
Divine's Sanctuary

A story of a civilitation ruled by gods and their citys in another universe not ruled by gods. The image is by Tahra? here is the original https://www.pinterest.pt/pin/57702438955973298/ I took inspiration on some novels for some things.

Divine_Beast02 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Grand City

Chanelle:"Lost?...Yes,YES, we are lost so could you bring us to...('do i say city or village this guy looks quite importante let's say a place to rest': Chanelle tought) a nearby place to rest, could you show us the way, please?

Man:"I will, name's Pace and both of you are?"



Both girls scream.

"Alright follow me"Pace said to them.

After the girl follow the man for a time, both coriusly asked some questions.

"Why where you with those kids are you a Teacher?"

"Yes, i am teacher and these kids are old enough to be capable of having monsterits with them and defending themselves."

"Ins't it dangerous to leave them alone there?"

"No they have Erwin there."

"Erwin...? is it the the Hydra?" Chanelle said with coriousity.


"Nothing"She shuts her mouth to not make him suspicious of them.

After some more walking they go to the place where they found that strange circular rock.

"Where here the teleporter, where do you want to go?"

'Should i say to where his place is?... Yes is better let's hope its in a village or something similar': Aline tought.

"To your place then."

Pace looks at them thinking that these girls are peverts or something.

"The capital city then"

Pace starts touching the tablet to the teleporter to the capital city.

The ground starts to glow, lines of energy that looks like is coated on fire the lines become two, three, four, magic circles(to the scouts) appear its quite a beautiful sight and magical.

The girls are in awe and fright of this ocurrence, so they close their(is this right?) eyes when they open the eyes after some minutes they look in awe in seeing what is in front of them houses higher than 3 floors and some are made purely out of glass some are made of material they never saw and there is some gigantic building in the distance that looks like a colosseum but the thing that surprised them the most is the that monster are walking around as if the are a normal day thing.

The girls are impressed with these people to say the least.

"You girls probably fought a lot of monsters so you should get you IDs ready and heal your monsterits and sell all carcasses if you killed some monsters"Pace told the girls before going back.


Scene chance. Inside a majestic palace rest a person with horns that appears on the sides of the head and points to the back that same person has some scales and is good looking,

he have snake eyes and more serpentine characteristics on his body he is right now with toughtfull look on his face.

'Is it me or is my sanctuary smaller i should check if that is true or not'

After that fought he immediately release a strange aura that if a normal person to be around would want bow down ask for mercy and look at him in awe.

"Fu*K I'm right my sanctuary is smaller but not by a little but by a f*cking lot what the hell happened am my being attacked no impossible im one of the most feared people in the divine circle so it shouldn't happen and the other eight made a alliance between us so no other gods have interferd in my sanctuaries so i'm giving the mission of knowing it got smaller to my subordinates they are better suited for that!"The person says "Alfonso come here!?"

"Yes my sir"Alfonso says behind the person.

"You were here all the time?!"He said "Sir I just got here, sir are you alright?"

"Yes why ask"he said confused by the question. "Sir normally could have felt me in thousands of meters but you didn't even found me behind you sir so that's my question."Alfonso said with slight relief. "ohhh makes sense is because I felt my sanctuary become smaller to just enclose all the cities but not the in-between the cities."

"Yes that is not normal, so what I have been called for my sir"

"Call Frederica tell her to scout the entire world we are in for intruders and strong beings and I will talk to some people."

"I will immediately sir."

Scene chance

The nine dragons is a beast that is said to be capable of destroying a city and is one of the hand made monster by the beast God and a being to be respected and feared but there is one that is playing with some kids and is waiting for someone this nine dragons is called Erwin yes Erwin there could have better names but the owner has terrible naming sense so no harm is done okay back to Erwin, he is playing with the children when a giant lizard with flames on his body and well build muscles appears scaring some of the children momentarily but after a time they get really happy.

"Holy is a fire Lizard" some kids exclaimed.

The lizard looks at the children and think they are cute and he sees Erwin so he starts talking to him.

"Never saw you here before?"

"I came here with my sir, fire Lizard so im just here temporarily to my sir teach this children so no unnecessary battle for both of us."

"I am gonna believe in that for a time so did you two female adults humans pass here?"

"Yes, why?"

"I just scared these poor creatures and I'm gonna say sorry to them."

'How he lives up for fire lizards being one of the most nicest and friendly and intelligent of the monsters different of those deathclaws that would attack any human on sight"

"The were they go?"

"I overheard they say the capital city of Eracte" Erwin says pointing in a direction with his tail.

"Alright then im going to where you where you said" The fire Lizard says while walking to where Erwin pointed.


1003 Words huh took some time.

Sorry I'm lazy but it think is a little better now isn't it.

Divine_Beast02creators' thoughts