
Chapter 5: Beginning the Counterattack!

Translator: 549690339


Seeing Chief Detective Chen Jiuheng's arrival, Chen Xiao immediately felt emboldened!

"It's this guy, it's him! He had the gall to say that even if you came, you wouldn't dare to be so arrogant in front of him! He committed assault in public, defying the law, and he even dared to disregard your authority! You must severely punish him!"

Lin Jiaolong also came forward, "Uncle Chen, this man is extremely vicious, I hope Uncle Chen enforces the law impartially and does not let him get away with such outrageous behavior."

Elder Luo was even more tearful, "Chief Detective Chen, this person caused trouble at my grand eightieth birthday celebration and made me so angry I got a heart condition. You absolutely cannot allow him to be so rampant!"

"Look at my grandson, he's been beaten beyond recognition... "

Chen Jiuheng slightly nodded, anger rising in his heart, "Exactly who is it, who dares to be so rampant under my watch?"

He pushed through the crowd and strode forward.

Luo Shifei spitefully faced Qin Jiang, now, you're done for, aren't you?

Qin Jiang sneered, completely unafraid, "Chief Detective Chen, long time no see, you seem much more imposing than before."

Hearing the sarcastic tone in the other's words, Chen Jiuheng's rage intensified, "You scoundrel! Still so arrogant at the brink of death, it seems I really need to teach you a lesson..."

He reached for his weapon at his waist, loaded it with a click, and at the moment he emerged from the crowd, he aimed the gun at Qin Jiang!

But the next moment, his eyes suddenly widened, almost causing the gun in his hand to drop to the ground!


How could this grim reaper be here?

Chen Xiao followed up and yelled, "Dad, cripple his legs first, I want to watch him... kneel on the ground crying and begging for mercy!"


The very next instant, in the eyes of all the disbelieving spectators... Chen Jiuheng suddenly turned his head and gave Chen Xiao a smack across his face!

Chen Xiao stumbled back a few steps, falling to the ground, his mouth full of blood.


They widened their eyes, unable to believe what was happening before them!

What's going on?

Why did Chen Jiuheng hit his own son?

However, what happened in the next instant was even more jaw-dropping!

Chen Jiuheng put away his weapon, adopted a humble attitude, and stepped forward.

Then, he bowed deeply at a ninety-degree angle!

"Mr. Qin, what brings you here?"

Cold sweat was pouring from his brow!

Others might not know of Qin Jiang's capabilities, but how could he not?

Originally, he had sought Qin Jiang's help through an introduction from the prison warden to save his life.

And he had inferred from hints dropped by the warden that Qin Jiang's master had a terrifying background, so terrifying that even the warden dared not disclose more!

Qin Jiang said coldly, "I just got out of prison today, and I've come to settle accounts with the Luo family—a private matter! Chief Detective, do you plan to interfere with this?"

"Since it's Mr. Qin's private affair, then I will not intrude!" Chen Jiuheng wiped away his sweat and, with a wave of his big hand, prepared to withdraw his team and leave.

"Dad! What are you doing? What's there to be afraid of with some trash just out of prison! He dared to provoke us, we must finish him off!"

Chen Xiao violently shouted.

"You scoundrel!"

Chen Jiuheng's body shook, and he kicked Chen Xiao's knee, forcing him to kneel down!

"Apologize to Mr. Qin right now! Or else... I'll shoot you, my rebellious son!"

Chen Xiao, seeing his own father actually pulling out a gun, trembled all over with fear, knowing he was serious, and hurriedly kowtowed in apology, "I'm sorry!"

Qin Jiang waved his hand, "Forget it."

Chen Jiuheng, as if granted a reprieve, quickly left.

This scene reversed so quickly that all the guests present widened their eyes in shock.

Whether it was the Luo family or Lin Jiaolong, their faces were as dark as if they were about to drip water, even Chen Jiuheng had withdrawn his team!

Who else at the scene could suppress Qin Jiang?

What shocked and intrigued them even more, why would Chen Jiuheng be afraid of this waste?

Qin Jiang stepped toward Luo Fei.

Under the shocked gazes of countless people, Luo Fei let out a piercing scream!

All four limbs were broken!!

Qin Jiang just like that, emotionlessly crippled him, his cold expression sending a chill down the spine of everyone present!

All the Luo family members clenched their fists tightly, their entire bodies trembling!

The humiliation, it was an utter and abject disgrace!

Qin Jiang swept a detached glance at Luo Shifei and the others, "Remember, this is just the interest! Within ten days, I will make sure the Luo Corporation goes completely bankrupt!"

"Delusional!" Luo Shifei glared at Qin Jiang with venomous eyes, "Qin Jiang, let's see you be outrageous for now, sooner or later... I will make you pay back double!"

"I, will wait and see!"

With that indifferent voice, Qin Jiang left with Xu Muge.

Just outside the Luo family's gate, Xu Muge instantly broke free from Qin Jiang's hold!

She lowered her head, her long hair falling down, covering the scars on her face, her eyes filled with complex emotions, love, and resentment...

"Qin Jiang, this is where you stop!"

Qin Jiang guiltily looked at Xu Muge, "These three years, you, you've suffered."

Xu Muge's whole body shook, tears streaming down her face, her emotions extremely agitated, "Yes! These three years, how much hardship I've endured, how many cold stares I've received, how many times have I been pointed at behind my back?"

"I, not only suffered myself but also dragged down the Xu family! Dragging down my family! Making them live in deep waters and fiery misery!"

"All of this, because of you... Qin Jiang!"

Her lips tightly pressed together, "Qin Jiang, my debt to you, I have repaid over these three years... from now on, we are no longer connected at all!!"

