
Divine Fate - The Moonstone

What is the moonstone exactly? Well, it's a symbol of beginning. All life has a beginning. The beginning of the werewolves was thousands of years ago, during a time where people roamed the earth. The moon goddess, then just considered a spirit and now called by many names, sent a piece of herself to a group of nomads. As the piece fell, it formed into a solid piece of bright stone made of orthoclase and albite. Centuries passed, and the first pack was eventually named the Moonstone Pack. They protected the stone, now verified as being musgravite, and kept it from falling into the wrong hands. The stone still held power within it, but the line of alphas and lunas of the Moonstone Pack kept it hidden, wanting to keep the power dormant so that they could live peacefully. *-*-* Raveena Cemche just graduated with her bachelor's in business and is ready to start having a more solid position in the family business. In a twist, she's assigned as her uncle's personal assistant, though she doesn't mind as that helps put her in the middle of all big business decisions and meetings. A week into the job, it shows just how much she gets to be a part of. Lyrik Gray, the alpha of the first pack, gains his title of alpha earlier than most. One of the first things he has to face as the alpha of the Moonstone Pack, is the protection of the moonstone. It seems forces are gathering together and are going to try to get their hands on the gem. Lyrik has to make sure that doesn't happen, otherwise all of the werewolves in the world were going to suffer. The two meet earlier than most mates normally do, though the circumstances of an upcoming war makes them both nervous about announcing it to the world.

MarieMeadowthorn · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 7


With another sigh, I set my fork down and stood, looking over to my parents. "If you'll excuse me, I'm going to take a walk in the garden."

I didn't wait for them to say anything, I just walked out of the dining room and made my way outside. I paused on the porch, breathing in the night air and standing in what little moonlight there was. The blooming roses filled the night air with their scent, and I walked through them slowly. When I got to the yellow ones, I stopped and crouched down, pulling one to my nose.

"Yellow roses must be your favorite."

Shock had me falling onto my butt as I looked up at Lyrik, heart in my throat as I pressed a hand to my chest. "What the hell?! You scared the shit out of me! How do you manage to get around so quietly?"

He chuckled, helping me back to my feet. He brushed my hair behind my ear then cupped my cheek, rubbing his thumb over it. "I didn't mean to scare you. I've always had a lighter step, though training and honing the ability has made it even easier for me to sneak around."

I sighed, leaning into his touch as my eyes drifted half-closed. "I suppose I can forgive you for it then."

Another chuckle left his lips.

I smiled, looking up at him as he wrapped his other arm around my waist and pulled me closer. The hand that had cupped my cheek now titled my head up as he leaned down the short distance and claimed my lips. My eyes drifted closed, and I lifted my arms to wrap around his neck. It almost felt like we were starting back up from where we had stopped in the training center.

Our kissing quickly deepened, Lyrik's hand cupping the back of my head to tilt it back farther, his fingers tangling in my hair. I couldn't help the soft moan that escaped, though it was swallowed by his mouth. I clung to his shoulders, feeling breathless as he started to kiss down my neck. The soft nips he gave me also had me squirming, my body becoming inflamed with the desire to mark and be marked. When I tilted my head back farther, a soft growl of approval vibrated his chest. I shuddered as his mouth locked onto my collarbone with a nip then a gentle sucking. I knew he was leaving a hickey, but I couldn't care less.

He kissed his way back up to where my shoulder and neck met and gave a slow, long lick to the area. I gasped, nails lengthening and sinking into his shoulders. He growled again, lapping at the spot again before nipping softly, not breaking the skin like I wished he would.

"Lyrik," I moaned, pressing my body more firmly against his. "Please."

Lyrik froze for a moment and I opened my eyes to see him searching my face. His eyes had darkened considerably and his canines had lengthened. Not knowing what else I could do, I smiled and leaned my head to the side, leaving myself vulnerable to him. It affected him immensely, if the flash of heat and growl were anything to go by.

His hands wrapped around my waist and lifted me. I gasped, wrapping then locking my legs around his waist. I had to retract my claws so I didn't tear his skin, then wrapped my arms around his neck. As he carried me to wherever he was going, I leaned down and kissed him, nipping his lips before attacking with tongue. The feeling of his arms tightening around me was amazing.

