
Divine game

In a world transformed by a cataclysm and haunted by creatures from mysterious dungeons, humanity has found a glimmer of hope through the Etherials, individuals endowed with extraordinary abilities. Bwouad, a young Etherial of rank F, finds himself at the heart of an epic adventure after surviving a deadly ordeal, granting him unimaginable powers and leading him to activate the mysterious Ascension Tower, binding his fate to that of this world. Amidst political machinations, battles for survival, and the quest for power, Bwouad must face difficult moral choices and determine what kind of hero he wishes to become. This thrilling tale combines action, mystery, and reflections on power, heroism, and sacrifice, inviting the reader to follow the journey of an Etherial in search of his true place in a world in perpetual evolution.

Brad_Darby · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


After finishing celebrating my birthday, we got down to business. Our departure for the dungeon exploration was scheduled for 10 AM, so we had to hurry in order not to waste our time.

In the middle of the city stood the small governmental complex overseeing the Golden Goblin dungeon. The security arrangement around the dungeon was meticulously maintained, reflecting constant vigilance. An imposing fence, both sturdy and elegant, surrounded the dungeon, clearly demarcating the boundaries of this protected enclave. The barbed wire topping the fence added an extra layer of deterrence, signifying that access to this space is strictly controlled and should not be trespassed. But despite the dungeon being in the middle of the city, the adjacent urban environment remained lively. The streets, lined with various businesses, formed a living canvas. The constant coming and going of people created a symphony of footsteps and lively conversations, while modern public transport ensured smooth traffic flow.

Before reaching the dungeon entrance, I had to pass through several checkpoints marking the path. The security agents, professional and attentive, conducted these inspections, ensuring that only authorized persons passed these checkpoints to avoid unnecessary trouble. Presenting my guild card, the security agent looked at my card and said in a monotone voice:

"Bwouad Black, F-rank Support affiliated with the White Lotus guild, you are authorized to enter. Please wait for the rest of your team members before proceeding inside the dungeon."

After being allowed to go to the edge of the portal, I went there and spotted Thomas.

The dungeon portal stood out extraordinarily. Unlike its usual blue hue, it boasted a dazzling gold color, emitting a mystical glow that captivated the gaze. Golden reflections danced on its surface, creating an atmosphere as majestic as it was enigmatic, evoking an aura of noble wealth.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Thomas asked me. I nodded, this wasn't my first dungeon exploration, but it was the first time I'd seen one like this. Before the others arrived, he took the time to explain the difference to me in detail. Not only did we have a better chance of finding a skill enhancement crystal, but the monsters in general gave double experience and the boss "dropped" superior quality items, ensuring that each exploration was worth it. That's why this dungeon was so well guarded compared to others I had been to.

Liana, Émilie, Marcus, and Ethan arrived one after the other quickly, leaving Thomas and me waiting only a few minutes.

"Alright, now that everyone's here, we'll proceed as usual..." Thomas started seriously. After all, no matter the dungeon, a single mistake could cause the exploration to fail or everyone to die. "Marcus will serve as the main tank and I'll be his backup, while Émilie will support us. The backline will consist of Liana in the middle with Ethan and Bwouad at the rear. You all already know your roles and skills, so let's not waste any time and get going!"

The team gathered at the dungeon entrance, while Liana used one of her pieces of equipment to illuminate the darkness in front of us.

The room lit up, and Thomas spoke, showing us a map with attention.

"Okay, listen carefully, we're about to enter the first part of this dungeon." He pointed to the first area of the dungeon, a large hall adorned with ancient frescoes. "According to the information I have, the first room wouldn't contain anything good; it's only there to express the nature of the dungeon."

We looked at each other, impressed by this detail; usually, every room in dungeons served a purpose, whether it was to contain treasures, monsters, traps, etc.

Thomas continued, "Now, the second part is a bit more complex. It consists of a multitude of gold tunnels. Yes, you heard me right. Gold tunnels. Expect Greedy Goblins to hide there. These creatures would be the type to always frantically search for treasures regardless of the cost. It's a less dangerous area, and the potential riches are worth it, hence the exorbitant price to have the authorization to 'raid' it. However, even if the dungeon is D-rank and the goblins don't pose a problem, always stay on your guard. Is that understood?"

The team members nodded, prepared for what awaited them.

Thomas finally pointed to the last part. "The throne room. That's where the boss resides: a Lez'or. Be ready, because this creature is powerful and will fiercely protect its treasures until death."

After all these explanations, the team stood ready and proceeded with its exploration.