
Chapter 14

The gate shimmered for the fourth time as Fellaroth passed through it and emerged into a second garden, which was fairly similar to the one he had just left. Unlike the other garden, this one was only flanked on two sides by walls and towers and did not have more gardens on higher levels. This garden was at the highest point of a much smaller castle, boasting one-hundred- and eighty-degree views of the surrounding area, which included an enormous lake that encircled the castle.

"Wow, it actually worked!" exclaimed Jackson, approaching the edge of the garden, and looking out over the lake. "We've really travelled to another part of the world! Now how do we know that we've come to the right place?"

"I have to admit, I was a little sceptical of that actually working, but here we are in Ponderoth." Added Riegert.

"How can you tell?"

"Over there, that's Cruwshant mountain." He added, pointing toward a single mountain off in the distance.

"This Fellaroth was a genius! It's no wonder he became a God. He established the first empire of mankind, crafted magical weaponry, studied the properties of minerals, created teleportation magic, and Gods know what else! Oh, how I wish I was alive in his time to have seen him achieve all of this."

"The truth of the matter is that aside from being king, very few people of the time actually knew of his other achievements. Fellaroth conducted his experiments and research for no one other than himself."

"I suppose that when you're a king, you don't really need to seek other people's approval or accolades." Remarked Riegert in passing. "How long would you estimate the journey to Cruwshant will take us from here?" he added, steering the conversation away from the forgotten God that Calvin had become so enamoured with.

"About a month on foot, less than half that if we can get some horses."

"Right, horses. There wouldn't happen to be a stable nearby would there?" asked Jackson, already knowing the answer.

"Near this castle? Sadly not. Though I did check the map before we left The Lonely Bastion and there should be a village nearby, perhaps we can come to some kind of arrangement with them in exchange for passage to the Cruwshant region."

"It's definitely worth trying, and far better than spending a month walking in the Northern territories!"

"What do you mean? What's wrong with the Northern territories?" asked Fellaroth, opening a door and standing to one side while the others entered the castle.

"The Xechegan religion is prevalent in this part of the kingdom, and it has led to xenophobic attacks on non-humans, which has in turn led to retaliation from the other races. The Northern territories are not a safe place to travel… it's also worth mentioning that you should keep any thoughts on bigotry to yourself, most everyone here is some form of a bigot." The anger in Riegert's voice at the mere thought of non-sensical bigotry seemed to reverberate through the corridor they now walked down, almost as though the castle itself agreed with his views.

"I had heard that there were problems between the races, but I was hoping that it was being blown out of proportion."

"You haven't spent much time in the North have you Fell?"

"I haven't."

"It shows. The North is nothing like the South. In the South, your race or religion means very little, your actions are what matters most there, but here in the North, race is all that matters!"

"Is this not something that the Queen should be addressing?"

"She is trying, but her influence isn't as strong in the North, as it is closer to The Capital. The truth is, up here, The Bishop has more power than the Queen."

"I take it that this would not be The Bishop of The Mythus faith?"

"You would be correct; it is The Bishop of Xechegan. The rumours say he's a vile man who has lived far longer than any natural man ought to."

"Is that so?" remarked Fellaroth as he continued to lead the group through the castle and toward the exit.

"Is that another epigon?" asked Jackson as they approached the final door.

"No, not in this castle." Answered Fellaroth, opening the door and allowing the others to pass through.

A garden of tropical flowers greeted the group upon exiting the castle, with aromatic fragrances being accompanied by bees, butterflies, and all manner of summer-loving insects. Birds chirped from the treetops, while a soft breeze rustled the leaves. This island castle was truly an oasis of peace and tranquillity that could soothe even the most restless mind.

The sounds of the lake water lapping at the shoreline added to the tranquillity of the island as the group walked through the lush garden, enjoying all of its sights and sounds along the way, never for a second thinking of the traps that had been laid at The Lonely Bastion. The crystal-clear turquoise waters of the lake granted an unobstructed view of the aquatic life that called this lake their home. Stunning fish of every conceivable colour and size swam through the calm waters of this loch, further putting the minds of the adventurers at ease.

"I can see why Fellaroth chose this island as a location for one of his gates! Had I been the one to construct a home in a place like this, I think I might never want to leave." Said Calvin in a daze as he watched a single longboat come around the corner, scarcely upsetting the lake's mirror finish as it effortlessly drifted across the picturesque scenery toward them. The boat came to a gentle stop at the shore and allowed each of them to step in and take a seat before it effortlessly set off for the opposite shore.

The silent world continued to reflect in the undisturbed waters of this peaceful lake as the magically propelled longboat gently sailed across its surface casting only the slightest waves. The adventurers watched as fish continued to swim beneath and around them, paying them no mind as they passed by. Calvin leaned over the side of the boat, about to let his hand graze the surface of the water when Fellaroth's voice quickly stopped him. "Whatever you do, keep your hands away from the water! This may look like a peaceful lake, but I can assure you, it isn't. Below the murky depths and just beyond our sight, there lies a behemoth, waiting for its waters to be disturbed, signalling that a meal has arrived. That is the one and only trap that this castle ever needed!"

Stepping onto the far shore, the group of adventurers turned and watched as the boat sailed back across the lake, returning to its island home. Off in the distance and as beautiful as ever, stood the peaceful retreat they had just left. The stunning little chateau on an isolated island in the middle of a picturesque lake, bearing a strangely large archway on an upper balcony, suddenly appeared to them in a very different light, now that they knew of the monster that lurked just out of sight and below the surface of the water. They each took one last look before turning and making their way toward the village that Fellaroth had told them about.