Somehow, though I had been very distracting, Lyrik had made his way to the small pavilion we had in the garden. He sat down on the bench and leaned back against the railing, his gaze traveling down my body slowly. I shifted on his lap so that I was kneeling over him, and I smiled as he slid his hands up my shirt. I leaned down, kissing along his jaw, down his neck to nip at his shoulder. My canines had lengthened now as well, and as I nipped him again a low groan floated to my ears.

"Raveena. You have to decide right now if you're ready for this or not. If you're not, we'll go back inside."

Feeling breathless, I paused to think about his words, my lips hovering over the spot I wanted to bite into. He was leaving the choice up to me, holding himself completely still as he waited for my answer. His hands were settled on my ribs, right below my breasts, and his lips brushed my ear. I didn't want to stop. I wanted to claim him and have him claim me. Fully, all the way.

With that in mind, I took a deep breath and sank my canines into the spot on his neck. He yelled out, jerking me down as his hips lifted up. I moaned when I felt how hard he was, unable to resist the urge to grind against him. His emotions flowed into me, patience, amazement, absolute ecstasy. It left me breathless as I released my bite.

As I lapped at the mark I left, I felt his hands tighten around me. It was my only warning before he had me pinned to the ground, face against my neck. I gasped at the sudden movement, but unable to grasp what was happening as Lyrik pulled my shirt aside and bit down.

Sensations and emotions filled me tenfold, making me cry out as Lyrik had. Pain, pleasure, happiness. Anxiety of the unknown, anticipation for it. Calm, love. It all hit me and had me gasping out his name. His hand slid up, cupping my breast. As his thumb rubbed over my nipple, he also slowly licked the mark. I shuddered, my body becoming nothing but tingles as my back arched to press myself into him more.

I clasped his head in my hands, gripping onto his hair as well as I could with how short his hair was. He pushed my shirt up, making me drop my hands as he pulled it off. A hot flush spread over my body as he stared down at me. Though there wasn't much light from the moon, as a werewolf he could see everything. I wasn't wearing the most attractive lingerie, just simple ones, and I found myself wishing I had worn lacy ones as his eyes roamed over me.

As if he knew what I was thinking, his eyes met mine as he smiled. "Beautiful."

I giggled and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him down to kiss him soundly. He soon made quick work of my bra, making me gasp as he played with my breasts. Lyrik nipped my bottom lip then shifted down, pressing kisses over the top of my breast down to my nipple, which he claimed with a small nip that had me moaning his name.

I tugged at his shirt, pulling it over his head though he was reluctant to stop playing with my nipple. His hands mapped my torso, sliding over every inch as he sucked and nipped at one nipple then the other. I lifted my hips as he started pulling my pants and panties down, feeling as though my blood was boiling with need for him. As he sat up, I lunged at him, kissing him as I trailed my hands over every inch of his torso. He groaned.

"God, Lyrik, you're beautiful," I bit his bottom lip before letting my gaze feast on the piece of artistic masculinity before me.

He chuckled, sweeping his hands over the back of my thighs to cup my cheeks in his hands. I smiled then leaned down to nip one of his manly nipples, surprised at the small jerk that he gave but doing it again anyways. His breathy moan was a huge turn on, and I enjoyed seeing the desire written all over his face as he leaned backwards. I followed, sitting up to wrap my arms around his strong, broad shoulders then kissed him. I kept his lips busy with mine as I slid my hands down to the front of his pants. There was no belt to undo or buttons and zippers. The casual gym shorts he wore had a drawstring that was easily undone. I sat back as I slipped my hand into his shorts, shocked when I found he wasn't wearing anything underneath them.

A smirk slid into place even as his hips arched into my touch. "Surprised? Ah… God, Raveena, how am I supposed to concen..trate… when you do that?"

He was panting now, and I giggled as I lightly rubbed my thumb over the sensitive spot I had found on the head of his penis. I experimentally pumped my hand up and down, watching Lyrik squirm as his hips bucked. His hands were still wrapped around my thighs and they now pulled me closer as he suddenly sat up straight. His amber eyes were dark, whirling with desire and needs.

"My turn."

I didn't have a chance to process the husky words before he had me back down against the floor, with a hand on my stomach and the other holding my hands above my head. He held my hands there as he shuffled out of his gym shorts. I bit my lip as I looked down, getting an eyeful of the long, hard, thick piece of him that I wanted in my hot, wet, cave.

