
Divide of Angrossia

All he remembered was desperately protecting his genius nephew, Rain Tatsuya. As one of the Leaders of the Japanese Yakuza, Leonidas Tatsuya's family were always targets. After being shot several times protecting his nephew and reaching safety, Leo succumbed to his wounds. Waking up in a luxurious looking bedroom with many people he has never seen before, Leo obviously was greatly confused. He would later find out that he was somehow in the game his beloved nephew made, Divide of Angrossia. The first Deep Dive virtual MMO. Leo only knew basic things about the game mainly because having interactions with his nephew brought him danger. He knew of two things. First that a catastrophic war was going to be the main storyline. Second, it was a World of Magic and Esper Superpowers! Before figuring out how he was here, he would first have to learn about the world and figure out how to survive this drastic war. Another was... Were players still going to appear in this world!? If so, how will it affect the war and his new life!? Follow Leo on his journey, a new life he never expected before from being a crime boss!

LeoVonNora · Fantasy
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1 Chs

The Prince of Rosia.

-My body is so cold. My whole body is aching. Rain should be safe now at least.- Trying to look around in the black abyss around him, Leo saw nothing at all. Just pure darkness. -A fitting place for me. Being engulfed in darkness and feeling this pain is probably my penance for some of the things I've done. Those snakes must be happy that I've finally died so they can try and take my territory. Hehe hopefully my punks don't stay and fight them, I'm not worth them dying too.- Sighing, Leo still tried looking around for something to occupy his mind off the pain and coldness his body was feeling. After an uncountable amount of time, a light showed itself ahead of Leo. -What is this?- Leo tried reaching out to this foreign light. Then, something startled him. -I can move my Limbs?!- After who knows how long he could only feel that he could move his head and no other appendages. But now he could move. -What exactly is going on!?!- Leo's hand slowly got closer to the light and felt a warmth. Then all of a sudden a sucking force pulled his entire being (if he still was one) to the light. A massive amount of pain ascended his body, much more than before. The pain slowly weakened, and he felt like he could sense many things around him. Slowly he tried opening his eyes that were closed due to the pain. Upon opening he saw a miraculous ceiling. Streaks of purple and gold art fluttered on the walls and ceiling in the room. -What the fuck is going on?! Where is this place? I don't ever remember being is such a place before!-

Taking in his surroundings again he realized this room was huge. With a giant metal double door amassing 6 meters tall. The room was about 30 square meters, it also looked like it had it's own private bath and giant closet. Then trying to move his body and moved his arm to touch his face. However when he saw his hand he was shocked. -My hand wasn't this small before! Then looking at his body and realized he was a small boy. I'm a child? Am I hallucinating!?- Suddenly the huge door opened with a *creakkk* and a maid walked in. The maid kept her head down while bringing in a bucket of steaming water and a rag. Walking over to the bed the maid finally looked up and he eyes alighted to an awake boy looking right at her. Seconds later she screamed and ran out yelling something Leo couldn't understand. A minute later many people entered the room. At least 15 people came in. One looked like a doctor but another thing Leo took in was that several were armed with swords, weird staffs, and some with nothing. The constant was that all were in some type of armor. This group of people were escorting two people. One a man with a brilliantly adjourned crown with many jewels, Sleek silver hair with breath taking magenta eyes with slight slits in his eyes like a snake. Wearing a purple robe with gold and black patterns that couldn't hide his muscles looked very domineering. The pressure this man had set off alarm bells in Leo's head. -The stench of blood is very high on these people, especially the man with the crown. He is probably a king.- Leo thought to himself. He then looked at the women. Raven black hair with sparkling sapphire blue eyes, a very seductive body shown through her tight blue dress. As soon as Leo looked into the women's eyes, they watered. She then ran over with the man and hugged Leo.

Leo was startled for a second, then was barraged with intense pain to his head making Leo scream out with a grunt and clutch his head. The doctor looking one rushed over to the bed and and started saying something, soon a soothing aura overcame Leo and the pain stopped. Leo looked up the doctor and and was amazed at seeing the light for a few seconds before it disappeared. He suddenly remembered several things, such as where he was, His name and many other small things. -This the Capital of Rosia: Nora? The Kingdom of Dragons and Wyrms? I heard this somewhere before haven't I? Oh my god, this is Angrossia?!?! Isn't this the game that Rain helped in creating? More and more information filled his head and he confirmed this was, without a doubt Angrossia. I remember Rain telling me that war played a part in most of the storylines. The players would join a side in later versions. I wish I had more information.- Seeing the shocked look on the boy's face the woman panicked.

