
Divine Farming System Vol 2: Searching for Way to Revival

'You'll never know the value of one thing unless you lose it' was not a saying for nothing. Feng Shaotian realized this phrase just after losing Ding Bang. A new chapter of his life was being written without his beloved brother's presence. What will he end up to? Live depressed like he did in the past? Or search for ways to move forward? Available in GN

Dazzling_Verdict · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 1

In a dark room full of natural energy. A young man could be seen sitting cross legged in the center next to a statue. It was a statue made up of something precious gold. Giving off an aura of savage and strong willed animal. Strong desire to protect his love ones was depicted in its eyes.

Inscription was also written in it connected to the floor, walls, ceiling and so on. The young man on the floor sitting cross legged has a tranquil expression on his face. He was good looking and muscular. On his back was a killing black sword shining in cold luster that just by looking at it gives chills to the body.

On his lap was a book of different colors. It was thick and looks heavy. It also exude an energy that carries great pressure making the natural energy of the surroundings to bow.

Knock! Knock!

Knocking sound of the door came in. The young man opened his eyes and said in a sonorous voice. "Come in"


The door behind the young man opened as a man in a Violet Robe with a sword on his hip came in. With a pretty handsome face that has been aged and a well built body. He kneeled to the floor, bowing his head to show its greetings.

"Master, all the important people and elders needed in the meeting has already arrived"

The young man didn't reply. He stood up and look at the statue's eyes right in front of him. His eyes looks sorrowful, seconds later, the young man smiled. "I'll be leaving now Ding Bang. I still have matters to take care of. I'll visit again next time and tell you more stories"

With that said, the young man turned around and started walking towards the man who just notified him. "Uncle Jiang. How many times should I tell you that there's no need for such greetings?"

The young man said sighing. Jiang Fu smiled awkwardly but didn't say a word. The young man didn't know what to say and could only leave the room. Jiang Fu also followed him respectfully from behind.


In one beautifully made room. A group of people could be seen sitting on their respective chairs. In the positioning of it, it could be seen in a hierarchical order. A Higher Seat above, one and only. No other chairs could be seen near it. Below it was 4 Seats, then below the 4 seats was a round table with chairs surrounding it.

Looking at it, it would number up to 50 Chairs. In the 4 seats above, a man was looking at the fat person standing next to the highest seat.

"Hey Fatty, I just noticed..." He suddenly said weirdly.

"What is it? Is something wrong Minor City lord Tang San?" Fatty Ma asked in curiosity at what the man noticed.

They have become good friends after knowing each other. Fatty's First impression of Tang San was a muscle head as he was big and likes to brawl. But after knowing that he was a good guy and has the same personality as him. They become close to each other and was attentive to what the other has to say.

Tang San grinned as he opened his mouth. "I just noticed that you've become much Fatter than yesterday. Like how the hell are you doing it?!"

Fatty Ma's eyes lit up. "Haha.. I thought you wouldn't notice. You truly are my good brother!" he happily exclaimed by the thought that Tang San just complimented him.

Tang San's face darkened. He thought that his teasing was good enough for Fatty Ma to get mad at him but it was the opposite. "Brother? Are you sick? You don't look well"

"I-I'm fine" Tang San replied weakly.

The other people next and below him shook their heads in pity.

"City lord Feng Shaotian has arrived!"

A shout sounded coming from behind the door. Everyone stood up in respect as the door opened and a young man entered with a person behind him.

"Greetings Master"

"Greetings City lord"

"Boss you've finally arrived!!"

"This little pig.." Tang San muttered. They were respectfully greeting Feng Shaotian but this Fatty didn't even give a formal greeting.

His comrades and the others also turned towards Fatty's direction, glaring at him intently. Seeing such situation, Feng Shaotian couldn't help but smile bitterly. 'Fatty Ma sure is Fatty Ma' he thought shaking his head.

Feng Shaotian returned the greeting and went to his seat asking everyone to sit down. Jiang Fu also positioned himself on Feng Shaotian's right side. While Fatty Ma was busily flexing his fats on the left side.

"Alright.. alright.. Fatty I know you've become Fatter, there's no need to flex"

"Hehe. Thank you Boss" Fatty Ma replied as he smiled from ear to ear.

"Let's move on to our meeting. Give me your reports" Feng Shaotian stated.

Jiang Fu on his right side stepped forward. Giving Feng Shaotian a salute before speaking. "I'm here to give the report about our Army. As the Central Zone was a restricted zone and only available to us, the Army and loyal subordinates. Some people are keen on infiltrating it.

"So far, we've caught 2 S rank and 5 A rank cultivator ranging from different classes. After investigating, we found out that they were not settlers in any zone. I would like to give advice to the 4 minor city lord to be on guard. Next, our army now has reach 800 people.

"Some of them have lower cultivation but all of them have already signed the contract. I also have here the list of our core people. As of now we have 5 Double S Ranker, 30 S Ranker, and almost 200+ A Ranker. It was this big thanks to Master's effort.

"Our Army was stationed only in the city as City Guard's and Guardian as of now. We don't have any town under our control, except for the Dog Beastman Stronghold in the Beastman Prairie. The decision was for our City lord to make if we'll take over other city's.

"My reports end here. If you have any addition please state it" Jiang Fu said before he went back to his position.

"City lord, I have an additional word to give" Shen Yusheng said.

"Go on"

Receiving Feng Shaotian's approval. Shen Yusheng then started speaking. "As minor city lords, we've made a proposal before about building a school for young cultivator to be nurtured. We've been doing our best to share the knowledge we have to the students with the help of our Army.

"I was pleased to tell everyone that it was doing good. The four zone has built four school in total. Each one of them has young talent's apiring to become someone great in the future. I just want to add that in the next few weeks, we'll be conducting a tournament.

"I wish for the City lord's approval about this matter as some students want their reward to become a member of the Army" Shen Yusheng said looking at Feng Shaotian's direction.

"No problem. Also, notify them that the top 10 will receive a gift from me. And one more thing, tell them that the top 10 will be trained as a squad group til they reach S rank. They will also be given a chance to fight me as a group after winning the competition" Feng Shaotian said smiling.