
Loli Warrior

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by SnowPeaches

Chen Mo had reached Level 4 when he left the Goblin Valley. It was already quite late. He went offline and enjoyed a good sleep.

He woke up in the afternoon.

He ate his fill and visited the forum to check out the attention his post had gathered.


"What a waste of my time!"

"Don't believe it, it's fake!"

Chen Mo was glad when he read the comments. It turned out that many Players had taken the bait and gone to the Slime Valley to dig up a pit.

However, Chen Mo realized something was not right as he continued to read through the comments.

Even though many were saying that he was a liar, he was surprised to see a few Players defending him.

Chen Mo broke out in a cold sweat when he was done looking through the comments.

There was indeed treasure buried outside Aiur Town!

Players that took the survey when creating their characters had a chance to accept a quest of cleaning up weeds from an old man guarding a cemetery outside the town. Completing the quest would give the Players a "Bandit's Treasure Map."

Apparently, the leader of a group of bandits ended up outside Aiur Town in serious injuries. The old man was only a kid back then. He tried his best to treat the bandit's injuries out of kindness, but the bandit still died eventually. The leader of the bandit group hid his possessions somewhere outside Aiur Town. He left the old man with a piece of treasure map.

However, the drawings on the treasure map had blurred out when it was soaked in the bandit's blood. The old man spent years looking for the treasure, but he still could not find the exact location.

In the end, the old man gave up on finding the treasure. He kept the treasure map as a reward for the adventurer that was willing to lend him a hand.

After so many years, it was even harder to tell where the treasure was buried from the blurred treasure map. Most of the Players that had the treasure map eventually gave up too.

Only a few Players had obtained the treasure map, but Chen Mo's post had given them a glimmer of hope. They decided to visit the Slime Valley and dig up the spots that they thought the treasure map was referring to.

Chen Mo was lost for words. He never thought the lie he came up with would score him a bullseye.

However, since his post was a lie after all, the Players soon gave up after failing to find the treasure. Now that the quest was actually a thing, he now had another excuse to be digging up a hole in the Slime Valley.

Chen Mo returned to the game and prepared to level up his character. He went back to the storage and was surprised to see that the "Icy Stone Water" had disappeared.

Chen Mo realized that it was very likely that quest Gleeson gave him had reset after he was reborn.

It was clearly in his favor since he could learn the Gathering Skill and the Disguising Skill from Gleeson again.

Chen Mo was able to level up a lot quicker after the first experience. He had reached Level 10 before the clock hit ten at night.

Chen Mo put on the equipment he acquired from the Mutated Slime King upon reaching Level 10.

The Sturdy Leather Armor, the Slime King Bracelet, and three defensive Blue Equipment with impressive attributes.

The drop rate of accessories and weapons was indeed the lowest. Among the ten Blue Equipment, there was no weapon that Chen Mo could use, nor was there a single accessory.

Even so, Chen Mo was already wearing two Green Equipment, one Purple Equipment, and three Blue Equipment. His attributes had increased significantly. It was unlikely that anyone in Rookies Village would have better equipment than him!

It was the advantage of solo-killing a Boss. If a whole team had gone to kill the Mutated Slime King, the profit that a person would gain was not as rewarding.

After putting the equipment, Chen Mo's Strength was now 96 without equipping the title "The Corrupted", which meant his Strength would reach 106 if he was to equip it!

His Constitution was 61 with the title "The Corrupted" equipped. His HP had reached 1220. He would not die even if he received a direct blow from the Mutated Slime King!

The only thing that Chen Mo needed now was a weapon, but good weapons were too rare in the game. They were a lot more expensive than the boots he bought. Chen Mo had already spent five thousand on the green Gale Boots. He would need at least ten thousand to buy a green-quality weapon.

Besides, he might even struggle to buy one even if he was willing to spend ten thousand on it.

As for getting a weaker weapon, Chen Mo believed it would not make much of a difference considering his current attributes.

He was able to kill the Mutated Slime King with the pitiful equipment he had. He would not have any trouble killing it again now that his attributes had increased by so much. Not having a good weapon only meant he would be killing the Mutated Slime King a little slower, but even so, it would still be a lot quicker to kill the Mutated Slime King compared to yesterday with the increase in his attributes!

