
Divine Age: I, the Supreme Undead Overlord, Command Trillions!

Update Daily! 9 AM PST ---------------------- "Divine Age," a game where everyone can become a Lord, commanding armies to conquer the world. When this game descended upon Earth, humanity thought they could harness the divine powers it offered... But unexpectedly, the game didn’t just reach Earth; it spread across the universe! A year after the game's public beta, fearsomely powerful alien foes attacked, turning Earth instantly into a hellish battleground! Jason, having squandered half his life, dies only to return to twenty years ago, awakening the unique EX-level talent—[Undead Plague]! Unrestricted command over undead soldiers, all troops automatically transformed into wraiths, attributes doubled, and territory development accelerated a million-fold... Leveraging his unique talent and the informational advantage of rebirth, Jason enters the game, claiming first kills on bosses, first completions of dungeons, monopolizing unique items, high-tier units, and formidable heroes... Ascending to the strongest player! A year later, as the game merges with reality and alien players descend upon Earth. What they, and the entire universe, face... Is an undead calamity vast enough to obscure the world! Wherever Jason's gaze falls, there is only the World of the Undead, turning to scorched earth, with countless [Divine Realms] devoured entirely! ---------------------- WPC FEB Entry! Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! 150=1 bonus chapter 200=2 bonus chapters 500=3 bonus chapters Bonus release will drop the following week!

Sugar_Chestnuts · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter12-Proclaiming the Name of My Lord

What came into Jason's view was indeed the altar for summoning heroes. Unfortunately—

The area around the altar was densely packed, filled entirely with fierce-looking ape-like creatures. 

The valley, originally spacious, was now teeming with these bizarre apes. 

Among them, aside from the weakest barehanded ones, there were others armored like humans, brandishing long swords.

In Jason's vision, their data appeared:

2-tier, Berserk Apes.

3-tier, Dual-Blade Apes.

4-tier, Armored Apes.

5-tier, Ape Cavalry.

As for their numbers, Jason, with his past life experience in such large-scale troop confrontations, easily estimated them. 

There were nearly ten thousand monsters ranging from 1-tier to 3-tier, and close to a thousand 4-tier and 5-tier creatures.

Beside the Hero Altar was a massive ape, robust and strong, with a giant serpent coiled around it, spewing venomous mist.

[Giant Ape]

[Category: BOSS (Unvanquished)]

[Level: 50]

[HP: 3,000,000/3,000,000]

[Attack Power: 900]

[Defense: 500]

[Magic Resistance: 300]


[Toxic Eruption]…

[Crushing Weight]…


Description: …

Even with Jason's composure, he felt a tingling sensation on his scalp at the sheer number of enemies. 

Indeed, the Hero Altar seemed not designed for solo challenges. 

If it weren't for his soldiers, benefiting from a doubled attribute enhancement, and the fact that excluding the boss, the high-end combat power was still in Jason's favor, he truly felt like turning around and leaving.

"This is tough."

Jason frowned deeply, observing the terrain for a good while before his eyes gradually brightened. 

Although the terrain around the Hero Altar was relatively open, it became narrower towards the west. 

Upon further observation of the enemy, the highest-tier monsters were only 5-tier, lacking long-range attacks, and certainly couldn't float in the air like Banshees.

"That means, if I play the terrain right, I won't face too many enemies at the same time."

With a plan in mind, Jason didn't dally; he rushed towards the vicinity of the Hero Altar. As expected, as soon as he made his appearance.

"Eek eek~"

"Ha!" the group of ape monsters roared furiously and charged directly at Jason.

The latter then retreated at high speed, drawing the horde of thousands of monsters out, forming a long line in the valley.

Seeing the opportunity ripe, Jason decisively waved his hand, immediately summoning his army of Subspecies Bone Dragons to block the path of the charging apes. 

Then, the Death Acolytes in the rear readied themselves, their bodies surging with dark green soul fire, while Banshees floated out high in the sky.

With the enhancement of doubled attributes, Jason's army was extremely efficient in output. 

The bone dragons exhaled their dragon breath, the Death Acolytes behind released eerie flames, and the Banshees' role was to use Agonizing Wail, continuously instilling fear in the enemy.

The efficiency of clearing the monsters was excellent at the beginning, as those 1-tier to 3-tier units were practically obliterated upon encountering Jason's main forces. 

Even the 3-tier ones, under the effect of fear, couldn't muster a decent counterattack before being reaped of their lives.

In the entire scene, there was only one picture: that of the ape-like monsters falling into pools of blood, transforming into experience for Jason.

Then, the corpses of the fallen monsters were refreshed by the game, followed by another wave of enemies surging forward.

