
Divine Age: I, the Supreme Undead Overlord, Command Trillions!

Update Daily! 9 AM PST ---------------------- "Divine Age," a game where everyone can become a Lord, commanding armies to conquer the world. When this game descended upon Earth, humanity thought they could harness the divine powers it offered... But unexpectedly, the game didn’t just reach Earth; it spread across the universe! A year after the game's public beta, fearsomely powerful alien foes attacked, turning Earth instantly into a hellish battleground! Jason, having squandered half his life, dies only to return to twenty years ago, awakening the unique EX-level talent—[Undead Plague]! Unrestricted command over undead soldiers, all troops automatically transformed into wraiths, attributes doubled, and territory development accelerated a million-fold... Leveraging his unique talent and the informational advantage of rebirth, Jason enters the game, claiming first kills on bosses, first completions of dungeons, monopolizing unique items, high-tier units, and formidable heroes... Ascending to the strongest player! A year later, as the game merges with reality and alien players descend upon Earth. What they, and the entire universe, face... Is an undead calamity vast enough to obscure the world! Wherever Jason's gaze falls, there is only the World of the Undead, turning to scorched earth, with countless [Divine Realms] devoured entirely! ---------------------- WPC FEB Entry! Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! 150=1 bonus chapter 200=2 bonus chapters 500=3 bonus chapters Bonus release will drop the following week!

Sugar_Chestnuts · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter14-Dragon-riding Entrance, The City Stunned

Players in the vicinity immediately dropped what they were doing and rushed over. 

Some enthusiasts started recording videos, while others stared intently at the dragon's form, eager to try and trigger any related quests. 

The crowd quickly gathered together.

In a shadowy corner, a player leaned against the wall, activating a special item.

[Voice Transmission Device]

[Description: Players holding this device can communicate with each other across any distance, ignoring the constraints of space.]

"The Falcon is in position."

"Now, to report significant information," said the player, his face alight with a hint of joy. 

His identity was that of an intelligence agent from Everdawn.

His mission in Losfall was to get as close as possible to the player known as Smith, to gather intelligence. 

For instance, how did the opponent manage to achieve the first kill on the boss and the first dungeon clear? 

Those feats couldn't be accomplished with just the wealth outside the game.

Moreover, under normal circumstances, newcomers wouldn't be randomly assigned to Losfall. 

This indicated that Smith had chosen to come here himself. 

Could there be some secret hidden in this place?

It might even be possible that his consecutive first clears were related to something special about Losfall! 

Could it be that within this newbie city, there lay other more precious resources yet to be discovered?

And now, he had struck gold!

The intelligence agent from Everdawn was thrilled because, after scanning the surroundings, he realized that he was the only one present at the location of this mysterious dragon's descent. 

No other nation's intelligence operatives were in sight.

"Based on my current observations, Losfall indeed conceals something. I'll attempt to approach the dragon shortly and explore the quest line associated with it," the Everdawn intelligence agent said excitedly.

And through the voice transmission device, he indeed received encouragement from the officials of Everdawn.

And at that moment, the gracefully formed white dragon had already landed on the ground.

"I'm now close to the dragon, and it's showing no signs of hostility."

"Wait... what? This can't be possible!!" The intelligence agent from Everdawn suddenly let out a voice filled with extreme panic.

He ignored the confused queries coming from the voice transmission device—questions asking what the agent had seen.

The agent just stood there, bewildered, as if struck dumb.

And beside him, there was a burst of astonished exclamations.

"Holy shit, what's this??"

"No way, is there someone on the dragon?!?"

"That's wrong, I can see the player ID, it's not an NPC?"

"Whoa, which god-tier player is this? Able to ride a dragon??"

With the white dragon's descent, the players easily witnessed a man with the ID [Smith] above his head stylishly vaulting down from the dragon's back.

"It's Smith??"

"He can ride a dragon?? Must be a high-level quest or something??"

While the surrounding players were still discussing, shocked as they were, it was, after all, a legend who had completed two world-first achievements. 

Triggering a high-level quest, riding a dragon, didn't seem too far-fetched...

Including the intelligence agent from Everdawn, who only had a bitter look on his face, initially thinking he was about to achieve a great feat, only to find this high-level task was yet another feather in Smith's cap...

But, the next second.

The myriad of players were dumbfounded once again.

