
Hidden Quest?

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

Translated by XephiZ

Edited by SnowPeaches

System Notification: Your level has increased!

System Notification: Your basic attributes have increased!

Strength +3

Constitution +2

Dexterity +2

Intelligence +2

Spirit +1

The mutated Black Goblin died and fell to the ground without any surprise. The mutated Black Goblin was Level 4, but the experience from killing it was multiple times the experience of a normal Black Goblin. Chen Mo's experienced bar had increased by 30%!

Lots of copper and items scattered across the ground the moment the mutated Black Goblin fell. Chen Mo was a little surprised as it was his first time seeing so many drops.

"105 copper, Low-level Mutated Strength Potion, Low-level Mutated Intelligence Potion, Low-level Mutated Constitution Potion, Low-level Mutated Dexterity Potion, Low-level Mutated Spirit Potion, Low-level Mutated HP Potion, one each, and a pair of Goblin Boots. The drops of a mutated monster are insane. It's already more than the total drops of the monsters I've killed so far."

Chen Mo picked up the drops and quickly looked through them. The drops were quite impressive.

He had killed at least sixty goblins in total, yet he had only collected less than fifty coppers. It was pretty obvious that the drops of a single mutated Black Goblin were better than everything he had collected so far.

Chen Mo now had more than 150 copper at Level 4. He believed he was quite wealthy among the Players, but in comparison to the copper, the Mutated Potions were more valuable.

Low-level Mutated Strength Potion: Increase the Player's Strength by 20. Every physical attack would inflict 20 extra damage on the target. Duration: 10 minutes. Cooldown: 15 minutes.

Low-level Mutated Constitution Potion: Increase the Player's Constitution by 20. Every attack the Player receives is decreased by 20. Duration: 10 minutes. Cooldown: 15 minutes.

Low-level Mutated Dexterity Potion: Increase the Player's Dexterity by 20. +3 to Player's maximum movement speed. Duration: 10 minutes. Cooldown: 15 minutes.

Low-level Mutated Intelligence Potion: Increase the Player's Intelligence by 20. Every magical attack would inflict 20 extra damage on the target. Duration: 10 minutes. Cooldown: 15 minutes.

Low-level Mutated Spirit Potion: Increase the Player's Spirit by 20. Every healing skill will heal the target by an extra 20%. Duration: 10 minutes. Cooldown: 15 minutes.

Low-level Mutated HP Potion: Heal the Player by 300. Increase the Player's Maximum HP by 300. Recover 30 of the Player's HP every second. Duration: 10 minutes. Cooldown: 15 minutes.

There were six different Low-level Mutated Potions. Chen Mo had yet to see a normal potion, but he knew these Low-level Mutated Potions were a lot better than normal potions!

These mutated potions were suitable for low-level Players below Level 10, but their special effects were still very useful even when the Players had reached Level 20.

If he had the time, he believed he could make a fortune by killing himself and respawn in a different valley to farm these mutated potions.

However, it was just a random thought that crossed Chen Mo's mind. He believed killing the mutated Black Goblin for the second time would have fewer drops than the first time. He was willing to try it if he had the chance, but he did not play the game to earn some money, thus he was unwilling to waste his time on it.

The Goblin Boots seemed pretty cool, but it was only an ordinary piece of White Equipment with +1 to Strength and +1 to movement speed. That being said, it was the first piece of equipment that Chen Mo had obtained from killing a monster.

Chen Mo put on the Goblin Boots and headed to the exit. He was surprised to see that the valley was enclosed. There was a teleportation portal at the exit.


Half an hour later, Chen Mo was roaming in a Rookie Village called Aiur Town.

The teleportation portal in the valley had teleported him straight to Aiur Town. Chen Mo did not start looking for a game-breaking bug as soon as he arrived in the town. He decided to surf the game's forum instead.

Chen Mo was relieved that he had decided to take a look at the forum first.

Someone had already tried killing important NPCs like the town's mayor. However, it proved that the Players had no chance of killing the NPCs, even those in the Rookie Village. The Players that tried to kill the NPCs were all put in jail. They were jailed between one to four hours.

Killing the NPCs was no longer an option, but there were other things that Chen Mo wanted to try.

