
Divine Contest

Centuries ago, a mysterious energy called "Mana" revolutionized society, but it led humans to face an unprecedented crisis: the "Great Fall". After centuries of intensive use of mana, flora and fauna mutated, becoming more powerful and intelligent. Confronted with this threat, humanity takes refuge in the bastions, the 21 fortresses, to survive. Humans also begin to mutate, developing greater physical and intellectual abilities, as well as special powers called "systems" and "stigmata". However, a scientist warns of an even more devastating imminent threat: insects, organized and cruel, will mutate in turn. To counter this imminent threat, humans begin to study the beasts and learn to cultivate Mana like them. Mana exercises are created to accelerate this process and copy some of the characteristics, but changing exercises is difficult and risky. As the world struggles for survival, Rin, a semi-awakened with the power to perceive everything around him, finds himself at the heart of this turmoil, determined to find his place in a world in chaos and to protect those he loves from the surrounding dangers. ***************************************** Participate in WSA 2024

Djeezer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Nightingale Team

After 5 minutes of care and an exhausted Shanna, Rin and Shen Yi stood upright in front of everyone, Lieutenant Jin holding a tablet, presumably to record the teams.

"Alright Shen Yi, I'll let Rin choose first. Does that bother you?" Shen Yi shook his head gently.

Lieutenant Jin spoke audibly to everyone, "Rin, you can choose whomever you want. The others are not allowed to help in their choice."

Rin observed everyone and calculated in his mind. "I need a team I can rely on initially, and especially one that complements each other."

"Well, the first choice is the easiest," Rin said, looking at Alliong with a smile.

"Alliong," Rin gave his answer.

"Shaana," Shen Yi instantly responded, but what annoyed Rin the most was that the only healer in the group had been taken from him.

Rin began to mumble and make a table of the situation.

"First, there's me and Alliong, a small, cunning, ranged one, and a big, idiotic, melee one..."

"Then there's Nikito, whom I know nothing about except that we won't have any behavior problems." He nodded, content with his analysis.

"We also have Hayashi, whom I know nothing about except that we'll only have behavior problems." He nodded again, content with his analysis, but mostly praying not to get him.

"The high-risk, high-reward choices here are Yuuki and Shin, but their behaviors are annoying; one is too cold, and I'm afraid she'll go solo, and the other is too much in his own world; he seems unmanageable too," Rin sighed and looked at Ebina. He wanted to keep her in case he ended up with Hayashi.

His gaze met Million's, and Rin swore he saw a murderous look from Million. "Ah, love is hard to live with."

"Nikito," Rin chose the only risk-free option.

"Ebina," Shen Yi spoke as quickly as before.

Rin began to panic; he felt like he was playing a game of chess where the only objective was not to end up with Hayashi, and his opponent was inside his head.

"Million is out of the question. I have Alliong, who is his boosted version with hormones, and besides, he'll hold it against me for not letting him be with Shaana."

"Hayashi is out of the question... just because, it's out of the question."

"Shin or Yuuki..."

Rin looked at Shen Yi and sighed inwardly, "I would have taken him on my team; he's perfect."

"Shin," Rin made his decision.

"Yuuki," Shen Yi had a smile on his face.

Rin suddenly understood, and his face frowned, "The bastard!!!"

"Hayashi and Million are left; one is an emotional disaster on legs, and the other... I can't bring myself to crush a man's dreams."

With a sigh, Rin announced the last member of his team: "Hayashi."

Hayashi was very annoyed to be chosen last, and she made it clear to Rin by sniffling as she passed by him.

"Million, you join Shen Yi's team," Lieutenant Jin resumed speaking.

"I'll summarize the teams if you don't mind. For Shen Yi's team, we have Shen Yi, Shaana, Ebina, Yuuki, and Million." The lieutenant couldn't help but have a small smirk at the complementarity of this team, but he quickly lost it when he looked at the members of the other team.

"For the second team, we have Rin, Alliong, Nikito, Shin, and Hayashi."

