
Divine's Sanctuary

A story of a civilitation ruled by gods and their citys in another universe not ruled by gods. The image is by Tahra? here is the original https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/57702438955973298/ I took inspiration on some novels for some things.

Divine_Beast02 · Fantasy
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4 Chs


This chapter Will be long as the Next too, im trying to see if it Will get some reconission first and make more poblably week after it reachs a 10000 views. In short is a pilot.

In the making of this chapter i understood something Im terrible in making names so im using name randomizers.


In the kingdom of Nqub there was a metting being made.

(???1):The great Violent Woodlands is a place to be coveted...My sir we should send a exploration after we send some scouts to do some exploration or whatever they do we need and we really need that forest's resources, for the war that Will Come sir. (???1): Kneels down to the man on front of him.

(???2): Do not ask further duke Micheil i would have done independently of them refusing or acepting.

(Micheil):Thank you my Sir.

Two weeks after...

(???1):"Chanelle were here in the Violent Woodlands."

(Chanelle answers with excitement and a little of fear looking at the forest): "That's true Aline We're here... let's rest and wait for Morning."

As the two girls prepare a tend something is happening inside the forest.

There a city of concrete, glass, and more modern materials, inside one of those places is a school and there two people are talking.

(???):"Pace, Tomorrow is a outside ativicty so be carefull of the monsterit and of kidnappers(He said with disdain)."

(Pace):"Yes director Fulk, i will bring these kids safely."

(Fulk): "Let's hope there isn't some robers following, but you are poblably strong enough fight them of, right the great tamer of the capital city Pace Terry Grahame."


Back to the scouts they are preparing for the materials nedded for the exploration

Food for 3,6 weeks, water bags for water(obviosly) and their weapons of choice for Chanelle is a somewhat fancy sword or shortsword something in between and a small portable with a level crossbow as she isn't that strong to use a heavy bow or pull the string.

Aline is bringing her trusty Heavy Bow(this bow does not exist i think)and trowing knives, her melee weapons is a sword and a swordbraker(imagine a dagger with a serrated back but in cubes instead of sharp triangles it works by locking the enemys swords with the back part of the swordbraker, "it does not break swords so please Aline don't try to use to break a sword"quote of Aline's teacher).

(Aline): "Let's go Chanelle to the forest?!"

"kkkk. aren't you a little exited Aline." :(Chanelle says chuckling)

After walking sometime admiring the unique visage of this forest that is extremely beautiful with trees that glow a condesedent glow of Yellow and green and things that these scouts didn't see in normal forests or demonic forests to even fairy forests this is poblably the most beautiful forest that they saw, but they felt that in their reports this forest should be a normal one so they are a little on edge for it.

(Chanelle):"Aline this wans't on the reports of the villagers this might be dangerous let's hea..." a bang is heard and has they look they see a gigantic black and red lizard with wings.

"Wha..wha..what is that i've never seen this, in the monsters book, run Aline":(Said a scared Chanelle)

As both girls ran in fright the Lizard looked at tilting sideways looking at them coriously and a little sad making them scared, so he decides to help them if they need it as it follows them carefully to not scare them again.

After the both of them run for a time and when they think are safe they sigh in relief.

(Aline):" That was scary never saw that thing,

do you think that is a dragon it had some flames on it."


(Aline):"You crazy wh¢re are you crazy don't scream."

Chanelle a little unhappy being called a name by her friend shit ups imediatly, looking around.

(Chanelle):"It was a surprise that it had flames on his body that means that Lizard thingy is a strong elemental beast but just dragons and fire elemental normally show those fires"

(A confused Adaline):"Wha... You saw a dragon?...!

(Chanelle):Noo, let's continue exploring, that must be the apex of this place.

After exploring some more they found a strange rock on the ground it was clean and polished as if someone was cleaning it but no people they know of lived this close.

(Detail of the stone) is circular, the center is a little higher than the ground.

After some more carefull examination they saw some rectangular black crystal thing on the ground it had small white cube on the left and around it is as if has been sliced a circle around it.(I hope you understood this discription, if not then try to Guess on the comments i Will say the correct one)

(Aline):"Interesting to what reason was this made?"

(Chanelle):"Anyway let's do our Job Adaline that is to Scout."

(Aline):"Alright, alright we can do that lat...shhhz you hear that?"

They try to hear the sound something they didn't think of hearing in this forest a human voice.

They imediatly run to the sound and hide on a bush and peer trough it to see a handsome men talking to a brunch of Young Kids.

(Chanelle):"Natives?...wait we can understand them that doens't make sense."

(Aline):"shss...Let's hear them."


(Pace):"Kids you where brought to the outskirts of the capital to train you and help you capture your first monsterit."

(Kids):"Yes Teacher!"

(Pace): "Good kids i Will first show you what a monsterit first is" he says as removes something from his belt this a Monster capturer but you younglings have a name for it."[Put a cool name for these beautys here]

He trows to the ground and a imposing nine headed beast appeared from it.

(Kids):"A nine dragons!?...the Legendary nine dragons?!?!"

As Pace is laughing at the Kids reactions he looks at his beloved beast that he captured with dificulty it noticed it looking at a bush in curiosity.


Some minutes ago

(Aline):"Is he a Teacher?"

(Adult):"Kids you where brought to the outskirts of the capital to train you and help you capture your first monsterit."

(Chanelle):"Ohh so he is a Teacher but what is a monsterit it cannot be monsters can it?"

(Kids):"Yes Teacher!"

(Adult): "Good kids i Will first show you what a monsterit first is" he says as removes something from his belt this a Monster capturer but you younglings have a name for it."

(Aline & Chanelle):"A what? "

He trows to the ground and a imposing nine headed beast appeared from it.

(Aline & Chanelle):"A hydra?!?!"

(Kids):"A nine dragons!?...the Legendary nine dragons?!?!"

(The minds of two scared girls): 'Ohhh sh!t... and is looking at us we are gonna die aww'

(Aline): Should we run or should we talk.

(???):"You should Talk my recomendation or be risked being counted as kidnappers"

(Aline): "Kyaa!?"



(Pace):'After hearing some Talk on the bush i go Talk to the two girls that are there, Im getting old i should be able to indetify beings in my sorroundings easily.

After getting behind the girls unnonticed i hear on their conversation... don't appear like kidnappers huh... must be some curious female monsterit tamers. I wonder wich race they are as they are kinda beautiful not as the monsterit nurses these are hot ones as if they where made by a god, wait they where...ignoring that let's Talk and scare them a little'

"You should Talk my recomendation or be risked being counted as kidnappers"



"Are you monsterit tamers if yes you can observe the kids train and capture monsterits

or i can help if you are lost."

'Looking at them better they have exotic clothing'

This is like a pilot the second Will be shorter and be more Times it took me half a day to do this Chapter.

And comment to give me a good name on my perfil.

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Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Divine_Beast02creators' thoughts