
Divine Intertwined Destinies

"An existence brimming with grace, once danced unrestrained over the vast skies, accompanied by a striking crescent blade..." Yue Xianwu wakes up again after a slumber of a thousand years with a single voice echoing "Must stay by the Demon sovereign's side." Amid the clash of virtuous and viscous. With a glint of light she moves forward to face her once unfortunate fate again. However, behind the shadows a silhouette smiles. For he has been watching her for a long, long time.

LaibaKhan7 · Fantasy
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91 Chs

⤄CHAPTER 3: ‘Yue Xianwu’s First Case: Kidnappings on the Spirit Sealing Mountain’ (Part 1)

It was morning, the sun shone bright and the clouds were blue. Xianwu in her cottage lazily tossed and turned over the rags. The cottage just as its name suggested was worn out. From every single corner of the roof sunlight seemed to cross in and shine and mostly over Xianwu's face. It was no use. Xianwu was fully awake. The sunlight forcing itself over her face was really a great alarm to wake her up.

Fa ling gently pushed her hairs at the side revealing her jade face. "Good Morning…" she greeted waking up. Dishevelled as she was, Xianwu gently caressed the spirit. Stretching her arms she around the cottage and soon at the empty space beside her, as memories of yesterday flooded her mind. "Right!" she thought "Where is Xiao yin?" she asked herself getting up. She tossed her cloak over her wings and splashed her face with cold water, instantly running outside. Opening the door the sight was glorious. Birds chirping, sun shining, and green grass fluttering. The Red Silver Flowering Crabapples swaying with the wind their scent unmatched.

Xianwu took a deep breath. Soon her gaze shifted towards a big crabapple tree where Xiao yin's little figure was to be seen tinkering with something over the ladder. Looking at the sight Xianwu walked towards him.

His black outer robe was tied over his waist and his sleeves were pushed up with black dishevelled hairs behind his back. Due to the sun rays he sweated even under the shade. Xianwu walked closer gripping the ladder "Young master who ran away from home~ what are you doing so early in the morning?" she teased.

Hearing her voice Xiao yin perked up. "Sister! You are awake? Look below in the basket I picked some great fruits, I even washed them. Try them! They are really good." He said pointing at the straw basket beside his ladder. Xiao yin had to shout a little due to the distance between him and Xianwu, but Xianwu heard it clearly. She went towards the basket picking a raspberry from it. She ate it with single chomp. "Delicious!" she exclaimed in wonder. "Does the human world always have this kind of delicious stuff?" she thought. Soon she remembered running back to the house and bringing a plate.

She sat before the basket and picked them up in her hands collecting them over the plate. Xiao yin climbed down with another basket in his arms. "Sister, what are you doing?" he inquired. Xianwu replied setting them straight "Last night, the dumplings we ate were given to me by the neighbours so to return their dishes I feel like giving them these fruits in return just as a thanks." Xiao yin looked at her with a smile. "Then I'll go with you… In this way I can wash the remaining fruits as well and let's also take an empty barrel to fill it with water. We don't know how much water will last in the other one." He said.

Xianwu nodded as she bought the barrel, closed the cottage and took the dish but instantly, Xiao yin took it away from her advising "Better take care of the dish first… until then I'll grab it." Xianwu couldn't reject him as she went on with the flow. "Ah… kids these days are really strong, silly me… once I was as strong as well…" she thought walking towards the path to the village.

Walking together, Xianwu gazed at Xiao yin. "Xiao yin, if you are tired you can give it to me." She told. It was a hot day and how Xiao yin sweated obviously mad Xianwu worried. Xiao yin smiled back. "Sister, I've worked like this back at home as well no need to worry so much." He replied. The two of them reached towards the house of the lady, who helped Xianwu not once but twice. She knocked on the door.

After a while the woman stepped out. "Who is it?" she asked. "Your neighbour." Xianwu replied. The door opened revealing her smile filled face. "Hello! Young lady, what brings you here?" she asked in amusement. Xianwu replied handing over her dish "Yesterday the dumplings you send me were really good and you even helped me find an accommodation, so kindly accept these as a thanks. They are freshly picked." She said. The woman looked inside happily. "Oh my… I told you not to worry about it…" she said. "It's alright. Think of it as a present for the young one." Xianwu said.

Looking at Xianwu. The woman's gaze shifted over Xiao yin who stood a few steps behind her holding a barrel and a basket in a single arm. His other hand over his forehead as he clicked his tongue in annoyance. It was clearly seen that it was the battle between him and the sun above. Xianwu hesitatingly turned around to face him. The woman asked Xianwu in a whisper "Young girl… who is this handsome young lad?" This question was like the final blow at Xianwu as she thought "My benefactor, why would you ask me something I don't even know?! Why would you ask me that right now? Just when I'm thinking of what to say?!"