The dragon radiated pure white light, ultimately transforming into a young woman in a black sheer gown, with delicate features and a perfect figure. 

But what was truly astonishing was that, after taking human form, she respectfully stepped back and positioned herself behind Jason.

"My respected master, is this the city you wished to visit?"

Above her head, the characters displayed [Smith's Hero [Carolina]].

The crowd was in an uproar!

"Holy shit? Smith's hero can actually transform into a dragon??"

"This is the value of clearing the dungeon and world boss first!"

"Wow! The heroes in this game are so good-looking, I'm in love."

The players were utterly baffled.

Of course, the intelligence agent from Everdawn was just as stunned, responding decisively to the queries from Everdawn officials in his earpiece.

"We must prioritize our focus on this player Smith to the highest level!"


Jason, observing the surrounding spectacle, slightly furrowed his brow. 

He initially thought that no players would be in Losfall, so he had been lazy about setting certain things. 

Now, he hurriedly opened the system panel and chose to hide his ID by default.

Instantly, the ID above his head changed to [Unknown (Player)], and Carolina's changed to [Unknown (Hero Unit)].

Next, Jason's actions were straightforward. 

He went directly to the most comfortable hotel in Losfall to book a room. 

Additionally, he ordered room service to enjoy the local specialty dishes.

Jason and Carolina dined together.

Although this was top-tier spending, costing hundreds of gold coins for one night, for Jason, who was accustomed to the lavish attention from countless subordinates in his [Divine Realm] in his past life, the conditions still left much to be desired.

Observing his slight frown, Carolina became even more convinced. "My master truly has an extraordinary status." After some contemplation, she made a resolute decision.

Jason had booked two rooms, and soon after he had finished his nightly routine, he prepared for bed while silently planning his future strategies.

"Tomorrow is the first event [Ascended High Tier] of the server launch. No one could complete it in my past life, but with the momentum I have now, I stand a chance to claim all the rewards... The second event [Resurgent Legion] isn't challenging, but the third event [Divine Fury] offers crucial rewards that I must secure..."

After pondering his next moves, he lay down to sleep.

Suddenly, a ripple of mana filled the air.

Carolina was already standing beside his bed.

She seemed to have just finished bathing; her sheer gown was gone, leaving her almost perfectly proportioned body with traces of water droplets still rolling off her skin.

"My respected master, do you require my services?"

Jason remained composed in the face of this situation. 

Divine Age, largely based on a medieval setting, often saw affiliated female heroes ready to share the bed with their lord, provided there was even a slight fondness. 

The same went for male heroes.

The sexual norms of dragonkin were even more liberal than most races, bordering on promiscuous. 

What slightly surprised Jason was that, according to the well-known backstory, Carolina, being a young dragon, should still be a virgin. 

He hadn't expected her to be so forthright and proactive about warming his bed.

Could it be that the authority of the [Undead Plague] had intimidated her?

While Jason harbored some mild curiosity, he was tired from the day's events and didn't mind unwinding a bit. 

Decisively, he embraced the young woman in his arms. 

Carolina's complexion turned slightly red, seemingly a bit nervous.

In his past life, Jason had been with countless women over two decades, his techniques well-honed. 

Holding the young woman close, he skillfully caressed her lower body. Then—

With a soft sound, Jason's fingers entered her, and his expression subtly changed. 

Truly a dragonkin maiden. 

He felt his finger enveloped by an extremely tight and heated gel-like embrace, its enthusiastic warmth challenging even the slightest movement.

His other hand was pressing on Carolina's chest, sinking into the excellent softness there. 

Within seconds, the dragonkin maiden herself could hardly resist.

"My respected master, please… hurry…"

Carolina climbed atop him, her seemingly delicate palm tearing away most of his nightshirt with a gentle force. 

Then, with a flushed face, she positioned herself over Jason and sat down.

With a long moan from the dragonkin maiden, Jason inhaled sharply. 

His mind couldn't help but wander, understanding why some sought inter-species companions in his past life; it was indeed a supreme indulgence. 

The gripping sensation that had enveloped his fingers sent a jolt through him, making him acutely aware of the intensely hot and moist domain he had entered.

"My respected master, umm…"

With Carolina's complexion flushed with excitement and amidst Jason's fervent thrusts, the maiden could only weakly embrace her master's back, succumbing to the pleasure.

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