
Chapter 9 Sir Hu!

Translator: 549690339


Brother Dao's notoriety was well-known to them; this was the man who had once taken down dozens of tough guys single-handedly with a knife!

He was also one of the six overlords of Fengcheng, Sir Hu's right-hand man!

In the half year that Sir Hu had been in prison, it was Brother Dao who had stabilized the situation.

As he stepped forward, his murderous aura intensified, pressing down on everyone like a heavy stone, and finally, his cold, knife-like gaze fell on Qin Jiang.

"It's you who wanted to see me?"

Qin Jiang said indifferently, "Yes, it's me."

Brother Dao sneered, "Show up within five minutes, or else a finger gets cut off? Young man, you've got quite the nerve!"

"The last person who dared to speak to me like that now has grass over his grave that's tens of feet tall!"

"I think... you're courting death!"

Brother Dao wasn't in the mood to waste time with Qin Jiang, having just received a phone call from Sir Hu who said he'd come over here to play a couple of rounds later.

If Sir Hu were to see someone daring to make trouble here, he'd blame Brother Dao for not managing things properly, an accusation he couldn't afford to bear.

So, the most pressing matter was to get rid of this guy quickly before Sir Hu saw him!

Qin Jiang stated dispassionately, "I came here today to seek justice."

"Justice?" Brother Dao burst into derisive laughter, "Here, what I say is justice! I am the ultimate truth!"

"You come to me seeking justice? Have you lost your mind?"

These words from Brother Dao made those little ruffians snicker.


"Seeking justice?"

"Even if Brother Dao buried him on the spot, no one would dare to peep a word!"

Qin Jiang's eyes suddenly turned cold, "Are you saying that there is nothing to discuss?"

"Discuss my ass!" Brother Dao's eyes widened as he strode forward forcefully, "Coming here making trouble, tell me how you want to die!"

Qin Jiang chuckled coldly, "As it happens, I'm not one to reason either; I'll just beat you into a pulp first and then we can talk slowly."

"Presumptuous!" Brother Dao flew into a rage, grabbed an iron bar from one of his men, stomped the ground fiercely and charged towards Qin Jiang!


In an instant, his body was already in front of Qin Jiang! Incredibly fast, and then the bar swung down with great force!

But, Qin Jiang merely reached out his hand and caught the wooden stick in his grasp!


Brother Dao was in disbelief; after all, he was a Martial Artist with External Strength, and that swing had at least hundreds of pounds of force!

Caught with one hand by this fellow?

Before he could react, Qin Jiang's knife hand had already chopped down on his arm!

Brother Dao's arm broke on the spot, and he screamed in pain.

The iron bar was now in Qin Jiang's hand.

"Bang, bang!" With two muffled sounds, Brother Dao took a hard hit to the back of his knees and dropped to his knees in front of Qin Jiang with a thud!

He raised his head, burning with rage.

"Did I give you permission to look up?"

Qin Jiang spoke coldly, and with a swing of the stick, Brother Dao's head was bloodied; he clutched his head in pain, his whole body limp on the ground.

Qin Jiang's gaze was icy as he grabbed Brother Dao by the collar!

"Slap, slap!"

Two slaps rang out, one after the other, turning his face into a pig's head, the cheeks torn open, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, utterly humiliated...

Brother Dao felt his head buzzing, nearly concussed by the blows!

In his eyes directed at Qin Jiang, fear had taken hold.

Qin Jiang smiled, "Now, can we have a proper talk?"


Brother Dao wanted to cry but had no tears, and he quickly begged for mercy, "Big brother, let's talk, talk! Whatever you want to discuss is fine, you call the shots!"

Everyone was stunned.

The once magnificent and peerless Brother Dao, who was their enemy of a hundred men, was now actually being hung up and beaten by this young man!

And he even knelt down in front of him!

Who on earth was this young man?

Qin Yan said indifferently, "You gave the Xu Family a loan and even sent people to harass them at their home!"

"Did this happen?"


Qin Jiang directly slapped him with a heavy smack, "Did it happen or not?!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Brother Dao nodded repeatedly like a pecking chicken, "Big brother, I was wrong, how do you want to handle this?"

Qin Jiang said coldly, "How much money did they borrow initially?"

"Three hundred thousand!" Brother Dao swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"How much have they paid back now?"

Brother Dao hesitated for a moment, "Altogether, probably about five hundred thousand?"

Qin Jiang revealed a cold smile, "According to your calculations, how much is still owed?"

"This, this..." Brother Dao said bravely, "Five hundred thousand!"

"You've got quite the dark heart!" Qin Jiang kicked him and sent him flying, Brother Dao almost threw up his stomach acid!

"Now, you tell me, how are you going to compensate for this matter?"

Qin Yan approached him step by step, asking indifferently.

Brother Dao was so scared his legs went weak, "Big brother, I'll return two hundred thousand to them, is that enough?"

"Not enough!" Qin Jiang shook his head.

Brother Dao, pushing through his reluctance, said in a fawning tone, "Then... then I'll return five hundred thousand to them, and the three hundred thousand can be considered a tribute!"

"Still not enough!" Qin Jiang continued to shake his head.

Brother Dao's face showed his pain, "Then big brother, you name a price!"

Qin Jiang said calmly, "First, take one million back to them, and return it."

"Second, personally apologize to them."

Though Brother Dao was unwilling at heart, seeing Qin Yan's icy gaze, he could only nod repeatedly, "Fine! I'll go and do it right away!"

He had no other choice...

The strength that Qin Jiang had shown was simply not something he could afford to provoke!

He could only bleed money to avert disaster!

Just at that moment, from outside the gambling house, a deep voice came, "Little Dao, why have you closed the doors during broad daylight? Don't tell me, you're not welcoming me?"

As soon as this voice came out, instantly, everyone's body shook!

Sir Hu!

"Sir Hu is here!"

"Quick, quick, quick, hurry up and open the door!"

The doors to the gambling house were immediately opened, and Liu Hu walked in with a commanding stride from outside, his face grim as he scanned the room, "What's going on?!"

"Hu, Sir Hu! Someone is causing trouble!"

Hearing this, Liu Hu's eyes bulged in fury, and he bellowed, "Rubbish! Who has such a death wish? Watch me tear him to shreds!"

The underlings trembled with fear, "Sir Hu! That guy, he's over there!"

"Move!" Liu Hu's mighty frame shook, and he parted the crowd, stepping forward, "Let me see this ignoramus who doesn't know the heights of heaven and the depths of earth!"

For all these years, apart from eating a big loss from that guy in prison, no one had dared to be so arrogant in front of him!