
Chapter 1 Return from Prison!

Translator: 549690339

"Qin Jiang, thank you, you fool, for taking the blame and going to prison for twenty years on my behalf. Let me tell you the truth, that night, actually nothing happened between us!"

"The marriage certificate was fake! The pregnancy was also a lie to deceive you!"

"All of this was a trap set by our Luo Family to trick you into taking the blame for me! You think a toad like you deserves to eat swan meat?"

"Qin Jiang, you loser, rot in prison for the rest of your life!"

Outside Tiandu Prison.

Qin Jiang stepped out, his deep gaze looking into the distance, with those words from three years ago still echoing in his ears. Before his eyes emerged the smug and disgusting face of that woman!

Three years ago.

He was an employee of the Luo Family company. After a company party and a night of heavy drinking, he woke to find himself in bed with Miss Luo, Luo Shifei!

With no choice, he went to the Luo Family to ask for her hand in marriage. Half a month later, when Luo Shifei was caught in the midst of financial crimes, she and her family deceived him by saying she was carrying his child and pleaded with him to take the blame for her and go to prison!

For the sake of his wife and child, he resolutely took the blame and was sent clanking into prison!

However, less than three days into his imprisonment, Luo Shifei came to "visit" him in prison, telling him it was all a thorough scam!

Everything was fake.

It was all a trap set by the Luo Family to deceive him!

Knowing the truth, Qin Jiang was furious. He shook the iron bars violently and roared, wishing he could tear the smug woman in front of him into pieces! But in the end, he could only watch powerlessly as she walked away with glee...

Afterward, he suffered all manner of bullying in prison, living through days of utter darkness!

Luckily, the Zhao Couple, who were also his prison mates and knew he was wrongfully imprisoned, took pity on him and secretly looked after him. But three months after his imprisonment, the Zhao Couple died tragically in prison...

Then, a crazy old man came to the prison, claiming he wanted to take him as a disciple. Unexpectedly, this old man turned out to be a remarkable figure with the Competence of Reaching the Sky, imparting to him miraculous arts like medicine, martial arts, geomancy, divination... and so on!

From then on, he gained a terrifying power that allowed him to stand his ground in prison and commanded respect from everyone!

Now, he has come out!

Qin Jiang clenched his fists tightly, his gaze ablaze with intense hatred, "Those of you who harmed me back then, I will make you pay back a hundredfold!"

"And Muge... how are you doing now?"

Thinking of Xu Muge, who had given up so much for him, a wave of guilt surged in his heart!

Xu Muge, his fiancée.

Three years ago, after the news spread that he had been involved with Luo Shifei, Xu Muge was heartbroken. With tears, she furiously lashed out at him, calling him a scumbag, and broke off their relationship on the spot.

However, it wasn't until after he was imprisoned that he learned about all Xu Muge had done for him behind his back...

For him, she ran around collecting evidence! For him, she sought favors from all quarters!

In the end, while pleading on his behalf, she was slashed over a hundred times by that beast surnamed Chu, leaving her face disfigured... Her family was also driven out of the Xu Family home, left destitute and downcast!

"Muge, you silly girl..."

Qin Jiang was filled with immense guilt and looked up, letting out a long sigh, "With such profound kindness, how can I ever repay it?"

As he was lost in his thoughts, a black sedan slowly approached. It was a nearly ten million luxury car — a Rolls-Royce Cullinan!

"Master!" The man respectfully approached Qin Jiang and bowed in greeting.

The man's name was Shen Longting, the richest man in Jiangcheng.

He single-handedly built Longting Group with a market value of tens of billions, making it a business giant and a behemoth-like presence in Jiangcheng.

Qin Jiang asked indifferently, "Shen, what message has the old man sent this time?"

"The senior instructed me to hand over the position of chairman of the group to you upon your release from prison and assist you with all my might," the man replied.

Qin Jiang nodded slightly, "We'll talk about that later. Let's go, it's time to go home."

Having not returned home for three years, he wondered how his mother and sister were doing now?

Last time his mother came to see him, it was six months ago, looking so haggard and aged that it was heartbreaking...

And his sister Qin Sisi, even more disappointed in him, harboring resentment, came to see him only once in three years.

Thinking of his own foolish actions in the past.

Qin Jiang's heart was filled with guilt towards his mother and sister...

The car sped all the way to an old district in eastern Jiangcheng. After getting out of the car, Qin Jiang, eager to be home, hurried towards his house!

Along the way, some neighbors recognized Qin Jiang, all casting sidelong glances and whispering to each other, their eyes filled with disdain and contempt.

Qin Jiang couldn't be bothered with their pointing and whispering.

Instead, he quickened his pace.

But just as he reached the stairs, he heard a commotion of shouting and the sound of porcelain shattering!

"Smash! Smash it hard for me! And capture that crippled woman!"

"Stop it! You beasts, stop, don't touch my daughter..."

"Please, no, I'm begging you on my knees..."

"We'll move, we'll move right now! Please spare my daughter! She has already suffered enough..."

"Is that mother's voice? What has happened?"

Qin Jiang's heart pounded fiercely, a terrifying chill erupted from his being, and whoever dared to bully his family was going to pay a price!

He charged upstairs like a bolt of lightning!

Inside the house!

Wen Wenling thumped to the floor on her knees, desperately pleading with one of the thugs!

"Dammit, you poor nail-household pests, a bunch of lowlifes, dare to go against the Luo Family? Today, we will properly teach you a lesson!"

"Old woman, let me tell you, the Master personally instructed us to give your daughter special treatment... Hehe, although she's crippled! She's pretty and delicate, definitely a delight to play with!"

A group of thugs burst into licentious laughter as one of them kicked Wen Wenling aside, advancing toward Qin Sisi, who sat in a wheelchair, with a ferocious grin!

"Get away from me!"

Qin Sisi's pretty face showed terror, trying to escape, but the thug caught her, tearing off her clothes, exposing a vast expanse of white skin!

"Let her go!"

Qin Sisi struggled frantically! But how could she match the strength of a grown man? Tears of humiliation rolled down her eyes...

The thug's eyes gleamed with lust, his filthy hand about to touch Qin Sisi!

At that moment! There was a loud noise. The locked door was violently kicked open, and a murderously intense figure appeared at the doorway!

Qin Jiang stared at the scene before him, feeling as if his heart was struck by a heavy hammer, his eyes filled with rage, anger soaring to the heavens!

A violent intent to kill spread out slowly...

The group of thugs all turned back, glancing askance at Qin Jiang.

"Who the fuck dares to mess with our fun?"

"Looking for death? Get lost!"

Seconds later, the thug in front of Qin Sisi suddenly laughed out loud.

"I remember now! Aren't you that fool who went to jail for Miss Luo Shifei? Out of prison, are you? Tsk tsk—"

"What! You fool, do you also want to see how we play with your sister?"

"Then we'll accommodate you. You can watch on the side when we start having fun..."

"Go to hell!" Before he could finish, Qin Jiang roared furiously with blood-red eyes, that murderous figure... moved!