeying, you know… the reason why I was reborn, it was to help you no matter what. So don't worry at all, I'll live while protecting you!" Xianwu claimed. Yeying smiled as he held his parasol. "If that is so, then I'm counting on you… My lady…" he replied handing his hand over to her. Instantly Xianwu reminded "I thought I told you not to use any honorifics while calling me. I don't want to be called like that." She told.

Yeying with a smile asked "Then, what do you want me to call you?" Xianwu pondered "That's right… what should he call me?"

"Ah! How about Xiao Yue or Xianwu?" she added.

Yeying walked below without answering. "I prefer none…" he whispered. Xianwu smiled on his stubbornness, walking beside Yeying she pondered "I'm finally back… This place in front of me shining with jewels once accepted me and even rejected me. I am scared yet, I'm facing it again and I know my journey will be really hard from now on. And I will face many difficulties more or less people around me. But, something tells me… with this person by my side I'll be able to do anything! I'll stand strong and once again fight on the right path because there was a princess who once said:

"In moment of a second's breath! Overwhelmed with abundant grace!

Hereby, all virtuous granted and all evil banished!"