
Divine Contest

Centuries ago, a mysterious energy called "Mana" revolutionized society, but it led humans to face an unprecedented crisis: the "Great Fall". After centuries of intensive use of mana, flora and fauna mutated, becoming more powerful and intelligent. Confronted with this threat, humanity takes refuge in the bastions, the 21 fortresses, to survive. Humans also begin to mutate, developing greater physical and intellectual abilities, as well as special powers called "systems" and "stigmata". However, a scientist warns of an even more devastating imminent threat: insects, organized and cruel, will mutate in turn. To counter this imminent threat, humans begin to study the beasts and learn to cultivate Mana like them. Mana exercises are created to accelerate this process and copy some of the characteristics, but changing exercises is difficult and risky. As the world struggles for survival, Rin, a semi-awakened with the power to perceive everything around him, finds himself at the heart of this turmoil, determined to find his place in a world in chaos and to protect those he loves from the surrounding dangers. ***************************************** Participate in WSA 2024

Djeezer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

First Hunt

Once in the forest, they positioned themselves so that Alliong was in front of Nikito, Shin on each side, and Rin at the rear. They had already been advancing for 30 minutes when suddenly, three wolves, 1.30 meters tall with green fur, ran towards the group from Nikito's side.

Alliong rushed forward as everyone got into position, but just as Alliong and the wolves were about to collide, something extremely fast sliced through the air and lodged itself in the eye of one of the wolves, killing it instantly.

Ding! [Wood Wolf lvl.1 x1]

"Nice shot, Rin!" Rin, whose eyes were sky blue, didn't hesitate and nocked his last arrow, as Ryu had left him two with the bow.

"You cheapskate!" He yelled, releasing the arrow, and everyone could see Rin's abysmal skill in archery, as the arrow was completely off-target and unstable. But as if by magic, the arrow stabilized and made a beautiful arc, planting itself in the eye of the second wolf.

Ding! [Wood Wolf lvl1 x2]

Alliong held a dead wolf in his hands. "Nikito, come skin this and take its fangs, claws, and fur; that's what will fetch the most money rather than bringing back the corpse."

While Nikito skinned the wolves, Rin retrieved his arrows from the eyes of the other two wolves.

"Alright, as long as it's a maximum of three wolves, we'll stick to this combat system; no need to waste everyone's strength," Rin spoke calmly.

"Let's go, I'm done..." Nikito noticed everyone looking at him as if he had stolen something, even Shin.

"Did I do something wrong?" Nikito lowered his head and spoke softly.

"And here's Nikito back in little sister mode," Rin looked at the guy, hands covered in blood, acting timid.

"Where did you put the items you collected from the wolves' bodies?" Shin asked, interested.

Nikito raised his head and smiled. "If that's it, sorry, I didn't explain! It's my stigma." Then everyone saw Nikito lean towards the shadow beside him, and his hand disappeared as if entering ink, then reappeared with a wolf fang.

"Great, that's super handy! We can store provisions and other necessities without being weighed down," Hayashi applauded, glad to be able to eat well even outdoors.

"Alright, alright, let's calm down and get going; we need to be back before nightfall," Rin said, and everyone continued to venture further into the forest.

In the distance, on a branch, a man and two women watched the group depart.

"Are you sure you want to leave him here?" One of the women spoke, she was very old and spoke softly, and if Rin were here, he would recognize the old Yu.

"Do I have a choice? I wouldn't leave my grandson if I had a choice, but I need to regain my strength in case the other rat head has another crazy idea."

The other woman was huge, to the point where physics couldn't explain how the branch didn't break, and spoke with a touch of tenderness to Ryu: "Anyway, even if he's very poorly educated to call me the dinosaur, rest assured, I won't let him down as long as I can."

Ryu laughed helplessly and watched Rin leave until they disappeared into the woods, thinking to himself, "Radin huh... I need to come back alive to give him a thrashing."

"Let's go," Ryu disappeared, followed by the other two.

Ding! [Wood Wolf lvl1 x1]

Ding! [Wood Wolf lvl1 x1]

Ding! [Wood Wolf lvl1 x1]

"Congratulations, everyone; we're at 9 wolves. One more encounter and we'll return with the reward," Rin wiped the sweat from his forehead and began picking up his arrows, but one of them was broken in the wolf's skull.

He looked at the arrow and began to think about what to do if there were still three wolves or worse.

Shin chuckled from the side and said, "I'll help you in the next fight, don't worry."

Rin nodded, reassured.

After leaving that area, they arrived at a small cleared area in the forest. The area was very bright and offered a nice view, but Shin broke the silence, "It's too quiet."

Everyone noticed there wasn't a sound, and as they analyzed the area, a 2-meter-tall wolf emerged from behind a nearby tree, accompanied by four smaller wolves.

"Combat position!" Rin shouted, nocking his arrow, his eyes turning sky blue. Before he could shoot the large wolf, a beautiful butterfly the size of a palm landed on the arrow.

"Go ahead, shoot and aim for a weak spot like the eyes or throat," Shin spoke from the side.

Rin shot, continuing to aim at the throat of the 2-meter wolf as he focused on Alliong charging towards them.

As the arrow touched the wolf, it sank in, and then nothing.

Rin looked at Shin suspiciously, then...


An explosion rang out, surprising Rin. When he turned around, he saw that the left side of the wolf's upper body had disappeared.

Ding! [Wood Wolf lvl.3 x1]

The smaller wolves were enraged by their leader's death. While the two dealt with Alliong, the other two ran towards Nikito. However, in the middle of their charge, one of the wolves fatally bit the other.

Ding! [Wood Wolf lvl.1 x1]

Rin looked at Hayashi's eyes, but quickly looked away, afraid that she might also want to bite people's necks. Noticing he had no more arrows, he felt disappointed.

Ding! [Mo's Heritage unlocked a New Ability: Mana Arrow]

"Huh?" Rin was surprised, but in his mind, it was as if he had always known how to use it. He pulled the bowstring, and an extremely thin and translucent arrow, almost invisible, materialized at the same time. Once at its maximum, he released it and felt a part of his mana disappear... about 5%.

Ding! [Wood Wolf lvl.1 x1]

Hayashi, Shin, and Nikito saw a translucent thing travel at high speed and pierce through the enraged wolf's skull without difficulty, even digging a small hole further into the ground. They looked at Rin in surprise.

"An heirloom weapon..." Shin wasn't looking at Rin but the magnificent wooden bow.

"Assistance, perhaps?!" Alliong yelled as he fought. But before they could understand, one after another, the wolves fell, and they saw two holes in their skulls.


Ding! [Wood Wolf lvl.1 x2]

Ding! [Level Up! +4 to 4 statistics]

For the past two days, thanks to his awakening and inheritance, Rin had his statistics looking like this with the level up:

Spiritual Strength: 8

Physical Strength: 7

He had become stronger without realizing it, and that's why even the weakest of the Awakened were important to the human race.

"Hahaha, we leveled up! I have 9 Physical Strengths!" Alliong laughed as he returned to the group.

"And how much Spiritual Strength, Mr. Extreme?" Hayashi looked at Alliong amused.

"Cough... cough... 2..." Alliong tried to hide the number by coughing.

Everyone remained silent.