
Chapter 3 Why do you seek death?

Translator: 549690339

The noise in the arena was instantly suppressed, and everyone's astonished gazes fell upon Qin Jiang!

"Who is this person?"

"To actually cause trouble at the Luo Family patriarch's birthday banquet, he's seeking death!"

"Today, he'll probably be carried out horizontally!"

"A clueless fool!"

A group of people looked at Qin Jiang with faces full of scorn, their eyes carrying a hint of pity.

After all, the Luo Family was now considered a second-tier family, with substantial family power and scores of capable men nurtured over the years! This guy, charging in alone, was purely seeking his own demise!

Luo Shifei and her brother Luo Fei's expressions instantly turned as dark as could be.

"You scoundrel! Daring to cause a disturbance at the Luo Family, you're tired of living, aren't you?!"

Luo Fei had a twisted face as he stepped out in his gleaming leather shoes, even adjusting the tie around his neck, his expression haughty and overbearing to the extreme.

Luo Shifei also stepped forward, her delicate face tilted up slightly as she stared ahead coldly.

However, her expression suddenly changed dramatically, "Qin Jiang? Is it you, you idiot?"

This guy, he actually came out?

Hearing Luo Shifei's comment, Luo Fei's eyebrows lifted, and then he burst into loud, mocking laughter, "Turns out it's you, the idiot!"

"You're out? Seen your sister yet, tsk tsk... she hasn't been played into ruins already, has she?"

Qin Jiang's tone was cold to the extreme, "I'm afraid I'll disappoint you, my sister is fine, but today, you're likely in for a big problem!"

Murder was ablaze in his eyes, "Also, where is Muge?!"

Luo Fei sneered, "Damn, haven't seen you for a few years, and while you've gained no new skills, you've certainly gotten a much bigger mouth!"

"You're looking for that monster, right?"

"See her there? The woman lying on the ground like a dog, she was once Jiangcheng's goddess who was so deeply affectionate to you!"

"It's just a pity that now she's turned into a nauseating monster!"

"An idiot and an ugly freak, two misfits perfectly matched!"

Qin Jiang followed his gaze.

There was Xu Muge's disheveled figure and the glaring bloodstains on the ground.

Each aggravated his mind and heart!

Seeing Qin Jiang look over, Xu Muge collapsed on the spot, covering her face, "Don't look, please, don't look..."

Her pleas rang in Qin Jiang's ears, cutting him like knives!

This Xu Muge, it was because of him that she ended up like this!

Luo Fei yanked her up from the ground, sneering, "Xu Muge, look, this is the man you like! Let him see just how sickening and vomit-inducing you are now..."

"Don't worry."

"After those hobos get intimate with you, I will make him watch the show properly!"

Qin Jiang's rage soared to the heavens and his body trembled slightly, "Let go of her!"

"I won't let go, what about it?" Luo Fei laughed wildly, "Come on, bite me!"

"You're asking for death!"

Qin Jiang stepped closer to Luo Fei.

"You harmed my sister to the point of breaking her legs, and now you dare to treat Muge this way! Luo Fei, today I will make you pay back all your evil deeds... doubled!"

Qin Jiang's voice was chilly like a demon from hell!


Luo Shifei, who carried herself with an air of superiority, could no longer contain her scoffing, "Qin Jiang, it's been three years and your trash-talking has improved quite a bit!"

"Too bad, you came to the wrong place today!"

"Do you think that after three years, you can stand against me? I've already told you, you and I are not from the same world!"

"I am in the sky, a phoenix!"

"And you, in the dirt, nothing but a pile of mud!"

"Since you've come here to cause trouble today, I'll teach you a good lesson and show everyone that the Luo Family is not to be trifled with!"

After speaking, she waved her hand, "Whoever cripples his legs will be rewarded with one hundred thousand!"

At the fall of these words, the dozen or so thugs of the Luo Family's eyes gleamed. They drew the iron clubs hidden behind their backs, howling as they charged forward!

In the blink of an eye, they surrounded Qin Jiang, the clubs smashing down toward his head!

"This guy is dead meat!"

"What a hothead... Causing trouble for the Luo Family, he's practically begging for death!"

"Today, his legs... are done for!"

The onlookers mocked, feeling Qin Jiang was completely out of his league for seeking out the Luo Family, their eyes filled with disdain.

Luo Shifei's father, Luo Jiang, snorted coldly, "A death-seeking piece of trash! He had a stroke of luck getting out, couldn't he have just lived a good life? Yet he dares to provoke my Luo Family!"

"This idiot is asking for it!" His wife, Lin Xiaoxue, said with a venomous face, "Three years ago, to make him willingly take the blame, we even knelt before him! Now, it's time for him to pay it all back!"

"Qin Jiang, dodge—!" Seeing the burly men charging at Qin Jiang with menacing momentum, Xu Muge shouted in a panic, her voice urgent.

She struggled frantically.

Trying to break free to help Qin Jiang.

Luo Fei grasped her tightly, his sneer malicious, "Cheap slut! Watch carefully how this trash gets his legs broken!"

More than a dozen people pounced like fierce wolves and tigers!

Just when everyone thought Qin Jiang was done for...

Qin Jiang raised his fist!


One of the thugs had no time to react; his face already met with a punch!

He was then kicked and sent flying.

His iron club was also seized by Qin Yan!

Right after that—

The iron club, whistling in Qin Jiang's hands, smashed onto the bodies of those thugs like lightning, accompanied by continuous screams...

The thugs lay scattered on the ground, either with bloody heads, broken arms, or shattered legs!

All completely devoid of fighting power!

The whole process took less than ten seconds!

"What, what!"

Those who were previously certain of Qin Jiang's demise, ready to watch the show, all stared wide-eyed, disbelieving the scene before them!

Luo Fei was dumbstruck on the spot.

This waste, in just under ten seconds, had floored all the skilled fighters of his Luo Family?

"Some skills," Luo Shifei said, her gaze fixed on the unfolding scene, "But some fists and feet skills are useless... still trash after all!"

Qin Jiang kicked away a thug blocking his path, continuing to close in on Luo Fei, "Luo Fei, like I said, you're not escaping today!"

Fear showed on Luo Fei's face, "You, don't come any closer! If you do, I'll kill her!"

He pressed his hand against Xu Muge's neck, his face full of ruthlessness.

Qin Jiang's movements paused!

His voice was icy as he spoke, "Now, let her go; today, I'll let you die less horribly."


Luo Fei laughed maniacally, "Seems like you damn care about this ugly freak! Kneel down for me! Crawl over here and lick my boots, cry and beg me to spare you two, crawl through my crotch... Perhaps, I might consider letting you off the hook!"

"Otherwise, I'll kill her today!"

Qin Jiang's gaze turned icy, and the next moment, he burst forth like an arrow, instantly closing the distance to Luo Fei!

"Such terrifying speed!"

The crowd gasped in astonishment, having seen only a blur; Qin Jiang had covered the ten-meter distance in an instant?

What explosive power!

Luo Fei was horrified, instinctively reaching to choke Xu Muge's neck!

But before he could act, his wrist was seized by a powerful hand, rendering him immobile with all his strength!

There, Qin Jiang's menacing figure stood before him, his voice cold as death, echoing in Luo Fei's ears!

"I gave you a chance to choose just now. Why did you insist on seeking death?"