
Divine Expert In Another World

Why did the system leave me? It said I must live happily. What does happiness mean for me? AN: This is a light-hearted focused story. And if you don't like harems then this is not for you. No Netorare, maybe Netori.

Lifeisboring69 · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Chapter 4: Merchant or a Prince?

The egg began to shake fiercely while cracks ran through its shell. Heat is pouring outside from the cracks and that heat even caused the trees and grass around us to burn.

"I should use my Divine Power to help this little majestic beast."

Divine Power is an all-rounder skill that can heal, enhance, buff, or improve a certain item or other living things in many folds.

As I closed my eyes, sitting in a lotus position, I let my Divine Power flow out from my body. Golden haze drifted towards the trembling egg and it started to envelop it.

"That should be enough..."


In just a few seconds, a spectacular bird-like creature with fiery red feathers flew up. Despite being a newborn, her size was already huge enough to rival the largest eagle on earth.

The night sky brightens to where the phoenix decided to wander, and as its eyes settled at me, it gracefully flies in our direction while lowering the heat flowing out from her body and landed in front of me.

I reached out my hand and rubbed her head gently.

"Your name will be Aki. Also known as Sparkle or Bright."


She likes the name I gave her. Aki rubbed her head on my chest my letting out some cute noise.

"It's time to eat everyone!"

- - - - - -

"This is the village huh."

I finally arrived just a few meters away from the village. They have guard towers and tall brick walls. Around 2000 and more people inside with a few guards. It's surprisingly huge for a village.

"For now, I'll pretend as a merchant from the far west."

With a single flick of my finger, a luxurious carriage materialized by using the materials inside my Inventory ring. It's a large carriage that can fit almost 20 people. Made by my very own Divine Planks and Divine Metals, even the king will be ashamed seeing this.

Our group resumed approaching the entrance. Also, it's the only way to arrive at the kingdom because the village is surrounded by a lake, and only by crossing a bridge from its east and west side is the only way in leaving to the other side.

Instead of horses, I'm using Kohaku and Masa, taking advantage of their majestic looks. Haaaaa! I'm flexing so much.

"Aki, you stay at the top of the carriage and act as stunningly as possible."


Aki then accepted my command with a smile on her beak. It's absurd how her beak can shape into a smile.

- - - - - -

"Monster attack! Alarm the village ch-"

One of the guards smack the head of the guard when it began to shout. They were startled by the sudden appearance of powerful-looking beasts even though they are still away.

"Are you an idiot?! Can't you see there is a carriage behind them?" The guard pointed.

"It seems like he's a noble from a faraway land... The design of his carriage is unique in our country..." a guard at the top of the watchtower mumbled.

"He's coming..."

"State your visit, dear guest." one of the guards spoke with a respectful tone. The rest bowed towards Alex. Just by looking at the majestic creatures around Alex, they feel like lowering their head is not an option, but a thing to do.

"I came here to visit the nearest Kingdom, I'm a traveling merchant from the far west and I tend to sell my items there."

'I don't think you are a merchant, but a royalty...' the guards have this thought in their minds. They honestly think that the guest in front of them is royalty.

With a luxurious carriage, majestic-looking creatures, the robe he wore, and what more his almost perfect appearance says it all.

"We mostly charge merchants one silver dear guest."

"I don't have one silver for now but I have magic stones from the monsters I slaughtered. Or how about this?"

Alex moved down from the carriage and went to the back. He took a sword, one of the weakest weird he crafted.

"Can I sell this here first?"

The guards gasped in shock, their bodies stiffed the moment they saw the sword on Alex's hands.

'The power inside of it... What level is this guy?! That's a national treasure grade!' the guard that is in charge of the rest thought about it. They may not be powerful or even a blacksmith but items that emit magical power are magic items or national treasures.

"If... if you won't mind us asking dear guest... What level are you?"

It might be rude to ask Alex right now but they got curious as well as frightened of him.

"Level?" Alex asked with a confused face. 'Wait don't tell me this world has this level thingy like the books I read?'

"Sorry to say but my level is a secret..."

In truth, Alex doesn't know what his level was, he doesn't even know how to see his level but judging by the enemies he slaughtered and how weak the guards for him, he considered himself as a high level.

"No problem dear guest. You can enter the village for free, we understand that it's your first time in this country. However, you need the currency to enter the Luduris Kingdom, they asked merchants a high price if it's their first time visiting there."

"I understand and thank you so much. I'll repay this favor." Alex smiled and returned to the carriage driver's seat. "Kohaku, Masa, time to continue."

- - - - -

"As expected, I got more attention right away," Alex whispered. The moment they set foot inside, gazes were at him in an instant. Some people stopped what they were doing and the rest admired his image.

"Is he a prince?"

"He's so handsome... I feel hot just by looking at him."

"Hey, woman, what the hell are you saying?!"

The men were trying to save their women from a daze while gazing at Alex. Numerous of them started to drag their lovers away from him.

"It certainly feels like I went back in time..." Muttered Alex as he glanced in every direction. The scenery, the houses, and buildings, even by using his divine sense, he didn't notice any advanced technology from the modern world.