I was distracted from my thought as he lifted my chin and kissed me roughly, dominating and claiming me through it. I let his tongue wander in, nipped his lip back when he nipped mine. He kept me distracted enough that when his fingers found their way into my secret place, stroking my most sensitive nub, I gasped and arched my back, head going backwards. Lyrik made a choked sound, kissing my neck down to my breasts again. As his fingers explored the things that made me moan or gasp, he was using his mouth to do the same to my nipples.

Lyrik then plunged two of his fingers into my canal, making me erupt into a fountain of pleasure. I think I yelled his name, twisting my legs around him as I shook. He made what I assume was a 'come-hither' motion with his fingers, leaving me breathless as my eyes popped open to stare into his.

"Please… please…" I whimpered, feeling good after the orgasm but still wanting to feel all of him.

Lyrik smiled, canines still sharp and pointed, and he slowly pulled his fingers away as he also let my hands go. I took no time in wrapping my arms around his shoulders and pulling him to me so that his business was rubbing against mine. The head of his penis slid just slightly into the folds of my vagina, and we both moaned at the feeling. He grasped my hips and pulled me up to adjust where I was laying so that he could slide his dick between the folds and over my clit. I shuddered, closing my eyes as he continued the sensual feeling.

Just as suddenly as he started, he stopped. I opened my eyes to find him looking at me. As soon as our eyes met, he plunged inside of me. My eyes widened, jaw dropped, and I wrapped my hands tightly around his forearms.

"Fuck. Raveena, you're so tight," Lyrik's eyes squeezed shut as he stopped himself from moving, taking in the feeling of his mate's body wrapped around his. I watched the struggle on his face, though I definitely agree with how intense the sensation was of having him deep in me. It had my claws coming out again, and left me wanting to curl them into his skin.

When it felt like too much time had passed without him moving, my nails bit into his skin as I squeezed my inner muscles around him.

He immediately growled, eyes opening to look down at me with a feral ferocity. I barely got a breath in before he pulled almost completely out of me then slammed back in. I cried out, shocked, even as I tilted my hips to encourage him to continue. He did so, hammering into me as he kissed my chin, down my neck, to lap at the mark he just left. I shivered as pleasure flooded through my system, making it hard to think past it. I slid my hands to his shoulders, digging my nails in as he took me even higher on the rollercoaster. I was almost there, and reached for it as Lyrik pushed me there by biting down on his mark.

I'm pretty sure I screamed, raking my nails down his back as I wrapped my legs tightly around his hips, trying to get him to stay still. But he kept thrusting in and out, quickly lifting me to another orgasm that had me calling out his name. Lyrik growled, letting go of my neck and settled his hands on the ground beside my shoulders. I looked up at him blearily, gasping for breath, as he moved his legs up slightly as well, his knees now almost at my hips. He kissed me softly, just before he started ramming in and out, growling about how wonderful I felt to him and how he was so close. My mind couldn't hold onto anything though, as I stared at his desire filled face and felt his need driving him to handle me a little roughly. His beautiful amber eyes were bright with his feelings. The fire built quickly again inside of me, making my toes curl. I used my grip on his sides to pull myself up as I felt myself nearing the pinnacle once more. I licked the mark I made on him, feeling him shiver as he growled my name. He tilted his head slightly, encouraging me to continue, and I didn't hesitate to drive my canines into his flesh as the fireworks exploded inside of me again, my whole body clenching around his. My jaw tightened as I sobbed his name, causing his skin to tear a little as his body jerked against mine.

Lyrik followed me over the summit, though, thrusting hard once more, before giving a raspy yell and freezing against me as his muscles twitched and jerked.

For a moment we just laid there, reveling in the feeling of being mates. I had been able to let his shoulder go before he'd fallen on top of me, but I was starting to rouse enough to know I should look at it to be sure it was okay. I had bitten pretty hard and had even torn his skin.

It was also getting slightly hard to breathe.

I slowly blinked my eyes open, amazed that I wasn't able to see fireworks, then turned my head to whisper a kiss over Lyrik's ear. His soft hum of appreciation made me smile, and I gently ran my fingers over her back, biting my lip as I felt where my nails had broken skin. I felt bad about it, especially since he had been much more careful about marks on me.

Lyrik's lips pressed against the side of my jaw before he lifted his torso up to look down at me. His eyes were soft, caring, and he looked beyond please. I could feel the hot rush of blood run to my cheeks as he let his eyes look lower for a moment before returning to my face.

