
Wills, Erased!

Davis even knew the Pestilent Dragonfly Dusk Spawn's true name, Hemlok Corpse Poison. A name granted by heaven and earth according to his inference. He had used the Death God Eyes to learn about its name long ago. In fact, he knew every Spirit Attribute Source's name he saw in the Verdant Alstreim Treasure House.

He also knew some of the workers' names.

If something untoward happened, he could probably have the Spirit Attribute Sources work together and have them escape or even have them self-destruct simultaneously, bringing an enormous loss to the store or bring chaos to the Alstreim Family if it were the former.

In any case, he could've easily taken the Pestilent Dragonfly Dust Spawn out the moment it broke through towards King Grade, but he didn't use Fallen Heaven to erase its Will. The reason lay within three matters.

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