The first wave…

The second wave…

The third wave…

All enemies were easily dealt with, and Jason finally had the opportunity to test the Death Acolytes' skill, [Propagation of Faith]. 

At his command, the monk-like soldiers knelt and began to pray on the ground, waves of demonic chant reverberating over the battlefield.

"Proclaim the name of our lord!"

"His name is [Jason]."

"Offer your lives to Him!"

The soldiers were diligent, yet Jason saw clearly that the ape-like monsters affected by the skill appeared puzzled. Jason? 

They didn't recognize the name. 

Who is that, they seemed to think. Clearly, the skill wasn't having the intended effect just yet.

Afterward, the fourth wave of monsters rapidly fell.

The fifth wave…

The thirtieth wave—

Jason had already been enveloped in radiant golden light several times.

Level sixteen!

Only then did he realize how overpowered his undead army, enhanced through his five Authorities, truly was. 

When assessing the combat power of friends and foes, he had still been adhering to the habits formed over his past life's twenty-plus years, but in reality, with the attributes doubled, his soldiers could easily engage in cross-tier combat!

A multitude of enemies? 

What's there to fear! 

The more the enemies, the more exhilarating the experience grind.

Over thirty waves of combat had practically cleared all the wild monsters in the valley.

As for those 4-tier and 5-tier enemies, despite appearing formidable enough to massacre every other player in the Losfall region except for Jason, they were completely overwhelmed facing the doubled attributes of the Subspecies Bone Dragons, complemented by the long-range output of the Death Acolytes... These monsters stood no chance!

After being controlled by the Banshees, even the 5-tier units couldn't withstand the terrifying output of Jason's soldiers!

The battle continued, with the narrow passageway of the valley turning into a veritable meat grinder.

Even as the evening sun gradually sank behind the mountains.

Finally, Jason's harvest was nearing its end.

As the final hundred or so monsters remained, the boss, Giant Ape, finally pushed its way to the forefront of Jason's soldiers. 

At that moment, Jason issued a direct command.

"Use [Prey]!"

The Death Acolytes knelt once again, their hands clasped in prayer.

"Praise our lord [Jason]..."


A dark blue radiance shimmered.

The attributes of all Jason's soldiers were amplified by another 50%!

Then came the battle skill.

[Bravo! Losfall]: All your soldiers gain an additional 30% critical hit rate, lasting five minutes.

Jason raised his sword.

Instantly, the output of his soldiers surged once again.

Although the BOSS quickly went into a frenzy, it was powerless against the Subspecies Bone Dragons, whose attributes were doubled, who had damage reduction, and could decrease the opponent's output.

And what was even more terrifying—

Jason's team was perfectly configured, capable of delivering a triple-layered attack: the bone dragons' charge, the long-range output of the Death Acolytes, and the Banshees' psychic damage.

The three different units supported each other without any interference, maximizing the output.

Within the five minutes of Bravo! Losfall, the Giant Ape's HP had already been significantly reduced.

In the end, it took less than half an hour. 

The formidable entity guarding the Hero Altar suddenly trembled, exploding into a cloud of green venom and scattering a plethora of glowing orbs across the ground. 

The kill was successful!

Jason displayed no particular joy; the head-on confrontation with the boss had its toll, and he lost a total of three Subspecies Bone Dragons, as his divine spell hadn't cooled down yet.

He casually picked up the dropped items.

"You have obtained 10 Basic Resource Packs."

"You have acquired equipment [Swallow Helm (Iron)], [Wooden Tower Shield (Iron)]."

"You have obtained materials [Ape Tendons], [Damaged Swords and Blades]…"

The rewards were not very impressive; the equipment was meant to be given to other players, and the materials Jason got were common, generic types.

Then, somewhat excitedly, Jason rubbed his hands together and took about five minutes to finally approach the Hero Altar. 

He took out the previously acquired [Divine Summons]—

A beautifully styled charm inscribed with golden text, and placed it on the altar.

Immediately, the charm merged into it, and then, Jason felt a brilliant light before his eyes, as he was transported to a strange realm.

Splendid and radiant, the place was shrouded in mist, where men and women adorned in various armors and garments roamed freely. 

The aura emanating from each of them hinted at their extraordinary nature.

Jason, too, was slightly astonished by this scene; in his past life, he never had the chance to select a hero like this. 

However, he didn't feel overwhelmed by choice.

He directly accessed the panel that lit up before him, opting to search for a specific hero. After a brief operation,

A glint flashed in his eyes, and his consciousness returned to the space in front of the Hero Altar. 

Subsequently, a light shone above the altar.

A pale blue portal unfolded.




Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, a figure emerged...

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