
Divine game

In a world transformed by a cataclysm and haunted by creatures from mysterious dungeons, humanity has found a glimmer of hope through the Etherials, individuals endowed with extraordinary abilities. Bwouad, a young Etherial of rank F, finds himself at the heart of an epic adventure after surviving a deadly ordeal, granting him unimaginable powers and leading him to activate the mysterious Ascension Tower, binding his fate to that of this world. Amidst political machinations, battles for survival, and the quest for power, Bwouad must face difficult moral choices and determine what kind of hero he wishes to become. This thrilling tale combines action, mystery, and reflections on power, heroism, and sacrifice, inviting the reader to follow the journey of an Etherial in search of his true place in a world in perpetual evolution.

Brad_Darby · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 7 - Part 2

The portal to the Anthill Dungeon was not far ahead, about a twenty-minute walk. I had chosen this labyrinthine dungeon due to the large number of enemies and its reduced popularity. This choice, I thought, would allow me to explore at my own pace, away from the usual crowds and covetousness. But, as I was soon to discover, even the least frequented places can hold surprises.

As I approached the entrance of the dungeon, the sun began to set, casting long and dramatic shadows on the dirt path.

Suddenly, around a tight bend, I came face to face with a small group of individuals stationed right in front of the dungeon entrance. Their presence was as unexpected as it was unwelcome. They were four, clad in armor adorned with the symbol of a guild I immediately recognized: the Gryphon Fangs. A guild known for its arrogance and thirst for power. Their gazes converged on me with an intensity that boded ill.

"Hey, you," called out the largest of the group, a man with a thick beard and piercing eyes. "You planning on entering the dungeon now?"

I nodded, trying to conceal my apprehension. "Yeah, I actually reserved the dungeon."

A mischievous smile formed on the man's face. "Perfect, we have an urgent need for this dungeon, and we're not planning to wait."

The rest of the group moved closer, forming a threatening circle around me. My heart raced, and I could feel adrenaline surging.

"I don't think that'll be necessary," I replied in a calm, yet wily voice. "I have a way to resolve this without conflict."

That's when the dungeon guardians, alerted by our loud exchange, approached. They were three, dressed in light armor, the badge of their duty shining on their chests. "What's the problem here?" asked one of them, a middle-aged man with graying hair.

The Gryphon Fangs wasted no time in playing their trump card. "We are from the Gryphon Fangs guild," proudly announced the leader, "and we have an emergency that requires immediate access to this dungeon."

The guardians exchanged uncertain looks. The guild's reputation preceded its members, and it was evident they hesitated to conflict with them. After a moment of silent deliberation, the eldest guardian turned to me, his face grim. "Perhaps you could consider exploring the dungeon together? It would avoid any inconvenience."

The idea of sharing my exploration with these hostile individuals somewhat disturbed me, but I quickly realized I had little choice. Refusing would mean complications and probably a battle. To avoid all this, it was better to accept the idea and take them out inside the dungeon, unseen and unheard, if they tried anything cunning.

"Very well," I finally consented, masking my displeasure. "We can form a temporary team."

The Gryphon Fangs group seemed surprised by my concession, but their leader quickly displayed a triumphant smile. "Wise decision. Don't worry, you might even learn a thing or two with us."

The guardians seemed relieved by this resolution and reminded us of the safety rules before letting us enter the dungeon. As we ventured into the dark lair of the anthill, I couldn't help feeling like a lamb walking among wolves. But I was determined to make the best of this situation.