
Divine game

In a world transformed by a cataclysm and haunted by creatures from mysterious dungeons, humanity has found a glimmer of hope through the Etherials, individuals endowed with extraordinary abilities. Bwouad, a young Etherial of rank F, finds himself at the heart of an epic adventure after surviving a deadly ordeal, granting him unimaginable powers and leading him to activate the mysterious Ascension Tower, binding his fate to that of this world. Amidst political machinations, battles for survival, and the quest for power, Bwouad must face difficult moral choices and determine what kind of hero he wishes to become. This thrilling tale combines action, mystery, and reflections on power, heroism, and sacrifice, inviting the reader to follow the journey of an Etherial in search of his true place in a world in perpetual evolution.

Brad_Darby · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 6 - Part 1

Violette Blue

I was pondering the report Albert had just made about the infamous Bwouad, according to the men watching him, we weren't the only ones keeping an eye on him. According to the report, the family of one of the deceased members of his team was also watching him.

It wasn't surprising, after all, the sole survivor of their team had awakened a second time and seemed to not have any sequels in any way. Even I would find that suspicious. But, unfortunately for them, I would not let them do anything to him, for I fully intended to recruit him into my guild.

I was lost in thought when suddenly my office began to tremble. The trembling was subtle, but with every second that passed, the strength of the tremor doubled, until it became so powerful that items from my shelves fell to the ground.

Albert opened the door in distress: "Miss, this way, we must go to the basement!"

It was the only room that could withstand an earthquake since no building was generally so in this country. Albert walked briskly, visibly nervous; I followed closely when he suddenly stopped, forcing me just in time not to bump into him.

A bit displeased, I wanted to ask him why he wasn't moving anymore, but seeing that he was looking outside the building, I understood.

The moment my gaze landed on the scene outside, an apocalyptic tableau unveiled before my eyes. A tower, emerging from the earth like a divine sword slicing through the world's veil, dominated the landscape with its imposing presence. Its base, broad and deeply rooted in the cracked soil, seemed to draw its strength from the very bowels of the Earth. Its body soared towards the sky, a column of metal and stone with strangely harmonious patterns, where each block and weathervane seemed to tell a millennia-old story, a symphony of lost civilizations and forgotten technologies.

The details of its surface captivated attention: luminous inlays ran along its edges, forming complex patterns that glowed with a supernatural light.

Around it, the streets, once lively, were now labyrinths of ruins and despair where chaos reigned while the houses were nothing but rubble under the assault of the force released by the tower's appearance.

In the background, apart from the ground's crackling, I could hear the screams of people caught in the collapses, testifying to the terror of this unprecedented catastrophe.

In the sky, around the top of the tower, ethereal silhouettes moved with supernatural grace. They tried to control the situation as best they could, but without much apparent effort.

Albert, seeing the urgency of the situation, grabbed my arm. "There's no time to lose, Miss. The basement, quickly!" His voice was pressing, a command that left no room for hesitation. We turned back to resume our race to the basement, but our movements were hindered by the still-trembling ground, making our progress difficult. The walls around us cracked under the pressure, fissures forming and widening with each shake. I heard the noise of objects continuing to fall, echoes of shattered glass and twisted metal adding a terrifying cacophony to the already chaotic ambiance.

In this race against time, every second counted. The tremors of the ground beneath our feet reminded us of the imminent threat, as we hurried down the stairs, guided by the instinct for survival.

Once we reached the basement, Albert closed the door behind us with a sigh of relief. The darkness was almost total, save for a few weak emergency lights casting dancing shadows on the walls. We headed to the furthest room, designed to withstand natural disasters, a refuge in case of extreme need.

As we settled into what would be our temporary shelter, questions swirled in my mind. What was this tower? Where did it come from, and what did its appearance mean? Was this the beginning of a new chapter for humanity, or rather the premonition of an imminent end?

Albert, seeing my turmoil, tried to reassure me. "Whatever happens, Miss, we will face it together. We've survived many trials, and this one will be no different." His tone was comforting, but I could see in his eyes that he shared my concerns.

As the hours passed, we stayed there, listening to the distant sounds of the earth that continued to manifest, hoping that it would all soon cease.