
Divine Intertwined Destinies

"An existence brimming with grace, once danced unrestrained over the vast skies, accompanied by a striking crescent blade..." Yue Xianwu wakes up again after a slumber of a thousand years with a single voice echoing "Must stay by the Demon sovereign's side." Amid the clash of virtuous and viscous. With a glint of light she moves forward to face her once unfortunate fate again. However, behind the shadows a silhouette smiles. For he has been watching her for a long, long time.

LaibaKhan7 · Fantasy
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91 Chs

⤄CHAPTER 1: 'A Legend of a thousand Years... a Promise of a thousand Years' (Part 1)

The Void of Rebirth:

Amid a pitch black void a woman's voice called "Princess Yue Xianwu (Moon Fairy's Dance) I guess it's time to wake up now…" A young girl covered in a blazing white robe, laid straight completely surrounded by nothingness. Gently opening her grey lifeless eyes she questioned in wonder "Wake up…?"

"Yes… wake up. You've slept for so long. Aren't you tired?" The voice questioned once more. "I thought, Death meant eternal sleep. Could it be I was wrong?" the girl asked with a sorrow smile. The voice replied "Death, means eternal sleep but the place you are sleeping in right now is called the 'Void of rebirth' you are going to be reborn." Perplexed by the voice's words the girl asked immediately "Rebirth?!" "Yes… rebirth." The voice responded.

The girl who still couldn't believe continued "Rebirth for me? Aren't the ones who are loved by everyone and receive more than billions of prayers get the chance to revive… and I who was hated by all, and even dragged to death by them… those people want me to revive? Why?"

Listening to her carefully, the voice called "Xianwu… it's true, people beloved and receivers of many prayers get a chance to revive, but your circumstances are different. You don't have many prayers. It's just… there's only a single prayer for you and it is even larger than billions of prayers others receive. I can't help but grant it…"

The girl listened to her in wonder repeating "A single prayer?!" A smile escaped her lips. "How can that be? Here, I wish to be forever dead and there, rests a single prayer larger than billions to pull me back to life… I don't understand?" she sighed. The voice worriedly spoke up "Xianwu… why are you doing this to yourself?" the girl couldn't help but reply "Maybe… I'm really tired. I don't have the slightest bit of energy to face anything. I am broke. I don't want life, please let me rest…" she pleaded.

The voice slightly angered "Yue Xianwu! What is wrong with you? The Xianwu I know was never like this? You were the one who pulled millions of lives back from death, gave them a hope to live. Now, why are you the one who has lost the desire to live? I know, whatever happened in the past was unfair. It was unjust and cruel! But, when you have a chance to find out, fight back. Why don't you grasp it?!"

The girl sat in silence. "Don't lose yourself, the real you is much stronger than you think. Get a hold of yourself. It's already been a 1000 years… many generations have passed. Many things have changed, why do you remain the same? Did you ever thought, that the prayer you received. What sort of hardship has it gone through Just to let you revive? What sort of other sacrifices it had to give just to come to me so I can grant it? What would the one asking for the prayer think when he sees you like this? It might have given up everything just to see you happy, and you still hang on to death?" the voice asked.

Grasping her words the girl asked "Sister why, would you listen to a single prayer?" The voice sighed "I can't help it… it is too fierce for me to handle." Smiling on her words she inquired "Sister… is it possible if I could know, about the one who prayed?"

The voice answered "Prayers come from anywhere. However, I the one who collects them have no idea from where they exactly come from. A prayer could be of a human, an animal, an insect, a spirit or even an undead. Nobody knows where they come from, but I do know what your prayer wants from you…" the girl couldn't help but ask "What does it want…?" the voice responded with a sharp tone "Xianwu, to fulfill the wish of that prayer, you are going to be reborn as the flower spirit of the Inferno city. And, your sole purpose is to stay by the Demon's sovereign side and protect everything with him.

The girl confused asked back "The demon sovereign?! But, I was once a heavenly being. How can I side with the demon sovereign?!"

"Siding with the demon sovereign doesn't mean you side with evil. You side with him in every good deed. Moreover, you aren't related to heavenly realm anymore. I won't matter…" the voice explained. "Once who obliterated demons, will now have to side with their king. Isn't it more than heavy of a punishment…?" the girl thought. A saddened smile covering her lips. For at that moment she could clearly remember how she once stood with a crescent blade for defending all the virtuous ones.

"Xianwu don't worry. Everything will take its right course… just fight on. And never lose hope." The voice consoled. The girl with a hopeful yet a clueless expression nodded. Clearing its throat the voice repeated once again

"Princess Yue Xianwu, you are given a chance to live once again as the flower spirit of the Demon Inferno city and your sole task is to stand by the Demon sovereign's side!"