Alliong was currently having a nervous breakdown. "Calm down, Alliong, calm down. It's nothing; it's just the worst captain possible, with a guy who struggles to do anything when there's a bit of pressure on him, a guy lost in the clouds 90% of the time, and a lunatic... yeah, everything's fine; we're just like the captain."

The lieutenant approached and handed the tablet to Shen Yi. "I need a team name from you, which you must choose alone. You have 2 minutes."

Shen Yi decided that his team would be called "Eternal Rose."

Rin took the tablet and without hesitation, he typed "Nightingale," leaving Alliong and the others pale.

"And so, making fun of my heritage yesterday, huh? From now on, you're all nightingales, hahaha," Rin looked at his team with a big smile.

After a few minutes, the lieutenant spoke again as Rin stood up after being beaten up according to the rules by Alliong and Hayashi.

"Tomorrow, your licenses will be given to you at the Awakened Guild. You will go there to pick them up and also to pick up a low-level white-rank extermination mission. If there are no questions, you can go."

Rin left with his team and spoke up, "Tomorrow at 10 a.m. in front of the guild to pick up our titles and leave for the mission, so prepare well for what you'll need."

After agreeing on a time and place to meet, they parted ways, and Rin returned to the slums where he began a nice little nap. After all, he had nothing to prepare; he had no money.

Rin woke up slowly and saw, in the dim light, the imposing silhouette of a man from behind working at his desk.

"AHHHHHHH, a bear!!!" Rin screamed; it felt like his soul was going to leave his body

He felt a hand cover his entire lower face to stop him from screaming, but he recognized the grip...

Rin tried to scream even louder but received a blow to the head that calmed him down even more.

"Shut up, kid, you're already getting on my nerves," Uncle Ryu removed his hand and sat back down on the chair, looking at Rin intently.

"Why is he looking at me like that? I didn't insult the dinosaur at the bar... not today," Rin wondered, asking himself questions and saw an object covered in white cloth on the desk, becoming curious.

Uncle Ryu spoke in a low, indomitable voice, "Rin, today I'm going to tell you a lot of information that you must keep to yourself until the day you have the strength of a platinum level..."

Rin tried to speak but felt like a weight on his entire body, making even breathing difficult.

Ryu looked at Rin and continued, "I'm going to leave here for some time, at least a few months, at most... forever. Your name is Rin Mo, the only and last young man of this family."

Ryu was surprised by Rin's lack of reaction and continued, "Ten years ago, the Mo family was the largest family just behind the Shenzhen family, but it was exterminated during the beast tide, which mainly attacked the Mo family's neighborhood. I'm going to ask you not to look for why or how, I know the answer, and you're not strong enough to bear its weight."

Rin was shocked this time. "I come from a great family??"

Uncle Ryu stood up and pointed to the object on the table. "You must become much stronger, Rin. As a gift from me, I leave you this. It's the most precious object I can offer, both in my eyes and yours."

After uttering these words, he vanished from his spot, along with the pressure that had weighed on Rin. 

Struggling to rise, Rin was determined to inspect the object on the table. 

He unwrapped the cloth and beheld a magnificent bow. Its form was fluid and elegant, evoking a sense of grace and power that transcended mere materiality. Though entirely made of wood, Rin sensed that it was no ordinary timber.

Taking hold of the bow, Rin attempted to draw its invisible string. It vibrated with a harmonic resonance, and at that moment, a window appeared before him.

Ding! [Evolutionary Magical Object in User's Possession!]

Ding! [Maximal Compatibility! Forced Bonding in Progress!]

Ding! [Bow - "Mo Heritage" Successfully Linked]


Name - Mo Heritage

Rank - White

Type - Weapon / Bow

Description: A bow made and used by Maana Mo for several years. He accompanied his creator until her last breath and her dream. He was brought back from the past by ??? for perform its goal, but still broken. Ryu Mo, the father of the creator, spent a significant part of his vitality for ten years to revitalize the bow.

The fusion of these three individuals rendered this bow Unique and Evolvable.

Abilities: -


"Ryu...What? Father of whom??"