With that, she turned and left.


Qin Jiang hurriedly chased after her, and Xu Muge abruptly turned around, screaming hysterically, "Don't follow me! I never want to see you again! Get lost—!"

Tears filled her eyes as she said each word deliberately, "Do you know how I've lived these past three years?"

"I wake up from nightmares every single day!"

"Every time I look in the mirror and see my own hideous face, I want to die! I used to be a girl who loved beauty and laughter!"

"I caused my parents to lose their home, forced a family of four to huddle in a rundown house, barely clothed and fed, enduring endless humiliation!"

"Qin Jiang, I loved you, but I hate you even more!"

After speaking, she broke down in tears and quickly disappeared from Qin Jiang's sight.

It felt as though Qin Jiang's heart had been pierced, and the pain was almost unbearable.

"Muge, I will make you that girl who loved beauty and laughter again!"

He knew he owed this girl more than he could ever repay in a lifetime...

Qin Jiang gathered his thoughts.

He planned to wait until Xu Muge's emotions had somewhat stabilized before going to apologize to her parents and to tell her that he could cure her face!

He hailed a cab and hurried home.

Seeing Qin Jiang return safely, Wen Wenling breathed a sigh of relief.

And Qin Sisi, she just gave him a cold glance but felt somewhat relieved deep down.

Qin Jiang crouched down in front of Qin Sisi and said softly, "Sisi, Luo Fei has already been crippled in all four limbs. Brother has avenged you! Tomorrow, I will immediately find a way to heal your legs!"

Qin Sisi sneered, "Save your crocodile tears, I don't need your false sympathy. The doctors at the hospital couldn't heal my legs, what can you do?"

"What are you bragging about?"

Qin Jiang smiled bitterly, "When have I ever lied to you?"

He took out acupuncture needles, "If you don't believe it, brother will try it on you right now."

Qin Sisi was stunned, then scoffed, "Fine, I want to see what skills you've picked up after spending years in there!"

Qin Jiang didn't waste any more words and proceeded to roll up her pants to her knees, starting the needle treatment.

Soon, Qin Sisi could feel a warm flow in her legs, nourishing her limbs.

And her previously numb legs began to tingle with a gradually intensifying pain... As soon as Qin Jiang placed the last needle, seconds later, her left leg reflexively twitched!


Qin Sisi was shocked beyond belief.

Could it really be effective?

Qin Jiang wiped his sweat and said, "Brother will continue the acupuncture for a few days, it will heal. Tomorrow I also need to go to the pharmacy to get medicine, with acupuncture combined with medication, your legs will recover quickly."

Qin Sisi could hardly believe it and laughed in anger.

"Hmph! It seems you really did learn something in prison."

"My legs, even if you can heal them, what about Muge's face? Over a hundred scars! It breaks my heart to see them..."

Qin Jiang firmly stated, "I will heal Muge! I made a grave mistake back then, hurting you both! Now, I will not let you suffer any more grievances!"

Qin Sisi's lips quivered, and in the end, she said nothing, pushing her wheelchair into the room and closing the door behind her!

Wen Wenling sighed, "Jiang, your sister has suffered so much with her legs... As her brother, you need to be more understanding."

Hope shone in her eyes, "Can you really heal Sisi's legs? And Muge..."

"Uh-huh." Qin Jiang nodded, "Mom, don't worry."

Although Wen Wenling was still somewhat skeptical, she nodded.

Then Qin Jiang returned to his room and dialed Shen Longting, "Tomorrow is Luo Family Company's listing day, and I will make sure its stock price... plummets!"

"Also, release a statement that Longting Group will immediately terminate all collaborations with Luo Corporation, and other companies that work with Luo Corporation will be treated the same by Longting Group!"

With Longting Group's massive size, dealing with the small Luo Family was a piece of cake. With a single command from Shen Longting, a surge of capital into the stock market would be enough to completely collapse Luo Corporation!

This time, he was going to strike hard and make the Luo Family unable to recover...

After hanging up the phone, Qin Jiang took out a yellowed envelope.

It was a letter secretly given to him by the Zhao Couple a few days before their mysterious death, entrusting him to hand it personally to their daughter—the current head of Zhao Corporation, Zhao Yuefei.

Moreover, on their deathbed, the Zhao Couple also begged him to look after their lonely daughter on the outside if he ever got the chance.

"This is their last request. When I have time, I should pay another visit to Zhao Corporation."

His eyes flickered, "Tomorrow, I should also get the medicine for Muge and Sisi."

The next day.

Luo Corporation was promptly listed and the stock price shot up five points in an instant, a fierce upward trend. Luo family members were overjoyed, their faces flushed with excitement, and the company erupted in cheers...

Especially Luo Shifei, who sat in the main chair of the office, holding a glass of red wine, savoring her moment of glory.

"Qin Jiang, you loser, you dare to claim you'll bankrupt Luo Corporation within ten days? In ten days, Luo Shifei will come to you with a pile of money and drown you in it!"

"Swelling your worthless face!"

Thinking of Qin Jiang causing a scene at the Luo Family's place yesterday, her heart burned with rage!

Did this guy think he was something special just because he knew a bit about fighting?

In the end, wasn't he just a nobody?

But just as she was brimming with pride, the stock price of Luo Corporation on the display suddenly fell by one point...


Her eyes narrowed in surprise, what was going on?

Normally, a new listing should soar—that was the iron rule!

How could it drop?

"Well, a little fluctuation is normal..."

As soon as she finished speaking, the stock price on the display plummeted by another two points...

Her complexion changed dramatically!