
Insane Luck

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by SnowPeaches

System Notification: You have obtained the "Slime King Ring"!

Slime King Ring

Description: A ring that is part of the Slime King's collection, one of the Slime King's set of accessories. Collecting all three accessories of the Slime King's set will grant the Player hidden attributes.

Quality: Purple, a piece of a set

Requirement: Level 10 and above


Base Physical Damage +20

Base Magic Damage +20

Strength +15

Intelligence +20

Spirit +15

Additional Skill(s): Slime King's Summon

Slime King's Summon: Summon a Level 13 Slime to fight for the Player. The color of the slime is randomized. Duration: 3 minutes. Cooldown: 5 minutes.

Special Effect(s): Collecting all three Slime King's accessories will activate the set attributes.

As he thought!

The item's appearance was similar to the Slime King Bracelet he acquired before. Chen Mo quickly picked it up and saw it was the ring from the Slime King's set of accessories!

He had collected two out of three of the set of accessories!

The attributes of the Slime King Ring and the Slime King Bracelet did not differ by much. The only difference was, the bracelet had extra attributes for Dexterity, while the ring had extra attributes for Spirit. The additional skills were different too.

Chen Mo put on the Slime King Ring and summoned a Slime.

A Black Slime appeared. Chen Mo inspected its attributes and discovered that the Level 13 Black Slime had 100 HP. Even with Chen Mo's current attributes, it would still take him quite some time to kill a Black Slime with 100 HP without relying on the Slime's Poison. It seemed like the Slime that the ring could summon might come in handy.

Chen Mo was in a great mood after obtaining the second accessory out of the set. He quickly picked up the rest of the loots.

Chen Mo did not really care about the rest of the loots since he had already looted the Slime King Ring.

However, he suddenly froze while he was picking up the loots. He burst out laughing after a brief pause.

Damn, he was in great luck today. There was a Purple Equipment too!

Refined Wolf Leather Leggings

Description: Made of sturdy wolf leather, granting them an outstanding defense

Quality: Purple

Requirement: Level 10 and above


Physical Defense +50

Magic Defense +55

Constitution +15

Spirit +20

Additional Effect(s): Resist (Novice)

Resist (Novice): Every time Player is attacked, reduces the damage Player receives by 10. Only works when the Player receives 15 damage or higher.

Refined Wolf Leather Leggings, their attributes were very impressive even as a Purple Equipment! Their attributes were almost double of the Sturdy Leather Leggings he was wearing!

Normally, the Purple Equipment was only a grade higher than the Green Equipment, thus the difference between their attributes was not much. However, even equipment of the same grade would have different attributes still. It further distinguished between high-quality equipment and normal equipment of the same grade.

The attributes of the Refined Wolf Leather Leggings were above average among the Purple Equipment, while the Sturdy Leather Leggings's attributes were only average as a Green Equipment, resulted in the great difference between their attributes.

Chen Mo now had two defensive Purple Equipment after obtaining the Refined Wolf Leather Leggings. He also had a Purple Weapon and two Purple Accessories. He was only three defensive equipment and one accessory short on having a full set of Purple Equipment.

It was his seventh time killing the Mutated Slime King. His luck was not too bad. He might be able to collect a full set of Purple Equipment after slaying the Mutated Slime King ten times!

He bet no Player had managed to get a full set of Purple Equipment in the game yet. It was not like they could buy a full set of Purple Equipment even if they had the money to afford it!

However, how would he stand a chance against an NPC if he did not have a full set of Purple Equipment? He was not just competing with other Players. He was aiming to take down NPCs. He could not care less how impressive the other Players were! NPCs were not the same as Players. The system was like the NPCs' parents. He needed to be a lot stronger, otherwise, he would be courting death provoking the NPCs!

Chen Mo was closer to reaching his goal after obtaining two Purple Equipment at once. He was on cloud nine. He picked up all the loots and did not forget to use the Gathering Skill on the Mutated Slime King's remains.

System Notification: You have obtained the skill book "Capture"!

Capture: A skill book for Hunters. The skill is learnable at Level 10. Using it will allow Hunters to capture monsters to fight on their behalf.

Holy shit!

Chen Mo glanced at the notification after hearing the sound. He could not believe his eyes.

How lucky was he today!?

Not only did he get two Purple Equipment at once, he even found a skill book which was one of the most important skills for his class!

The skill book of Capture was not necessarily that rare, but most Hunters would only get it after completing the quest at the Hunters' Guild at Level 15.

Currently, the highest level of a Player was 14. No one had reached Level 15 yet, which meant no one had learned the skill Capture yet. If Chen Mo wanted, he could learn the skill right away and become the first Hunter to learn Capture in the game.

However, it would be a waste to learn it now since he would be committing suicide soon. He still needed to hunt the Mutated Slime King to get a full set of Purple Equipment.

That being said, it did not stop Chen Mo from brimming with joy.

With the skill Capture, his rate of leveling up would easily surpass that of other Players after he left the Rookies Village. He would be able to summon a Slime and capture a powerful monster to fight for him, not to mention he would have a full set of Purple Equipment too. What monsters could possibly stand a chance against him? He could just kill anyone that he found to be an eyesore!

Unfortunately, his goal was to find a bug to break the game. He did not think he would have many opportunities fighting against other Players.

Chen Mo stopped his wild imaginations and collected his thoughts. He pleasantly ended his life and started from Level 1 again.

He had repeated the process of leveling up from one to ten around seven or eight times by now. He could even leave the Goblin Valley with his eyes closed while some unlucky Players were still struggling to find a way out of it.

Chen Mo did not even bother triggering the mutation of the Black Goblin in the Goblin Valley.

After killing the Mutated Black Goblin seven times, the mutated monster was now reluctant to drop any valuable loot. The last time Chen Mo killed it, it had only dropped around thirty coppers instead. It did not even drop a Low-level Mutated Potion. Chen Mo decided not to waste his time on it.

Even though he had lots of equipment in his storage, they were only equipable at Level 10, nor were they in his inventory. It would take him some time to kill the Mutated Black Goblin still.

When Chen Mo left the Goblin Valley, he went offline, as usual, to take a rest before the sun rose the next day.

When he woke up, he went to the Wolf Valley to level up his character.

The Three-Headed Fiery Wolf was still unbeatable. Apart from a few Players, no one bothered to challenge it. The monster was just too powerful. It was a waste of time to fight it. They would rather spend their time leveling up their characters.

As a result, not many Players were able to sneak into the Wolf Valley. While the Players were competing for the monsters elsewhere, Chen Mo was taking his time leveling up his character while collecting wolf meat in the Wolf Valley.

Chen Mo had collected a huge amount of wolf meat. He now had almost a thousand pieces of wolf meat and a few bottles of Slime's Poison in his storage. They could easily last for quite a long time for the repeatable quests.

The night had come in no time. Chen Mo had already dug up a pit for the Mutated Slime King. With Chen Mo's current attributes, it was just too easy for him to kill the Mutated Slime King with the help of a pit.

Chen Mo had already killed the Mutated Slime King eight times, but it still dropped a lot of impressive loots when it died.

"A Scroll of Skill Mutation...it seems like the drop isn't as good compared to yesterday's loots."

Chen Mo unpleasantly shoved the Scroll of Skill Mutation in his inventory. The Mutated Slime King's drop was so bad today. There was not even a single Green Equipment. All it dropped was a Scroll of Skill Mutation.

Meanwhile, the group of young men in the Monitoring Department of Canglan Tech was exclaiming how incredible the Hunter's luck was.

Either the Slime King accessories or the Scroll of Skill Mutation was meant to have an insanely low drop rate!