
Divine Hybrid System

Derek's life was hanging by a thread when a screen appeared in his vision. [Beast detected. Life is threatened. Do you wish to eliminate the beast.] [Yes/No] Yes was all Derek could manage to say before he passed out.

The_Enigma · Fantasy
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55 Chs

The Last Warning

The previous competitions that had been held in the past had been concluded in one day, which was why every lips in Bayland couldn't stop moving.

Anyone who had been watching the competition had been so immersed in it that they didn't wish for it to come to an end. Excitement was at an all time high.

Drake had announced almost an hour ago that the competition would continue the next day, a loud murmur of disagreement had followed right after, but it was not enough to change anything.

He had added that the visitors were free to explore the school as they wished throughout the night, adding that last part as an incentive agreed upon by the school's administration to pacify the unsatisfied guests.

Among the unsatisfied guests were a group of four, seated at round table at one of the many restaurants that was located close to the Citadel.

Chuck had suggested that they go grab some drinks after the Arena in the Citadel had been cleared out, almost everyone had spread out of the Citadel.

The students mostly in pairs of twos and threes fanned out in different directions, the directive for exploration that had come from Drake was a good chance which most of the students wasted no time in seizing to stay the night out.

It seemed like there would be no head counts tonight, but the students still had to check in eventually since they would have to sleep before the final round of the competition which was scheduled for the next day.

The Bayland Academy was a safe zone, the academy was located in the same city which housed the military headquarters and it was only half a mile from the school. Some of the military personnel had been stationed at the school along with the school security.

Including energy barriers that could detect a breach in security. Which was why the school was declared a safe zone.

This was why the school could easily allow the roaming around of visitors at night without any repercussions, as long as they remained within the school premises.

The group of four had met up inside the arena by coincidence and at Chuck's suggestion, they had left together.

While Arya did not really like the suggestion as she wanted to be alone as usual, she didn't want to be seen as a spoil sport.

Derek on the other hand did not mind, he was completely indifferent about the gathering, Chuck and Maya were too busy chatting away excitedly.

But when their discussion drifted into the outcome of the ongoing tournament, Derek and Arya were forced to join.

"I'm telling you, Edward the wonder kid is going to win this. How can anyone who defeated the defending champion lose to someone else in this competition. Did you even see him defeat a water user?" Chuck asked

"Valid point" Maya answered "But you can't just decide him a winner because he beat the defending champion. I doubt you were even watching the other fights" Maya said

"There is Darla, also an Astor who should be on the same level as Edward in terms of power level. Not to even mention the Rockefeller kid, Orion and Max, another first timer who has made it to the semi finals." Maya continued

"For me, I think this year's own goes to last year's runner up, Darla. She has the experience and despite Edwards' calm nature and skillfulness, I think Darla's straightforward pattern will be the perfect counter." Maya concluded

"I think I agree with Chuck on this one" Arya joined the conversation. "I don't think we have seen the full extent of his power, I think he still has something up his sleeve. He fights like someone that hides something still."

"Whatever he has up his sleeve, remember Darla is the strongest progeny in the Astor family. We saw her go against David in the last competition and she held her own quite perfectly. Also, don't think she hasn't improved a lot since then" Maya cut in

"She held her own against David in the last competition but this is a new competition and don't forget that it was Edward who knocked David out, what stops him from doing the same to Darla who couldn't win against David" Chuck asked

"It doesn't work that way" it was Arya who had stepped in to reply him this time "Edward beating David does not mean he would beat Darla just because Darla could not beat David. Moreover, Edward might only best David in a battle of weapons. Or did you already forget what the DuPont ability is?" Arya let the rhetorical question hang in the air

"I still feel like Edward will win in a fight against Darla" Arya concluded

The group became silent for a while, it was like everyone was digesting what Arya had just said and it made perfect sense, she could easily be regarded as the smart one. But the same could not be said about Chuck.

As if on cue, everyone stopped sipping their drinks and turned to stare at Derek. His glass stopped halfway to his mouth and returned slowly back to the table.

"What?" he asked, feeling more than a little bit awkward.

"You are the only one that had nothing to say, who do you think is coming out the victor tomorrow?" Maya chirped

"I- I- don't really know" Derek replied

"They all seem weak to you? Do you think you are so stronger than them that you can't conclude" Maya taunted

"It's not that" Derek replied, his expression turning serious. "Both Darla and the Rockefeller kid are quite strong, but normally I would have picked Edward. I think he could win, but there is something strange about the last contestant. I can feel an odd vibe emanating from him. His last fight ended early, not quite as fast as the first one but it looked like it could have ended quicker. I don't really know how to explain it but there really is something different about this guy"

When Derek was done, Chuck looked at him like he was an alien from outer space. The two girls sat back in their chairs and tried to think back at the fight, everyone had been so focused on the big five, out of the last four remaining in the competition, one of them was not part of the big five, Maya was beginning to realize.

"I guess we would have to find out tomorrow" Chuck said. He would not have made that statement if he knew what tomorrow held

[One hour till the full moon. Restraint is advised]

Derek heard the voice in his head once again