
Divided by Law; Bond by Love

Two sides of a coin which could never mix because of the great contrast in their lives. “For all my hate and what I have lost, my revenge shall be a dish best served cold.” Doe, an accomplished black-hat hacker, with a vengeance mission against everyone white-skinned. On her path of revenge, she strives to keep her secrets and emotions intact but fate had other plans for her and love found its way again into her cold heart when her lover, by the law, must hunt her! Jim, a police detective who hates his job, comes across an interesting black lady in one of his escapes, and later she becomes the start of good things for him.  Soon, he gets an irresistible offer of cracking a case to gain his long-desired freedom. What he didn’t expect was the cherry on top?  She was his crime and freedom. Yet, stole his heart and broke the law!

sir_impeccable · Urban
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16 Chs

You Are Also A We

You are also a We!


"Open the fucking gates and let me in." The lady with the brown crop top and the high waists blue jeans yelled out.

She had a duffel bag in the right hand as she stared daggers to the security guard who was before her.

The security guard had an irritated expression on his face. It was like he was tired but yet could not shake off this woman from him.

"I don't understand you. There is not evidence of any visitor coming to this house. You are trespassing." He said to her as calm as possible even though he looked like he was about to explode.

The lady in reference oohed out, pointing a finger at herself. "You have the guts to talk to me like that? You wanna fucking lose your job? Eh? Tell me!" She chanted to his face.

"Look, I'm fed up of this. If someone sees you, there'll think that you got jilted by your boyfriend. Unfortunately miss, you are constituting a nuisance and you are trespassing on this property." The security guard insisted, his eyes stern as he stared daggers at her. "If you don't leave now, I would call the police on you." He threatened more, digging into his pockets.

At this reaction, the girl spoken to smiled wildly. Just about then, she heaved as her limbs left the ground. The next minute, she threw her bag right over the top of the see through iron bar gates now.

"What? What did you do? Now, you really would get it." The young security mister growled, watching her bag land within the property.

The gate was made of iron bars, with little floral grasses in front of it. It was one of the exquisite ones in the estate where it was located.

Things were always so quiet within this estate. Unfortunately, this day, or rather, this night, this crazy lady had decided to make his job a night mare.

He hesitated, between entering to bring her bag and standing at the pedestrian way to block her. Based on how crazy she was acting, he was sure she would rush into the compound the moment he left.

"Tsk! Are you possessed? He asked her, grunting.

"Oh, you fucked! You want to know who's possessed?" The lady beat her chest.

She threw her fists in the air now like some boxer on steroids, muttering curses at the gate.

"Oh, Come taste this sweet sugar lumps fingers. You scared now? You scared?" She chanted, dancing about while throwing her fists in the air at him. All the while waiting for the moment he left the gate to rush in.

"AMBER?" A feminine voice exploded behind the lady, stopping her dead in her tracks.

She turned back now, her face lighting into a smile as she saw the one she was looking for.

"DOE!" She screamed out, rushing to the baggy drsssed Doe who had a suspicious glance on her face.

However, just as she came close to Doe, the latter quickly sidestepped, completely avoiding the hug.

"Ah! That was harsh. That's not fair." Amber cried out. Hugging herself as she turned to Doe.

"Amber? I didn't give you my address, how did you find my house?" She asked her.

"Boss! I don't know who this crazy is but she is really giving me issues. Wait…" The security man said. "You know her? Oh good! I'm not losing my job today." He groaned.

"What?" Amber cocked her head.

She had chubby cheeks, a pale skin and milky hair with some red tints in between. She had large bosoms and a general large body in constrast to Doe. With cat eyes, she looked like a beauty.

That is, if you could excuse her bratty nature. She smiled at Doe now, licking her lips as she winked.

"Did you forget that you taught me how to track phone calls?" She shrugged. "When I called you earlier. I knew you wouldn't call me back… but I really want to see you." Amber said, her face contorting to reveal immense sadness.

The sharp transition hit Doe that she was not able to say anything for a second or more.

Whatever it was that hit Amber, it must have been that huge.

"B-but even if… you don't have to use what I taught you against me. Come on!" Doe groaned as she walked to the gate.

The security guard promptly stepped aside now, allowing her through. She stopped, one step after she came in and turned her head around.

"You coming or what?"

"What? Really?" Amber gleamed. "I thought you would kick me out. You always tell me how much you like your privacy and how you don't want me to. You know…"

"It's a yes or no question, Amber. You coming or not?" Doe shut her up.

Sighing, Amber rushed in, but not after she stared daggers at the security guard.


"I should be mad at you, you know. I don't like this." Doe complained just when they got into the living room.

Like her room, the living room was truly exquisite. A large screen smart TV of black being the only different color in the room. The rest, even the furniture and the gadgets all were in white.

Amber flopped on a sofa, stretching her hands and her legs while she yawned.

