
Divine's Sanctuary

A story of a civilitation ruled by gods and their citys in another universe not ruled by gods. The image is by Tahra? here is the original https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/57702438955973298/ I took inspiration on some novels for some things.

Divine_Beast02 · Fantasy
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4 Chs


The leader of the deathclaws is extremely unhappy and angry he extremely dislikes humans, for the reasons of when he was a little young deathclaws he saw some humans killing his brothers deathclaws but he knows it will be dificult to fight humans thanks to the monsterits and range.

So he decided to send some scouts to see how strong are the humans and if they have the mysterious weapons they posses. As the leader is debating to attack the humans or not and making plans to counter the monsterits and the range advantage of the humans, the most intelegent scout that he blessed with, is going to the smell source to do his leader order and his curiosity as he never saw a human and just heard the stories of the few deathclaws that he can understand and talk to, different from some other that just say food and enemy and charge at anithing even if they are alone that to him is dumb, he always ask to himself why some of them are born better than everyone else he asked the leader one time and the response he got made him confused (maybe thats the way it should or be or not, maybe is just chance or just because we may not know) he did not understod what he said at all maybe he will never, and that scares him, He tought for a while things that would suprise humans if they could read his mind coming from a thing that looks like a mindless beast, until he remebered he has mission to do and he got side tracked with questions of the world and his, he should be observing humans he thought.

He decided to start running to the source for he wanted to ask questions to the leader about the previous thoughts he had, first the humans.

Some minutes later he arrived at some hundred meters from the source smell and he saw something similar but not the same as their home, he saw some things that he presumes are humans but he is confused in something why are they so weak, the others said why there are weak humans some are dangerous to them normally is one dangerous in each small human conglomerate but all he sees is weak beings and a few weak four legged monsterits that are bring used pull something and other animals that he saw as being reserves for later consuption by the humans.

The scout(Wish im going to kindly call as Sam) is deciding if he should go closer to see if those humans have those weapons the others talks about, better do a trough job than nothing he goes closer to the place.

Random Villager Pov

As i was hearding a horse to tilt a the farms i saw a monter i never thought of.

The beast a black as the dark of a lightless night it was if he was seeing an incarnation of darkness but when he looked more at the beast he saw that there are parts that glow a blinding white as the sun but it appears it does not illuminate the sorroudings for some strange reason.

The beast just stood there observing me and my fellow people like a beast hungrily looking at his prey but when he looked at the beast white eyes saw something he never tought of seeing on something like this a glint of curiosoty and intellegence.

The Villager stood frozen for minutes or he thinks until he saw the going back to the dread forest.

"I need to tell everyone of this beast."

He runs to the closest person and he tells what he saw.

"W-w-w-W-Wait a are saying you saw something looking at you that came from the forest."

He Nods"Alright i believe you for now let's talk to the village elder"

Both Villagers go to a big house in the middle of the setlement and they knock on door.

"Mister Aren we have something to tell you, its important."

A middle aged person opens the door "What is so important about?" The middle aged man says.

"Josh here says he saw a monster close to the village and just looking at him"The villagers on the right says.

The smile on the middle aged man turns into a frown imediatly"How did it looked like?"

Josh nods and procedds to say the appearance of the monter"It was as big as a bull balck as dark itself but its mouth and claws and antennae where blinding white."

The elder gulps"Prepare some horses and make it ready to escape in any moment and prepare to defend our home from that thing i tell my daughter to prepare to evacute at a moments notice.

Lazyness strikes again

Divine_Beast02creators' thoughts