
Divine Contest

Centuries ago, a mysterious energy called "Mana" revolutionized society, but it led humans to face an unprecedented crisis: the "Great Fall". After centuries of intensive use of mana, flora and fauna mutated, becoming more powerful and intelligent. Confronted with this threat, humanity takes refuge in the bastions, the 21 fortresses, to survive. Humans also begin to mutate, developing greater physical and intellectual abilities, as well as special powers called "systems" and "stigmata". However, a scientist warns of an even more devastating imminent threat: insects, organized and cruel, will mutate in turn. To counter this imminent threat, humans begin to study the beasts and learn to cultivate Mana like them. Mana exercises are created to accelerate this process and copy some of the characteristics, but changing exercises is difficult and risky. As the world struggles for survival, Rin, a semi-awakened with the power to perceive everything around him, finds himself at the heart of this turmoil, determined to find his place in a world in chaos and to protect those he loves from the surrounding dangers. ***************************************** Participate in WSA 2024

Djeezer · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Awakening Ceremony

Every young man and woman aged 16 was making their way to the Bastion's main gymnasium. Among the crowd, one individual stood out not because of their worn-out clothing, a common sight in this ceremony representing the most crucial moment of their lives, but rather due to their singular presence. This youth, in addition to their shabby attire, sported two blackened eyes rimmed with bruises and disheveled hair.

Rin proceeded towards the gymnasium while muttering to himself, "Not only did I have to share the meager piece of meat, but on top of that, he decided to test my physical strength in preparation for the awakening ceremony... It must surely be the absurd idea of the old lady from the bar."

His uncle Ryu, a Physical Awakened, likely of a high level based on the praise some elders bestowed upon him. However, Rin had little information on the matter as his uncle had never wished to discuss it.

11:30 AM - Main Gymnasium

The vast hall was filled with several hundred people patiently waiting.

A young man with long black hair and icy eyes stood proudly dressed in luxurious attire adorned with a sword symbol. His presence captivated all eyes.

"Did you see him? That's Shen Yi from high school number one. They say he's semi-awakened, and several members of his family have already reached the awakened stage."

"I'm from high school number one. Big Brother Shen Yi is the favorite for this ceremony."

Following the enthusiastic praise from the young man towards Shen Yi, a girl beside him immediately retorted, "I sincerely believe that Alliong from the Silver Eagle Chamber of Commerce should not be underestimated. He's an extremely rare Semi-Awakened, even if rumors suggest he's withholding information; he's an extreme Physical Semi-Awakened according to them."

Alliong, an imposing young man with a robust physique and an impressive stature, stood proudly among the murmuring crowd, receiving admiring looks. With half-closed eyes, he awaited the start of the ceremony with impassive patience, ignoring the envious glances directed towards him.

Five individuals, regarded as the greatest prodigies of their generation, including Shen Yi and Alliong, observed each other in silence, exchanging furtive glances, occasionally casting a glance towards a young man with eyes circled in black, his appearance less inviting. Yet, despite his appearance, they withheld their judgment, aware that behind this individual lurked the "old monster" of the slums, a figure respected and feared by all the high-ranking leaders of the bastion.

Ignoring the tension weighing on others and caring little for his ranking, Rin simply decided to sit on the ground. Clad in rags and sporting two bruised eyes rimmed with blue, those around him began to nickname him "the slum panda."

"What an unlucky life... Before my awakening even begins, I'm already burdened with such a degrading nickname!" thought Rin, pretending to ignore the surrounding whispers as he continued to stare straight ahead.

Suddenly, the lights in the hall dimmed, plunging the assembly into darkness. On the main stage stood a man whom Rin mentally described as a veritable wardrobe, his sharp gaze sweeping over the audience. His short black hair framed an angular face, dominated by deep black eyes devoid of any other shade. But what particularly caught Rin's attention was his military uniform adorned with seven silver bands, unequivocally indicating his status as a Level 27 Awakened.

Lieutenant Jin stood up abruptly, his voice resonating through the gymnasium like thunder: "Silence!"

At the announcement of his powerful voice, each student felt a weight descend upon their shoulders, all their attention focusing on the stage.

"Today marks a turning point in your lives... Whether you are the favored son of a consortium or an orphan from the slums, the cards are now in your hands... Awakening will allow you to unlock your stigma, and your system, and thus reach new heights. With this increase in power, you will be able to leave the Bastion to serve humanity. But those who do not awaken will be condemned to remain within these walls, leaving their destiny in the hands of others!

His voice echoed throughout the gymnasium, even the most timid students feeling their blood boil with excitement.

"The ceremony will proceed differently from previous ones; it will be less brutal, less cruel, and leave less to chance." A smile appeared on his initially impassive face. "It will unfold in two stages: a simple physical test, followed by a spiritual test, nothing too complicated."

After a brief pause, he continued: "As you know, there is a ranking of the Awakened, from level 1 to 10 called the 'White' stage, from 11 to 20 called the 'Bronze' stage, and so on. The highest-ranked person in the bastion reaches the 'Platinum' stage, just before level 50."

He waited a few moments before continuing: "To evolve as an Awakened, you must possess either sufficient physical strength or sufficient spiritual strength to break through. It's worth noting that for major breakthroughs, your weaker strength of the two must reach a minimum threshold."

Listening, Rin knew he was what they called a semi-awakened, spiritually inclined due to the nature of his emerging stigma. This allowed him to sense all things to some extent, even if the timing and duration of activation were entirely random.

Lost in his thoughts, he reminisced years. "I believe my spiritual strength is my path, given my abilities... old Ryu."

Rin, looking perplexed, began to grasp why his uncle Ryu had encouraged him to engage in physical exercise from a young age, despite the dubious methods of the latter.

On stage, a young soldier hurried to Lieutenant Jin's side and whispered something in his ear. After his departure, Lieutenant Jin clapped his hands to attract attention: "Well, enough chatter. The first test, the physical test, will begin!"