Unable to understand what to reply Xiao yin caught a glimpse of her as he complained like a little kid "Sister~ the sun is hurting my eyes~" Xianwu was surprised but instantly her brain worked "He… he is my youngest martial brother! A distant relative of mine, he came yesterday for a vacation from his studies…" she replied. "Oh…" the woman smiled. "Then be careful and take care of him as well the sun is burning today, Thank you for the berries." She said. "And if you need anything else don't hesitate to come and ask me."

Xianwu thanked her as well. The woman's baby started to cry so she excused herself first. Xianwu and Xiao yin walked forward towards a little spring which was connected from the valley of the spirit sealing mountain. Xiao yin pulling up his sleeves, filled the barrel with cold water and closed its lid tightly. Closing the lid over the berries basket he kept them inside the spring too. Xianwu wandered in amazement "Humans know so many ways to keep things, it will be no time until I learn them too…" she thought amusingly. Xiao yin pointed his hand calling her closer. Xianwu walked closer and sat on her knees beside him. Xiao yin pointed a wooden branch in the water as he explained "Sister, if we keep the berries in the spring water for a while, not only will they be clean but also grow cold. That way when you eat them you will enjoy them more." Xianwu nodded in return.

After a wait for 10 minutes. Xianwu picked up the berries barrel which was light compared to the water one which Xiao yin took. They walked back to the cottage. Arriving there, Xianwu noticed two figures in front of her cottage door. Stopping Xiao yin from moving any further, the two of them suddenly hid behind a tree. Xiao yin over Xianwu's head asked "Sister, do you know those people?" "I wonder the same thing as well…" she replied as she tried hard to recognise the two figures.

From their clothes they looked like normal people but seeing them close to her house freaked her out a little bit. "Sister… do you remember them now? Xiao yin questioned again. Xianwu replied confused "I don't know?" "It's the first time I am here in the mortal world. There were not many people I met and even if I did none looked like them." She thought puzzled. "Maybe I should check it out. Xiao yin you stay here…" she told. Xiao yin replied hastily "No! I'll go with you." Xianwu with utter defeat agreed to let him walk behind her. Hiding behind the tree above, they approached forward. Xianwu gazed at the two figures walking closer step by step. One was a man and other a woman.

"Come on! I'm telling you its right here!" angered a man. "Oh yeah?! You're so right! then why is it that after knocking it for more than ten times no one's coming out!" angered the women. "I wonder if this even is the right place." She rolled her eyes. "Hey! I'm not wrong. She just might not be at home now!" the man responded. "Tch! You're not wrong?" the women mocked. "Thanks to you we went three places before and got the doors slammed right on our face by those damn mortals! We've been trying to find her since dusk and now were here slamming the door of an unused rundown cottage!" she busted. The man clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Women could you just wait!" "Oh want if she doesn't come? Where are you going to slam your head? Let me tell you this is the last one. If she isn't here I'm going back!" she roared annoyed.

Seeing how the two figures bickered. Xianwu instantly recognised who they were. She rushed outside the bush and stood behind them. A part of her was shocked but a part of her was scared to see them. The two figures who were bickering turned around and stared at Xianwu. Xiao yin stood behind Xianwu. To Xianwu's surprise it was Shijei Enren and Senlin Nuwang.

"You two… what are you doing here?" Xianwu asked in astonishment. Shijei clicked his tongue in victory "AHA! Look she here!" pointing his finger towards her. Senlin rolled her eyes. Shijei looked at her in annoyance as he said "What are we doing here? What kind of question is that? What are you? An airhead? Didn't I tell you to wait for us at the Ascension plane?"

At that time, Xianwu never gave attention to their words, rather than talking it was purely mocking. Unable to answer Xianwu looked on grass below. "And why did you wanted to see me?" she asked. "Don't be so full of yourself. It's not like we wanted to see you. Your mission, do you think you can solve it alone?" Senlin asked mocking. The demeanour of her talk made Xiao yin stare at her slightly annoyed. "Ah… for that." Xianwu thought remembering. Xiao yin suddenly interrupted the conversation "Sister… who are they? Your servants?" Xianwu blinked her eyes in confusion grasping a look at him. "No! No… they are my assistants." She corrected. Senlin and Shijei looked at Xiao yin in annoyance but soon their expression changed into a grave one. Shijei took out his long sword as Senlin pulled Xianwu towards herself.