Hands grasped my sides and before I knew it, I was laying on top of Lyrik. The movement had made his softening member slip out, and I felt a little awkward, but his arms held me close to him. I snuggled into his grip, rubbing my cheek slightly over the small dusting of chest hair that he had. His fingers drifted softly over my upper back, soothing me as I caught my breath fully.

"Well," Lyrik's voice was gruff. "I suppose that's one way to go about forming our bond."

I giggled, tilting my head upwards to look into his smiling eyes. He kissed my forehead, and we both relaxed, enjoying the feeling of each other's company. After a moment, however, I really needed to use the restroom. In lieu of going around naked, I got up and moved from Lyrik so that I could shift into my wolf. It was quicker and easier to trot into some of the nearby bushes to relieve myself.

Back on the pavilion, I circled Lyrik, playfully nipping at his hand when he went to stroke my fur. He growled, playful, and then was shimmering into his wolf. We stared at each other for a moment, taking in the scent and look of each other. I barked, bumped his shoulder with my head, then took off into the nearby trees. The soft sound of him running after me made me excited, feeling lucky to be chased by such a guy.

I didn't go too far into the trees, bouncing around one quickly so I could jump on Lyrik from behind. He huffed as he went down, though he wasn't shocked since he had kept a trained eye on where I was going. I nipped the tip of his ear softly then took off again, prancing happily as I also tried to entice him to follow me. We played a game of tag, going back and forth for a while. He was so quick on his feet I was 'it' more often than he, and I eventually lept on him, growling softly as I nipped his ears again. However, this time he bucked me off of him and turned, leaping onto me before I could get away.

He shifted, becoming a naked man holding onto me. I shifted as well, laughing as I wrapped my arms around him. Lyrik smiled then kissed me, leaning me backwards over his arm. I clung to him, kissing back, acutely aware of our lack of clothing and the budding excitement between us.

Lyrik kissed down my neck, stopping at his mark. I tilted my head slightly, whispering his name as he slowly licked the spot, causing shivers to go through my entire body. He walked me backwards, slowly, until he had me pressed into a tree. I grabbed a handful of hair at the back of his head and forced his head up so I could ravage his mouth.

His hands slid up from my waist to my breasts, his thumbs ever so gently caressing the sensitive undersides of them. I moaned, arching my back to press them more into his touch. His soft, breathless chuckle left me feeling weak at the knees.

He pulled away slightly, looking down at me. "If I knew we were going to be doing this tonight, I would have made sure we were near a bed. I don't think I can wait now, though."

That was pretty much his warning before he picked me up, pressing my back to the tree as he slowly sank into me. I gasped, grasping his shoulders as I wrapped my legs around him as our bodies joined. He groaned, jerking his hips forward so that I fully wrapped around him. I couldn't help but tighten around him, my body weeping with my need for his.

"Already so ready," Lyrik murmured, tilting his head down as he lifted my breast. His lips feather over the swell of it then suddenly latched onto my nipple.

I cried out, shocked at the quick change in feelings and pace. He also hadn't started to move, leaving me feeling full but not satisfied. With my hands on his shoulders, I was able to lift myself then lower back down on him. He tensed slightly, a low hiss leaving his lips as I did it again. Then, he started a more earnest sensual attack on my breasts, nibbling and laving my nipples and other sensitive areas. I couldn't help but stop moving, entranced in all the attention in different spots of my body.

When Lyrik pressed me fully against the trunk of the tree, he also took hold of my hands and held them against the tree above my head. I stared up into his eyes as he slowly, so slowly, started to move his hips, thrusting in and out. He made love to me slowly, building the fire within me until I was squirming and begging him to go faster. Go harder.

He bent to kiss me and I bit his lower lip, growling softly at him in warning.

Lyrik chuckled, going slower even as he nearly left my body. I whimpered, pleading softly. Within moments he was pounding into me, hitting just the right spot that had me screaming. He shouted with his own release, leaning his head back as his lower body pressed into mine as much as it could. He let my hands go and they flopped to my sides uselessly as I leaned forward to press my forehead against his shoulder.

After another minute or so of us standing there, he slowly took a step back and sat down, holding me against him even as his limp self slid from me. I snuggled into him, sighing softly.

This was paradise.