"Leo my dear what's wrong? Hurry and help my son Astin! Don't worry darling, everything will be fine soon!" the woman said.

After a few more seconds of being unfocused, Leo shock his head and looked at the woman. "Mother... I'm alright. I don't understand what just came over me but the pain is gone. You don't need to worry." Then looking at the doctor he said "Thank you master Astin for helping me."

"No need for thanks, Your Highness. It's just my duty." Astin humbly said and bowed.

Looking at the man with the crown, he brought up the courage to say "Father..."

The man instantly lessened the pressure "My son, you are alright, thank the Gods."

"What happened to me I can't seem to remember much." Leo said trying to obtain more information.

The king's face darkened and said. "Those damn Leviathans again trying to kill my heirs. They targeted you during your brother's Grazia party. These damn slugs keep passing my bottom line but I can't act recklessly. Thankfully the shadows were able to protect you from everything else besides the minor injury's you received."

"Dear we still need to amass more troops and supplies. You know my father gained information that the 'Gate of Domigas' with be opening in about 12-13 years. We shouldn't start a war before it opens or else we will be at a disadvantage and the eyes watching will be reworded at our expense." Leo's mother said while sighing.

- 'Gate of Domigas'? Hmmmm, the war would probably be in 12 years at the earliest then. I kind of wish I could know more about the game but I couldn't always interact with Rain for his own safety. What else did he say? Right! This world has magic and superpowers. Pure mages, Magic swordsman, and beings with Esper powers. He said that there was about an infinite amount of Esper abilities but they were more rare than mages. 50% of the world could learn magic and about 15% can become an Esper. Some Esper's can even get more than one power but was super rare. He also said that some of the top grade Esper abilities even affect laws of the world and universe. This means in the time before the war begins, I can obtain ways to protect myself or amass power and hide from the fallout.- A feeling of guilt rose in Leo's heart at that moment?-What is this? I'm feeling sad of wanting to hide? These people aren't my real family! All I had was Rain! But even -with a heavy sadness -I might never see my family again.... my beloved nephew....-

Leo started crying out of nowhere. No one understood why he started crying, but he was still a child. After all, children cry often. Leo's mother pulled him into her embrace, soothing rubs on his back and head then a soothing hum was heard.

"Leo, whatever is bothering you let it all out. I'm here for you my son" she whispered and continued humming.

Another torrent of tears flooded out, Leo was never this loose with his emotions and only saved them for his nephew. His 'Mother's' voice and hum was very comforting which confused him. -Is my body effecting my emotions?- What he didn't know was the remnant of the old Leo's soul was fussing with his in that bright light. Melding the personalities of both of them. Soon the sequela would disappear and the molded soul would feel complete. Making him more accepting of his new identity.

Looking at his son, Emperor Ignis Von Arch Nora felt a bloodlust and sorrow at the same time which he didn't understand looking at his son. The emperor continued looking at his son and this feeling disappeared. Thinking he was imagining it, shaking his head he called out "My son, it is about time we start you training in the combat arts and royal education. With the repeated attacks, we will start you a year early to help defend yourself. You better be prepared."

After finally collecting himself after a few minutes of crying and hugging his mother, Leo responded "I understand Father. I look forward to training!" he said with a smile. -After all who wouldn't want to have superpowers and magic. You bet your ass I'll learn!-

Leo's mother hugged her son tighter and said "My dear, we will take our leave and let you get some rest. I'm sure that you are still tired out. I love you hun now make sure to get some sleep. We will send someone to bring you dinner and help you fully recover."

The breathe taking smile she shone was infectious and Leo smiled back at his mother and father. Everyone left the room shortly after and Leo was left alone in the room with a maid. Laying back down Leo started thinking. -So much happened today and much I still don't understand. Looking at the positives : I'm alive... through what means I don't know but this makes me think that maybe my nephew lived and saving him gave me this chance. The little good I had. Let's see where this goes, Rain. Your uncle loves and misses you so much! I'll live free like I wish I could with you!-