After completing the quest of giving the beggar wolf meat and the Slime's Poison, Chen Mo returned to Wolf Valley to grind for more wolf meat while waiting for night time.

Players' vision was not affected in the day. It was almost impossible to lure the Slime King away without anyone noticing it.

Chen Mo brought a few shovels and ropes to the Slime Valley when the clock almost struck midnight.

"Brother, many people on the forum said it was a lie, are you sure about this?"

Chen Mo went to look for Players to dig the pit for him. One of the three Players he found kindly reminded him.

"Just help me to dig it. You don't have to care about anything else. You want to do it or not?" Chen Mo acted arrogantly like he had no better place to spend his money.

"Of course!" They were not stupid enough to give up on the chance to earn some easy money. They could not care less what Chen Mo was up to after seeing his attitude.

Chen Mo led the Players to the destination.

Everything seemed perfectly normal when they were almost at the destination, but as they went closer, Chen Mo and the three Players were stunned.

They noticed a head suddenly poking out from the ground with a cute face that was covered in dust.

It was a Loli Warrior. She had dug up a pit with a depth of almost two meters.

"(Sigh), are you all here the treasure too? I strongly advise against it. It's unlikely you'll find a treasure here. I have already dug so deep, but I didn't even see any sign of it."

The Loli Warrior thought Chen Mo and the other Players were sharing the same goal as her when she saw them carrying a shovel each. She kindly gave them a piece of advice.

Oh my, a Loli with the face of a child but a huge bust!

The three Players that Chen Mo hired curiously went to the edge of the pit and discovered the Loli Warrior had an alluring figure.

The Players were intrigued right away. One of them crouched down with a smile and said, "Little girl, what's your name? Do you need our help?"

-What the heck!? Didn't I hire you for the job, and yet you're trying to pick up a chick when you're working? Do you still want to get paid or not!?-

Chen Mo had an urge to go up and kick the guy straight into the pit!

"Me? I'm Little Warrior, I have almost reached the bottom. I won't need your help," the Loli Warrior shook her head and rejected the man's offer.

"What Level are you? Do you want me to help you level up? I'm already Level 10," the guy did not give up.

"That won't be necessary, you have a vicious look in your eyes. You are clearly not a good person!" Little Warrior glared at him and snapped.

"Time to go, we'll find somewhere else," Chen Mo said.

The Player felt a little awkward after hearing Little Warrior's words. Chen Mo just happened to give him an excuse to take his leave. He quickly returned to Chen Mo's side.

The other two Players gave up too when they learned it was not easy to trick the little Loli after seeing their friend being rejected.

The first spot Chen Mo had in mind was occupied by the Loli Warrior. However, Chen Mo also thought it was too risky to keep digging up a pit in the same place. As such, he had come up with a few options.

He led the three Players and walked a few minutes before coming to a stop. He asked the three Players to start digging.

Half an hour later, they managed to dig up a pit over three meters deep. Chen Mo asked the three to leave and spent some time roaming around the area to ensure there were no other Players around.

After making sure it was safe, Chen Mo went to the Slime King and used the Slime's Poison after seeing there was no one around.

The Slime King mutated instantly and chased after Chen Mo while yelling furiously.

Chen Mo adeptly lured the Mutated Slime King to the pit he had dug up. He did not have any trouble knocking the Mutated Slime King into the pit.

Chen Mo was well aware of how the Mutated Slime King would react. The Mutated Slime King no longer posed any threat to Chen Mo. His attributes had improved significantly too. The Mutated Slime King's HP was dropping very quickly.

Last time, Chen Mo had to drink another potion of Slime's Poison during his attempt, but this time, the Mutated Slime King's HP was almost at the bottom when the effect of Slime's Poison still had around ten minutes left.

"Almost there, only 20% left!"

Chen Mo estimated he could kill the Mutated Slime King a few minutes before the effect of the Slime's Poison came to an end.

However, a figure holding a shovel suddenly showed up in Chen Mo's vision!

Crap! Someone is coming!

Chen Mo immediately had a bad feeling. He was already killing the Mutated Slime King a lot quicker than his first attempt, but someone still showed up when the Boss Monster did not have much HP left. If the person ended up disclosing it on the forum, he would have difficulties killing the Mutated Slime King on his own again!