
Divine game

In a world transformed by a cataclysm and haunted by creatures from mysterious dungeons, humanity has found a glimmer of hope through the Etherials, individuals endowed with extraordinary abilities. Bwouad, a young Etherial of rank F, finds himself at the heart of an epic adventure after surviving a deadly ordeal, granting him unimaginable powers and leading him to activate the mysterious Ascension Tower, binding his fate to that of this world. Amidst political machinations, battles for survival, and the quest for power, Bwouad must face difficult moral choices and determine what kind of hero he wishes to become. This thrilling tale combines action, mystery, and reflections on power, heroism, and sacrifice, inviting the reader to follow the journey of an Etherial in search of his true place in a world in perpetual evolution.

Brad_Darby · Fantasy
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18 Chs


Seated in the impersonal cold of an interrogation room, my every move was scrutinized by specialists evaluating with surgical precision how I channeled my power. Deliberately, I chose not to reveal the full extent of my skill. Revealing its full measure would have catapulted me into A or S ranks, obligating me to collaborate with the government for at least a year, a prospect that would have hindered my desire for freedom.

During the evaluations, I focused primarily on two aspects of my ability: the art of dissolving into nothingness, rendering myself virtually nonexistent, and the gift of omniscient sight allowing me to survey my surroundings with supernatural acuity.

With each activation, I slipped into darkness, my existence blurring to everyone's eyes. Observers, captivated, noted the ease with which I navigated between tangible reality and nothingness.

The ability to perceive everything around me within a precise radius unfolded a detailed panorama of my environment before me, eliciting palpable fascination from the researchers. They were excited about the possible applications, imagining strategies that leveraged this aerial perspective to outmaneuver opponents and obstacles.

This examination turned into an electrifying ballet, oscillating between scientific wonder and strategic speculation, each of my maneuvers opening a horizon of possibilities.

The experience proved to be an enriching collaborative effort: researchers quenched their thirst for knowledge while guiding me toward greater mastery of my powers, within a controlled and secure framework.

At the end of the trials, a huddle formed, the brightest minds gathered to decipher the results. The wait in the adjacent room weighed on me, laden with anxiety mixed with anticipation. The verdict of this colloquium would seal my future within the Etherials community.

As time slowly ticked by, the deliberation finally reached a consensus: my new status would be that of a B-rank Support. This categorization, reflecting the finesse with which I manipulated the facets of my skill - and aware of my voluntary limitations - brought a satisfied smile to my face. "This is exactly what I was hoping for," I thought, reassured in my strategy of reserve.

Exiting the waiting room, a mosaic of distinctive badges greeted me, worn by an assembly of guild representatives. Their whispers, charged with palpable anticipation, intensified as I approached, all eager to decipher the mysteries of my dual awakening.

The announcement of my skill and ranking as a B-rank Support triggered a stir through the crowd. The initial excitement gave way to a wave of disappointment, their expressions oscillating between amusement and barely veiled disdain. Their sarcastic comments, blending into the ambient noise, reflected their skepticism.

I was well aware of the ruthless hierarchy that reigned among the Etherials, where rank often defined fate. In a world obsessed with power, being a B-rank Etherial, even gifted with a dual awakening, seemed unattractive to these guilds accustomed to greatness.

The political landscape of the country was divided into three spheres of influence: the three major guilds (Winter Wind, Fleur de Lys, and the Canadian Union), the Etherials' Association, and the government. Each faction played a crucial role, with the guilds working to eradicate monsters and dungeons, the government ensuring civic order, while the Association, inheriting the authority of the UN, wielded unprecedented power, fortified by the most powerful Etherials, over the entire planet.

As the assembly dispersed, divided between amusement and animated debates, a man with silver hair, radiating an aura of wisdom, approached with a measured stride.

"Do not be disheartened by these reactions," he advised me in a tone imbued with sincerity. "True strength often lies in efficiency, not just in brute power. B-rank Etherials, who master their skills perfectly, have sometimes accomplished feats surpassing those of higher ranks."

His benevolent gaze encouraged me, and although his comfort was unnecessary, I appreciated his kindness.

He then introduced himself: "I am Albert, from the Blue Sun guild. Though we are not the most numerous, each member excels in their field. Your unique skill would be very valuable to us."

This guild, a gathering of elites in a world prey to grandeur, piqued my curiosity. However, I was not ready to fully commit. "I will consider your offer carefully. Thank you for your comforting words," I replied, accepting his card.

After a brief exchange, Albert took his leave, and the crowd gradually thinned, leaving behind the murmur of their speculations.