"I know. But like I said, I don't know what to do."

"You are an adult, Amber. Grow up! I can't fix your shit all the time." Doe sighed, coming around to sit in the arm of the chair.

She had her legs folded but just placed a bit over Amber's legs as she stared at her. She smiled briefly and then patted her friend's head.

"Something is wrong. You know I have my boundaries but yet, you did what I don't like to come to see me." She inhaled while Amber looked at her with innocent puppy eyes.

"You want to tell me what is really going on?" Doe asked. "I won't bite, I promise."

"I missed you. That's all." Amber muttered, placing her head against Doe's thighs by her side. "I just wanted to see you and have some girl time."

"You are lying."

"I'm not!" Amber weakly protested, playing with some strands of her hair.

"If we want to have some girl time, I would have booked us an hotel room. Vacation, beach party. We do not do girl time in my house." Doe said. "For you to come here, to even use the lesson I gave you on tracking call locations, this means that this is serious."

"Fine! Promise you won't hate me when I tell you." Amber asked, lifting her head to look at Doe.

"No promises. I hate keeping people's hope high." Doe flatly said.

"Fine…" Amber replied with a week voice, sitting up now. "I broke up with my boyfriend."

"And?" Doe cocked an eyebrow at her.

"And…" She sucked in an unsteady breath. "Is it possible for someone to change? Like you are one person today and then tomorrow, you become another person? Like, that's a thing, right?" She looked up to Doe.

Doe shook her head.

"I don't care what anybody thinks."

"You are so difficult to talk to." Amber complained.

"Then why did you come here?"

"Because my mother can't stand me." Amber whimpered, lowering her head.

She brought her feet up, crossing her legs till she was in a lotus position while she inhaled, deeply.

"That's Bullshit!" Doe dismissed it, shaking her head. "Your mum would kill than do anything to make you sad."

"I know. " Amber said, looking up to her. "The problem is me, Doe. I'm a Lesbian. I am the problem." She whimpered.

Doe narrowed her eyes at the confession.

Amber? A lesbian?

Now, she thought about the question Amber asked earlier. If it was possible for people to change, to become completely different persons.

Was this what she meant when she asked that?

"Oh no, no. You are not a problem, Amber. Just because you are a les doesn't make you… you know… it's your life and your mum shouldn't…" Doe shrugged, exhaling.

"I know. I know. I googled a lot of things up. I just found out that… I don't… I'm not really interested in guys." She grimaced.

"Okay! That's fine! Don't just start liking me." Doe shrugged.

And they laughed.

"So this is what put you into a sad state? Where is that Alpha Amber I know?"

"She is still here." Amber patted her chest, smiling. "She is just sad that she lost her job because she is a Les."

"What?" Doe gasped. "That's crazy! You're kidding, right?" She dropped from the arm to sit now, making Amber scuttle away for room.

"No, I'm not. I… my boss likes me. He's kind of been trying to get me but I was with Dan. Sooo…" She rubbed her face with the right hand. "He hears me and Dan broke up. And he gets me flowers to ask me out." She gesticulated with her hands. "But I don't like guys. So I tell him and he gets into a fury. Feels cheated like I owe him for staying till I left Dan."

She closed her eyes.

"That doesn't say how you lost your job."

"He worked up some bullshit to get me fired. Everyone tells me he was the one. He's fighting me because I am a lesbian." Amber whimpered.

"You can report employer maltreatment, you know, right?"

"You think I haven't tried that?" Amber frowned. "He shut down every case that came up. More like got a slap on the wrist while they advise me to get another job. Ugh. It's so frustrating."


"Mum thinks I was an idiot for not agreeing to date him. But if I did, I would've lying to myself. I can't live with that. I feel like I'm cornered, and the whole world's against me." Amber whimpered.

"Amber, If the whole world is against you, you should know I am always for you." Doe smiled. And where there is a We, there is power... Nobody should have to treat you this way because of your sexual preference. It's Inhumane." Doe sighed.

"Whoa… look who's getting fired up for me." Amber laughed.

"Cut the crap! I know why you are here." Doe smirked. "I'll help you."

"And why am I here?" Amber leaned to her, a wink on her face.

"You want me to hack him away. I know a cute devil when I see one." Doe grinned.

"So…" Amber grinned, a cute puppy face on now. "Are you helping?"

"Of course! I had a taste of being sidelined because of my skin, remember?"

She shook her head, a deathly cold stare on her face.

"I don't want you to experience anything similar because of your preference. So I will stand with you, Amber, till you get the justice you deserve.

Because you are not just a you. You're also a We. So if anyone hates on you because of this, I don't care. I will drag them to the pits of hell myself if I have to." Doe declared.

Nobody should have to judge another person because of skin color, sexual preference and the likes.

Every human is created perfect. And their choices remain personal. Let’s try to respect this in others.

Happy living, humans.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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