Aiur Town had soon fallen victim. Chen Mo was an expert when it came to causing destruction. He set the houses on fire. He conveniently killed a chicken that was taking a stroll in the village. He turned a dog bald and cut the whiskers of a cat... The things Chen Mo did seemed insignificant, but he knew he had a higher chance of finding a bug from the little things that people would normally overlook.

Unfortunately, Chen Mo did not find anything useful after stirring up troubles in Aiur Town for half an hour.


System Notification: You have triggered the quest "The Tryst". Would you like to accept it?

Chen Mo started harassing the female NPCs after he failed to learn anything useful from the mischievous acts he did. However, the System Notification suddenly popped up when he fondled a female NPC in a sexy outfit with the name Inoch who turned out to be the owner of a tailor's shop.

Chen Mo was surprised by the notification. He did not know whether to laugh or cry after seeing the notification.

He had most likely triggered a hidden quest. The other Players had tried so hard to find a hidden quest, but they could not find one. Meanwhile, he had triggered one when he was just causing mischief in the town.

What now? Should he accept it?

Chen Mo had no idea how difficult the quest was, but he assumed it was not an easy quest. He was the kind of person who would carry things through. If he decided to accept the quest, he would make sure to complete it, and it would certainly take some time.

But...whatever, he was having no luck finding a bug in Aiur Town. Since he needed to keep leveling up, he would not mind spending some time on the hidden quest to prepare himself for the journey ahead. Besides, if there was really a bug in the game, it would not just disappear all of a sudden.

System Notification: You have accepted the quest "The Tryst"!

Quest: The Tryst

Difficulty: Unknown

Description: Inoch seems to have something to discuss with you. Meet Inoch in the house located in the northernmost corner of the town alone at night.

Reward: Unknown

"At night...it's still early."

The game had day and night too, but a day was a lot longer than a night. Each day lasted for eighteen hours, but each night only lasted for six hours. The six hours were between 0000 to 0600 in real life.

It was only half-past eight at the moment. There was still some time before midnight. Chen Mo decided to grind some levels while waiting for it.

Chen Mo took a quest from an NPC that asked him to slay 20 Wild Hares. Chen Mo left Aiur Town with a bunch of Players that were heading in the same direction.

"Holy crap, isn't the number of Players here a little too high!?"

Chen Mo had a bad feeling when he reached the area where the Wild Hares were.

Wild Hares? The whole place was crowded with Players. A few Wild Hares had just spawned, but the Players had already killed them all before the light indicating their respawn disappeared.

The spawn rate of the Wild Hares was pretty high—several of them would spawn every ten seconds, but even so, it was still difficult for anyone to kill twenty Wild Hares. If it wasn't for the fact that PvP was not allowed for Players under Level 10, the whole area would be covered in blood by now.

"Humph, a bunch of noobs! How hard could it be to complete a quest? Set up the perimeter, I just need a few more for the quest. I'll transfer the money once I'm done with it!"

"Got it, Brother Qingshan!"

China was a huge country with a variety of talents. Chen Mo soon witnessed how the nouveau riches play the game. Unlike the normal Players who were competing for the monsters, they simply hired a bunch of Players to surround a certain spawning area so they could kill the monsters to complete their quest with ease.

The guy called Da Qingshan was even mocking the Players nearby. Many of them were clenching their teeth at the guy, but they all pretended they could not hear his insults.

"Hey, the beautiful lady over there, do you want to come here? I'll let you kill the monsters to finish your quest!"

Chen Mo was left speechless. Playing the game was definitely not a waste of his time since he was able to learn so much from it. In real life, men would normally flirt with ladies that caught their attention by treating them to a meal or giving presents, but in the game, they were offering them a chance to kill the monsters.

Chen Mo was not a nouveau riche. He could not afford to hire a bunch of lackeys like Da Qingshan, but as a Hunter, it was very easy for him to compete for the monsters!

Chen Mo found a spawning point of the Wild Hares and set a Basic Trap on it.

Hehe, the Wild Hare would immediately trigger the trap once it spawned. He did not even have to calculate the exact time when the monster was going to spawn. Who could possibly compete with him?

"A Hunter? Hehe, that's not going to happen!"

A few Players came up with an evil grin and stepped on the trap that Chen Mo had placed.


The trap exploded, but it did not inflict any damage on the Player that triggered it.

F**k me, that works?

Chen Mo was left speechless.

The other Players could trigger his traps by stepping on them. Not only that, but the traps also would not inflict any damage on them. How much worse could it be for Hunters?